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Plate Tectonics Review
Know the definitions of these terms and how they relate to plate tectonics.
1. What layer of the Earth makes up the tectonic plates?
2. What layer of the Earth do the plates move over?
3. How many major plates are there?
4. Why is plate tectonics the unifying theory of geology?
5. What is the Ring of Fire?
6. What was the start of the theory called, who came up with the theory and when?
7. What was the name of the supercontinent that the person in the above question came up with?
8. What is Laurasia?
9. What is Gondwanaland?
10. What is Panthalassa?
Explain the following early pieces of evidence for Plate Tectonics:
11. Jig-saw puzzle fit
12. Rocks, geologic structures & fossils
13. Paleoclimatology
14. Why was the theory not accepted at first?
15. What evidence led to the acceptance of plate tectonics?
16. How was this evidence first obtained?
Explain the following recent pieces of evidence for Plate Tectonics:
17. Magnetic striping
18. Deep sea drilling
19. Satellite measurements
20. Global positioning system
21. What are convection cells?
22. Why is there heat in the mantle?
23. Explain what happens in convection.
24. Explain how convection drives (causes) plate tectonics?
What did the following people contribute to plate tectonics?
25. Arthur Holmes
26. Harry Hess
27. J.T. Wilson
28. What are the 3 types of plate boundaries?
29. At which type of boundary is new lithosphere created?
30. At which type of boundary is lithosphere destroyed?
31. What’s happening in a convergent boundary?
32. What are the 3 types of convergent boundaries?
33. What is subduction?
34. In oceanic-continental convergence, which plate is subducted? Why?
35. What does this cause? Give examples.
36. In oceanic-oceanic convergence, which plate is subducted? Why?
37. What does this cause? Give examples.
38. What happens in continental-continental convergence?
39. Why does neither plate subduct?
40. What is caused be this type of convergence? Give examples.
41. What happens in a divergent boundary?
42. What are the two types of divergent boundaries?
43. Where are mid-ocean ridges located and what happens there. Give examples.
44. Where are rift valleys located and what happens there. Give examples.
45. What happens at transform boundaries?
46. What is common at transform boundaries? Give examples.
47. What are hotspots?
48. What is the name for the heated material in the mantle that causes hotspots?
49. Where are most hotspots located?
50. What do hotspots cause? Give examples.
51. Why are there usually no effects of hotspots in continental crust?