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Human Body assessment questions
7th grade
4.01 – Analyze how human body systems interact to provide for the needs of the human organism.
RBT Tag – B4
1. You have been sick for several days when you finally decide to go to the doctor. The doctor feels your
lymph nodes, runs some tests and discovers you have a fever. He tells you that your immune system is
unable to get rid of the illness and prescribes an antibiotic for you. What is the purpose of the antibiotic?
a. to slow down the bacteria in your body or destroy it
b. to prevent you from ever getting sick again
c. to protect you from spreading the illness to others
d. to make sure you never get that specific illness again
2. Nedra is walking on a trail through the woods when a lizard suddenly crosses the path. Startled, Nedra
jumps off the path. As she watches, the lizard crawls away apparently unaware of her. As Nedra continues
her walk, she notices that her heart rate and respiration have increased. Which of the following best
explains what has occurred in Nedra’s body?
a. Her nervous system triggered a release of epinephrine from her
adrenal glands causing an increase in her heart rate.
b. Her musculoskeletal system helped her jump off the trail causing
her respiration to increase.
c. Her respiratory system increased to reduce Nedra’s body of excess
d. Hormones from Nedra’s endocrine system caused her to jump off
the trail.
4.02 – Describe how systems within the human body are defined by the functions it performs. RBT
Tag – A2, A3
1. What organ system is responsible for transporting needed materials to the body cells?
a. skeletal system
b. muscular system
c. circulatory system
d. nervous system
2. Which of the following would most directly affect the proper operation of the digestive system?
a. broken bone
b. heart attack
c. a sore throat
d. liver damage
4.03 – Explain how the structure of an organ is adapted to perform specific functions within one or
more systems. RBT Tag – A2, A3
1. How do the lungs function within the excretory system?
a. the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon monoxide
b. the lungs absorb carbon dioxide from the air
c. the lungs help to release carbon dioxide while absorbing nutrients
d. the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide and release waste products in cells
2. Why is it necessary that humans have a four-chambered heart compared to a twochambered heart of a fish?
Humans are larger than fish, so we have more chambers in our heart.
Humans need a four-chambered heart to connect to the respiratory
Humans only develop a four-chambered after they reach puberty.
Fish have a separate blood supply for their gills.
4.04 – Evaluate how systems in the human body help regulate the internal environment. RBT Tag –
1. To maintain human life, oxygen is required and carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product. These
gases are exchanged in the lungs, where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is released. Where in the
body is the oxygen actually used and carbon dioxide produced?
a. in the cells of the lungs only
b. in the cells of the heart and the lungs but nowhere else
c. in the cells of the brain only
d. in all the cells of the human body
2. Which of the following scenarios would best explain the following physiological changes to the body?
“Constriction of the blood vessels, reduction in urine production, reduction of digestive system activity, and
loss of evaporative cooling from sweating.”
You are sitting on a sandy beach with your feet in the sand.
You are walking quickly through a tropical rainforest.
You are resting in track of woods located near your house.
You are stranded in the desert miles from any other person.
4.05 – Analyze how an imbalance in homeostasis may result from a disruption in any human
system. RBT Tag – B5
1. A close family member is diagnosed with diabetes. Which digestive organ most likely led to this disruption
in homeostasis?
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. gall bladder
d. stomach
2. A tumor has developed on your medulla oblongata. Which of the following could be one of your possible
You have uncontrollable hiccups.
You are experiencing a round of gastric distress.
Your heart rate is extremely irregular.
You currently have lock jaw.
4.06 – Describe the growth and development of the human organism. RBT Tag – A2, A3
1. As a fetus is growing and developing inside the mother, what is the source that allows them to receive
a. the placenta
b. the uterus
c. the mother’s digestive system
d. the umbilical cord
2. Fertilization of the egg typically occurs in which of the following locations?
fallopian tubule
4.07 – Explain the effects of environmental influences on human embryo development and human
health including smoking, drugs, alcohol and diet. RBT Tag – A2
1. Which of the following prenatal activities could lead to low birth weights and higher frequencies of
developing asthma?
a. eating fast food 3 times a week
b. smoking
c. walking 2 miles a day
d. not taking prenatal vitamins
2. Which of the following explains the effect of drugs on the body?
a. Drugs stimulate the body which cause you to age faster.
b. Drugs reduce the effects of the endocrine system.
c. Chemical processes in the body, produce substances that block the effects of drugs.
d. Drugs destroy the body’s natural ability to produce stimulants.
4.08 – Explain how understanding human body systems can help make informed decisions
regarding health. RBT Tag – A4, A5
1. A person has had surgery to remove his gallbladder. Which of the following foods should this person now
avoid eating?
a. foods high in fats
b. foods low in proteins
c. foods low in carbohydrates
d. foods high in fiber
2. Why are obesity and anorexia equally detrimental to the body?
a. Both cause the body to produce more adrenaline.
b. They work exactly opposite on the circulatory system.
c. Both increase stress to the heart and circulatory system.
d. Eating disorders cause an increase in respiratory diseases