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World History UNIT 9 Review: World War Two (See Ms. Garvey’s Webpage for Online Review)
___________________This militant government emphasizes loyalty to the state and obedience to its leaders.
Giving in to Hitler's demands is a form of _________________________.
The Battle of Stalingrad resulted in a Soviet victory because of a ___________________, Soviet Counterattack,
and Hitler’s refusal to retreat.
Totalitarian governments are characterized by the use of censorship, ___________________ and repression.
The Great Depression of 1929-33 brought ___________________, rise of __________________ parties, and
blame on the Weimar Republic.
In the years between the two world wars, MOST democracies were replaced with ____________________.
__________________This German military strategy depended on surprise and overwhelming force.
______________________ conditions let to political changes in Russia, Germany, and Italy.
________________________A German general, known as “Desert Fox,” commanded the Afrika Korps.
Hitler to restrict civil liberties of his German opponents when the _______________ burnt down in 1933.
Stalin’s policies in the Ukraine during the 1930s directly resulted in widespread ______________________.
What type of party were the Nazis __________________.
The Battle of Britain was fought in the ____________ over Britain.
Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to not fight each other is known as the _____________________ pact.
The truth about anti-Semitism is that it is _______________, not inborn.
The Bolshevik Party gained support of the peasant class promising Peace, ____________, ____________.
______________________ Government printing more money causing value to decrease and prices to go up.
The _______________________was designed to transform the Soviet Union into an industrial power.
_________________________He believed true revolutionaries could found in the rural country amongst the
peasants. Became China’s greatest revolutionary leader.
Nazi Ideology consist of a revenge for the Treaty of Versailles, a pure ______________ race, and
The killing factories created to annihilate European Jewry were called ________________________.
The famine in Ukraine resulted from the Soviet government’s attempt to ________________________ farms.
________________________Fascist leader who became Dictator of Spain following a three year civil war.
Opposing groups challenged the power of the Russian Czar after the _______________________war in 1905.
After the fall of France in 1940,______________________________ set up a government in exile in Britain.
The discrimination of Jews in Early Nazi Germany was made possible through the _______________________.
World War I created conditions in Russia that helped trigger a __________________________.
During World War II, Germany, Italy, and Japan were known as _________________ powers.
The Nazi answer to the "Jewish question in Europe" was the _______________________.
At the _____________________ Nazi war criminals were tried before an international tribunal.
____________________ act allowed Britain, France to obtain US weapons without having to pay cash up front
The “Night of Broken Glass,”on November 9, 1938, is known as _______________________.
________________________- This event “officially” started World War Two.
A mass slaughter of Jews and other civilians, carried out by the Nazi’s is known as the ___________________.
____________________A campaign of terror in the Soviet Union that sought to eliminate all Parties that
threaten Stalin’s power.
_______________ and _________________are both totalitarian governments that rule by one political party,
deny individual rights and have dictators as leaders.
__________________ conference allowed Nazi Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia in return for Adolf
Hitlers pledge to respect Czechoslovakia’s new border.
Hitler promised to restore German Greatness, bring _____________, and he blamed the ___________ for
Germanys economic problems.
World History UNIT 9 Review: World War Two (See Ms. Garvey’s Webpage for Online Review)
______________________ was a resistance group spread anti-Nazi leaflets around Germany during the war.
The change in ________________ leaders was important in Potsdam Conference following the war.
This World War Two invasion was the largest land and sea attack in history ________________________.
Essay Questions:
What ideas and events lead revolutions around the world to challenge existing powers? (Explain.)
How did Hitler come to power in Germany AND what events, ideas, or people led to the rise of Nazism in
Germany? (Provide THREE different examples and Explain.)
Who is RESPONSIBLE for the Death of millions of innocent Jews and others during the Holocaust?
(Provide THREE different examples and Explain.)
What is our duty today to those who lost their lives because of the Nazi crimes? (Explain.)