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Feb. 26
1. The end of apartheid in South Africa marked a change in cultural beliefs that led to an expansion of ?
Economic Sanctions by other countries
Citizenships practices such as voting
Segregation of different groups into race-based homelands
2. Most adherents of the dominant religion practiced in NORTH Africa worship in
Temples, Mosques, Churches, Synagogues
3. Largest Desert on Earth, Aquifers Offer Salvation
The headlines above best suit which desert?
4. Which of the following responses to poaching represents an international influence on public policies
regarding the management of natural resources?
Increased use of anti-poaching unites by the Kenya Wildlife Service
Use of tourist income on environmental protection programs
Establishment of national parks and national game preserves
The ban on the ivory trade by the Convention on Trade in Environmental Species
5. Which of the following is not associated with the AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Earnings and GDP’s have dropped
Solutions to the problem are inexpensive
Life expectations are dramatically shorter
Lack of education increases the problem
6. In Africa, a key factor that has led to desertification is the
Loss of animal Species
Burning of fossil fuels
Disposal of toxic waste
Overgazing of livestock
Feb. 26
7. Mali, Niger, Chad - all three countries are LL? What’s that stand for?
8. The ancient Nile Valley had a comparatively high population density because of its……..
Topical climate, intensive agriculture based on irrigation, heavy industrialization, designation as a
sacred site.
9. One of them most important motives for the European “Scramble for Africa” in the late 1800’s was?
Religious inspiration
The need for free labor for the Americas
To encourage technologically innovative practices
The need for raw material used in industry
10.; Regular Water Supply, Increased irrigation/Increased profit, End Drought Forever
The headlines above would best be suited for a newspaper article supporting
The construction of ????