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Cell membranes
Super filters-Desalination and
chemical separation devices.
molecules that act like lightning
rods for sunlight, channeling light
energy and then absorbing it.
Photozymes are also like enzymes
Chlorophyll and
in that they trap molecules in a
"sweet spot", using the absorbed
sun energy to do chemistry.
Example: when scattered in sunny
water, photozymes can break
down pollutants such as PCBs into
harmless compounds.
Computer in a thimble-DNA's
shape-fitting and self-assembly
powers allow it to solve
mathematical problems that have
so far stumped conventional
Rotary motor-the bacteria twirls
its flagella with a motor of
Flagellum bacteria
molecular proportions that may
be mimicked in molecular-sized
machines. (And we thought we'd
invented the wheel!)
Tiny solar cells-"Pentads" are
solar batteries that mimic the
leaf's reaction center. Molecular in
size, they could one day be used
Leaves: specifically,
the "photosynthetic
reaction centers" in
green plants and
to split water into clean-burning
hydrogen gas and oxygen. Or,
they could be used as computer
switching devices that shuttle
light instead of electrons. Or, they
could be the light-activated
"power packs" that help catalysts
assemble and dissemble chemical
compounds. Imagine doing
chemistry in pure water, using
sunlight and no toxins.
Constructed wetlands-sewage
treatment facilities that clean a
community's water while doubling
as a wildlife refuge.
Consider the bacteria that live at
the roots of marsh plants. These
are organisms that are excellent
at filtering and cleaning water.
Microtubules: the
ubiquitous protein
Signaling array-Optic computing
tubes that form the
network which self-assembles into
"skeleton" of our
a light-signaling array.
Jigsaw computing-A new
computer processor based on the
Neurons and other
kinds of cells
lock-and-key match-ups between
organic molecules. Jigsaw
computing would blow our digital,
silicon model away.
Purple bacteria with
Organic computer memory-A new
a protein that kinks
kind of computer switch that
and unkinks in
opens and closes in response to
response to light.
Hard coatings-for windshields
and bodies of solar cars,
airplanes, anything that needs to
Abalone mussel
nacre (mother of
pearl coating)
be lightweight but fractureresistant. A crystalline coating
self-assembles in perfect precision
atop protein templates. In the
abalone, it's a 3-D masterpiece,
tougher than anything we can
Freeform fabricator-builds 3-D
objects layer by layer using CAD,
Antlers, teeth,
bones, shells
ink-jet technology, common
minerals, and the blueprints of
living organisms. This layer-bylayer assembly was inspired by
natural biomineralization.
Barbs on weed
Velcro-perhaps the most wellknown biomimetic invention.
Underwater adhesive-unlike our
glues, it sets underwater and
Blue mussel
doesn't need a primer, an
initiator, or a catalyst to work.
Could revolutionize paints and
coatings, and enable surgeons to
operate without sutures.
Blue mussel byssus
Composite materials-A
(The tether attaching
collagen/silk mix with a blended,
the mussel to a solid
rather than abrupt, interface
between the two materials.
Design idea for composite
materials (e.g., in robot arms)
that need both toughness and
Alternative to plastics-A timerelease coating for disposable
cups, silverware, plates, etc. It
Blue mussel byssus
protects for a certain period of
time (a few months, perhaps),
and then degrades, allowing the
degradable material underneath
to be composted.
Submarines-Hull material that
Dolphin and shark
deforms slightly to shrug off water
pressure. Same with airplanes
and air pressure.
Elastin, the elastic
protein in heart
Intelligent materials-Materials,
fabrics, fibers that stretch and
contract in response to heat, light,
chemical changes.
Organ antifreeze-New ways to
Fish antifreeze
freeze human transplant organs
without injury.
New fiber manufacturing
technique-A way to manufacture
fiber without using high heat, high
Orb-weaver spider
pressure, or toxic chemicals. The
fiber is stronger and more
resilient that anything we now
have; could be used in parachute
wires, suspension bridge cables,
sutures, protective clothing, etc.
Strong cylinders-Design could
help agronomists breed better
Porcupine quills
wind resistance in wheat and
Consider carbon nanotubes.
Self-healing material-that is both
Rhinoceros horn
compressively and laterally
strong--a new fender?
New antibiotics, fungicides, etc.Marine creatures, which live
Sharks, anemones,
and other marine
surrounded by pathogens in the
sea, are full of novel defenses.
There are many different
nanoscale research topics
Amazing lubricants-instantly
absorb up to 1500 times their
Slug mucous
weight in water. Can also "clean
and jerk" and so might be helpful
in molecular machines.