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Review Exercise for Section 19 Identify and revise sentence snarls.
Identify and revise any sentence snarls in the following passage. Some sentences may not contain any
Many people think that electroshock therapy was only used to treat mental illness until the middle of
the twentieth century. You may be surprised to learn that this radical therapy is still used as a treatment
of last resort for certain diseases. The reason is because electroshock therapy, which triggers a grand mal
epileptic seizure in the patient, somehow alleviates symptoms of such mental illnesses as depression. No
one knows why the convulsions are effective, but they do seem to help many patients.
Because the treatment works is no excuse for torturing people who are already suffering, however,
and electroshock in the 1930s was undoubtedly a hideous procedure. Placed on a gurney with electrodes
applied to the temples, doctors simply sent a strong electric current into the patient’s brain. The resulting
convulsions sometimes caused patients either to dislocate a joint or bones were broken. Eventually,
advances in medical research made the decision to provide patients with anesthetics and muscle relaxants
before electroshock therapy was administered. By changing the procedure dramatically reduced injuries
to patients.
Electroshock therapy continues to strike many people as barbaric. Many doctors who have and
continue to claim success from electroshock therapy believe, however, that it can be a better treatment
for major depression than drugs. Nevertheless, sending electric current into a patient’s brain it still seems
extreme, and no one today would suggest that a patient undergo the procedure if any other treatment
seems likely to work.