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Weimar Republic
Name given to new Germany 1918. Germany became a Republic – the Kaiser stepped down.
Shortened version of National Socialist - stood for strong Germany.
Nazi storm troopers - 'brownshirts' - used by Hitler to break up, heckle opposition meetings
Shultzstaffel: ‘protection squad’. Elite, black shirted bodyguard units for Hitler
Ruhr Crisis (1923)
Industrial area of Germany. When Germany failed to pay reparations, the French took it over. Caused
great resentment. Hitler used this to his advantage.
Money lost its value. By 1923 it became so bad that it was known as 'hyper-inflation'. Along with
unemployment, Hitler used this to gain support.
Munich Putsch 1923
Hitler tried to overthrow the Weimar government. With General LUDENDORFF they marched on Army
Headquarters. The putsch was defeated.
Dawes Plan (1924)
Germany borrowed money from America. This helped the Germany economy to recover.
Mein Kampf
(a book) Hitler was imprisoned for his part in the Munich Putsch. In prison he wrote the book, which
translates as "My Struggle." In it he sets out his policy regarding Germany.
Gustav Stresemann
Became Chancellor of Germany in 1924. Life became better for German people as he signed the Dawes
Plan and introduced a new German currency called the 'rentenmark'. As a result, Hitler's popularity fell.
Died in 1929.
German Parliament
The Great Depression
A world-wide economic slump which hit first Germany in 1930. As a result, people turned against the
Weimar government and listened to Hitler again.
General from WWI who gave Hitler his support. People were impressed with this. In 1933 he made Hitler
Enabling Act
Passed by Reichstag, it gave Hitler powers to pass any laws he wished.
Reichstag Fire
A Communist, Van der Lubbe, started a fire in the Reichstag. He was used by Hitler to show Germany that
the communists were prepared to do anything to get control of Germany. This increasesd support for the
violently anti-Communist Nazis and helped Hitler to pass the Enabling Act.
The Night of the Long Knives
Ernst Roehm was a friend of Hitler who had control of the SA. Hitler suspected Roehm was a threat to him.
He got rid of them by having them murdered along with other SA leaders and opponents of the Nazi
government. These murders were carried out by the SS and became known as 'The Night of the Long
Secret police force set up by Hitler to weed out opposition. Given wide powers of arrest.
Concentration Camps
Set up in mid-1930s for those who opposed Hitler.
Nuremberg Laws
Laws passed to discriminate against Jewish population. Jews could not hold government jobs or work as
lawyers, doctors, or teachers. The right to vote was taken away.
Josef Goebbels
Minister of Propaganda - his job was to see newspapers, films, etc. hammered home a simple message:
Adolf Hilter was Germany's saviour.
Hitler took this name. It means 'Leader'.
Rudolf Hess
Deputy Fuehrer
Hermann Goering
Leader of the Luftwaffe (Germany equivalent of RAF)