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Web Page Design
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Wei
Ext: 5896
Email: [email protected]
Schoology site:
Learning Site: &
Appointment Hours: Arrange a time with me during your lunch period or after school if you
need extra time/help to complete a project.
Schoology code: _ CVXM4-28DWG__
Tips: For setting up a new account,
please use your active email address for the
account name.
– the password shall be amat2015.
Beginning office
Remind 101 Info:
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce high school students to various skills, methods, and
techniques related to basic web design, including HTML hand coding, CSS (cascading style
sheets), Java Script, image optimization, basic animations, Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop.
Students will be required to utilize a number of learned web design skills as well as real-life
aptitudes such as reading, writing, imagination, self-expression, problem solving, attention to
detail, work ethic, follow through, and communication skills.
The main focus of this class will be production (the actual creation of web pages and web sites.
Upon successful completion of this course, students may apply for admission to Game Design
course and the opportunity to explore the web design related careers.
Course Standards
National Educational Technology Standards for Students
1. Basic operations and concepts
2. Social, ethical, and human issues
3. Technology productivity tools
Technology communication tools
Technology research tools
Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
Materials Required Daily
Text: (No textbook is required! Yeh! )
 Get the flash drive from your beginning office or Purchase one from the school student store.
 Special notes:
 Drive is collected at the end of every class session.
 Google Account is required
Expectations for Students
Keep up with all online lessons and maintain a Web
Design binder.
Complete and turn in all coursework
Attend all Web Design Workshops
Ask for help when you need assistance
Respect peers, instructors and yourself
Follow the Acceptable Use Policy
Use all equipment properly, safely, and as directed by
your instructor
Class Structure / Grading Policy
During the 18 weeks of this course, you will learn to create fully functional web pages!
Class time will be divided between demonstrations, tutorials, guided practice and project assignments. The class will be as real
world as possible with deadlines, multi-tasking, management skills, problem solving technical difficulties, etc.
Grading will be heavily based on student’s process and completion of in-class web-based projects, but will also include
classroom participation, out-of-class assignments, quizzes, and the midterm and final. (A-90% B-80% C-70% D-60% F-0-59%)
Quizzes may or may not be announced.
Reminder Sign Up:
App Info:
Students & Parents
Web Page Design
Course Syllabus
Class Structure / Grading Policy (continued…)
Learning web design skills requires consistently building upon previous knowledge, so good attendance is absolutely necessary.
Most assignments will be worked on during class time; sufficient time will be given for homework assignments that require use of
a computer.
It is the student’s responsibility to gather information missed due to absence. All work will be due 1 week after upon the student’s
return to class. Deadlines may be extended in unusual cases with prior teacher approval.
Late homework will not be accepted. Late long term projects will only be accepted with prior teacher’s approval.
Students will lose one point from their total point accumulation each time they are tardy to class. Students will lose 5 points each
time they cut class.
Grading will be heavily based on student’s process and completion of in-class web-based projects, but will also include classroom
participation, out-of-class assignments, quizzes, and the midterm and final.
 Good Conduct (Citizenship) (10% of grade): Citizenship is graded based on every class basis. Your effort for class work and
attention in following direction are the two main factors in this 10% of grade. If your behavior in class is consistently a problem
for me, it will affect your Good Conduct grade.
The grade in this category starts from 75 points. Throughout the semester you are encouraged to make it 100 points.
 Home Work (5% of grade): This course is not homework intensive.
technique to help you with your main projects..
Homework will be given regarding design concept and
 Projects (40% of grade)
In class projects will be handed out about every 2 chapters. These projects are graded on the basis
of properly completing them. Some of our projects will be ongoing. This means you will add to them as we go with the new
functions we learn in successive chapters.
 Quizzes (25% of grade)
We will have approximately 8 quizzes throughout the semester. Our book chapters are short, so
quizzes can cover up to 3 chapters. Quizzes in web design usually involve both written work as well as practical work on the
 Final Exam (20% of grade) You will have a final exam that requires you to create a real life web site from scratch.
Attendance/Make up work Policy:
You are expected to make up projects within 1 week of your absence.
Contacting home: I will email/call progress reports home often.
Materials: Save assignments in the flash drive and also turn in works to schoology. Always save the file followed by your initial.
You shall save & submit all required assignments to Schoology.
Fast students:
Some students will be able to complete assignments literally two or even three times as quickly as an average
student. I need you to be responsible for keeping your mind busy by either bringing work from other classes or browsing the
Internet for sharpening your web design skills.
Web Page Design
Course Syllabus
Classroom Student Expectations / as a student in
this class, it is expected that you will follow our 10
Golden Rules…
Come to class prepared and on time – quietly in seats
Never ever
Judging design involved many different aspects
of aesthetics and craftsmanship. Below are the
aspects of design which are most important in
the design process.
when the bell rings / log in
 Design Skills
Listen actively – No talking during instructional time –
1) stop, 2) look, 3) listen
Understand and use the
Principles & Elements of Design
Come to create – “Imagination is more important than
knowledge” - Einstein
Use of Color
Do your personal best – be an active participant in
Legibility, Readability, Font selection.
your education rather than a passive recipient; work and
have a
of us!
learn to your highest potential
Respect your classmates – their opinions, their work,
and their property
Keep things organized – help each other; “do it right or
Consistency, use of styles
 Technical Skills
File Formats
 Invention
Originality/ Show Independence
Solve Problems Creatively
Demonstrate Original Thinking
Look for Depth of Solution
do it again”
Behave – abide by your “in-school code of behavior”
Allow yourself to fail – learning from your mistakes is
 Pursuit
Demonstrate Effort
Finish within Deadline
Show a Positive Attitude
Do your Personal Best
part of the creative process
Take care of our computers – use your computers
for their intended purpose/ No food or drinks in the lab.
10. No random internet surfing, no videos, and no games
Productivity and Accountability
Leadership and Responsibility
Social and Cross-cultural Skills
Initiative and Self-direction
– period!
Expectations for Students
Keep up with all online lessons and maintain a Web Design binder.
Complete and turn in all coursework
Save all works in the flash drive or online portfolio space.
Ask for help when you need assistance
Respect peers, instructors and yourself
Follow the Acceptable Use Policy
Use all equipment properly, safely, and as directed by your instructor
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this part on page 3 to Mrs. Wei by Friday (1/9/15).
Student Signature_______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________
Student Name___________________________
Parent Email address_____________________________
Period no.______________________
Parent/Guardian Cell no._________________________