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Teaching Program for the students of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
YEAR 3 (admission 2012/13)
Course: infectious diseases
Thursday, 14.15 – 16.00; 02.10.2014 – 22.01.2015
Name and address of the Department:
Chair of Infectious Diseases
4, Arkonska str.
71-455 Szczecin
tel. 91 8139456, [email protected]
Head of the Department:
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Marta Wawrzynowicz-Syczewska
Person responsible for didactics:
Prof. dr hab. med. Marta Wawrzynowicz-Syczewska
[email protected]
Total hours:
30 h total
10 h seminars
20 h practical classes
ECTS points: 3
Teaching Program:
Topics of the seminars:
1. HIV infection and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – prof. Miłosz Parczewski
2. Prophylaxis of infectious diseases – prof. Miłosz Parczewski 16.10.2014
3. Viral hepatitis – epidemiology, clinical aspects, treatment and prevention – prof. Marta
Syczewska – 02.10.2014
4. Basic epidemiology of infectious diseases – dr Magdalena Pynka – 23.10.2014
5. Practical approach to antimicrobial therapy – dr Ewa Karpińska – 20.11.2014
Practical classes will be conducted at the bedside on one of the three units: liver unit
(building L, 3rd floor), HIV/AIDS unit and general infectious diseases unit (building J).
Forms of activities: see the regulations below
Evaluation: see the regulations below
Obligatory booklist:
F. Southwick. Infectious diseases. A clinical short course. 2nd edition. McGrow-Hill.
Harrison. Internal medicine. Chapter: infectious diseases.
Second choice textbook:
R. Reeds and R. Betts. A practical approach to infectious diseases. 5th edition. Little Brown
and Company.
These rules are based on the general rules in the Pomeranian Medical University
1. All courses of infectious diseases, conducted by the Chair of Infectious Diseases, are located
in the Marie-Curie Hospital, Arkońska 4 str., buildings L & J.
2. Infectious diseases classes are held weekly in one semester according to the schedule
presented by the Dean’s Office.
3. Every change in the time-table must be approved by the Dean (written approval).
4. During infectious diseases classes it is not allowed to have any other classes, exams or
5. The list of students is presented by the Dean’s Office. Any changes on the list must be
approved by the Dean (written approval).
6. Infectious disease course consists of 5 seminars (10 hours) and 10 practical classes (20
7. Participation in all classes and seminars is obligatory. Any absence, which is not warranted by
the sick leave or the Dean’s note, makes getting credits impossible.
8. In case of the absence seminars and practical classes must be made up upon the personal
agreement with the teacher.
9. After completing all seminars and classes, and passing the final test, students get credits and
a signature in the chart of records.
10. The final test will be conducted during the last practical class. It will consist of 30 questions of
one choice. To pass the test students have to give at least 21 correct answers. Students who
fail are allowed to have two repeats according to the general rules. The repeats in oral form
will be taken by the Head of the Department after personal adjustment of the date.
11. In case of any issues concerning teaching, please contact prof. Marta Syczewska, who is
responsible for EP in the Chair of Infectious Diseases.