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The Story of Ancient Greece
Geography of Greece
A. Greece is a small country in ____________ Europe.
B. Greece is on the ____________ & ____________________ Seas.
C. The main part of Greece in on a _______________.
D. The rest of Greece is made up of _____________.
II. Greek City-States
A. Because Greece is made up of many islands, and has many tall mountains, the Greeks built
_________________ instead of one country.
B. A city-state is a city with its own _________________________________
C. Greek city-states acted like their own ______________
III. Sparta
A. Sparta was located in the ___________.
B. Sparta was very _____________ and had its own _____________.
C. Sparta conquered other city-states to gain ________________________________.
D. There were ___________ classes of people in Sparta.
IV. Sparta’s Classes
A. Only men born in Sparta were ____________ but could not vote until age _____.
B. Women were not allowed to become citizens but were allowed to own land and
________________, which gave them more freedom than other ___________________.
C. The second class was people who came from other places. They could own ______________
but not __________ and could not become __________________.
D. The third class was ____________.
V. Sparta’s Warriors
A. Education was centered around the _____________________.
B. Young boys were taken from their parents at age _____ and trained to be ______________ as
well as good in sports such as _______________.
C. Girls were also trained to be good in ______________.
VI. Athens
A. Located _____________ from Sparta, Athens was another city-state.
B. The people of Athens wanted to rule themselves and not have ________________.
C. Athens became the world’s first __________________ around 508 B.C.
D. A democracy is a government in which all citizens can __________ and have equal say in what
VII. Democracy in Athens
A. Only Athenian men were able to be _____________ so only they could ________.
B. __________, people born outside of Athens, and slaves could not _______.
C. Each year _________ names were picked of all citizens and these 500 would serve in the
____________ for ___ year.
Pericles was the ______________of creating democracy in Athens.
He was a well know ____________, ________________, & ____________
Pericles had many buildings like the _________________ and the _____________ built.
IX. Education in Athens
A. _______________ was very important in Athens.
B. Boys went to school to learn to _______ and __________. They also learned many
C. Girls were not given any formal ___________________.
X. The Greek Alphabet
A. The Greeks borrowed their alphabet from the ____________________.
B. Most European languages, including _______________borrowed ideas from the Greek
XI. The Thinkers
A. Socrates
I. Tried to explain the ________________________
Taught by asking ______________
The _____________ Method
B. Plato
I. Was a student of _______________
Started a school called __________________
C. Aristotle
I. Was a student of ____________
Wrote about ____________, art, ______ & government and _______________
XII. Alexander the Great
A. Alexander the Great was the son of King Phillip II of ___________________ located north of
B. He was a student of __________________ and thus loved ____________ way of life.
C. During Alexander’s youth his father conquered much of _________________.
D. After the Kings death Alexander conquered the rest of ________, Persia, ___________, the
________________and Northern India allowing all place to ______________ themselves as
long as they were ___________.
E. He also shared the ___________ way of life.
F. Alexander died at age _____ from malaria but never lost a _________________.