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Know the following vocabulary:
Chloroplasts: an organelle found in the leaves of green plants
Glucose: a simple sugar produced during photosynthesis that is an important energy source in living
organisms and is a part of many carbohydrates.
Pigment: chemical compounds which reflect only certain wavelengths of visible light (giving the organism
color) and (in some organisms) captures certain wavelengths for photosynthesis
Stomata: any of the tiny pores in the epidermis of the leaf or stem of a plant, that allows movement of gases
in and out of the intercellular spaces.
Chlorophyll: pigment that absorbs most of the colors in the spectrum and reflects green and yellow
Cellular respiration: process when food molecules are broken down to release stored energy; CO2, water,
energy released (takes place in mitochondria)
Photosynthesis: process when energy from the sun absorbed by chlorophyll in chloroplasts creates glucose
for plant
Mitochondria: the powerhouses of the cell; organelles that break nutrients down and create energy for the
cell through cellular respiration
Fermentation: form of respiration that converts energy form glucose when oxygen is insufficient; occurs in
the cytoplasm
Reactant: the substances present before a chemical reaction takes place (C6H12O6 + 6O2-> 6H2O
Product: the substances formed during a chemical change (C6H12O6 + 6O2-> 6H2O +6CO2+energy)
Autotroph: an organism that can make its own food through photosynthesis
Alcohol fermentation: when oxygen is not present yeast break down glucose into alcohol, CO2, water, and
Know the following concepts:
- What causes dough to rise (i.e.- know about fermentation)
- About the processes of photosynthesis & cellular respiration
- In what part of the cell photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular fermentation occur
- Why photosynthesis is so important to humans and other animals
- The 3 things used to make glucose in photosynthesis and how the plant acquires each
- What organisms that can’t perform photosynthesis must do to produce energy
- That all organisms, including plants, use cellular respiration to get energy from the chemical bonds in