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Environmental Science
Terrestrial Biomes & Aquatic Ecosystems Project
Objective: Students will create presentations that demonstrate and explain the abiotic
and biotic conditions present in terrestrial and aquatic biomes.
General Instructions:
o Students may work alone or in pairs.
o Design & create an informational presentation for one or more terrestrial biomes
& aquatic ecosystems. Read the section titled “Presentation Criteria” below for
directions on what information to include.
o In order to receive any credit, a works cited page must be included. If a works
cited page is not included the project will be returned ungraded.
o Students will receive 2 points for each item from the “Presentation Criteria” that
is present and correct in your presentation. Partial credit for individual items
will not be awarded.
o Student may create presentations for as many biomes as necessary in order to
receive 100 points.
o For every additional 100 points earned beyond the initial 100, extra credit shall
be awarded in the form of 1 additional class work, homework and test grade.
o This assignment is worth 2 class work, 2 homework grades and 1 test grade.
Presentation Criteria (Terrestrial Biomes)
1. Latitude and altitude ranges where the biome can be found
2. A map of the Earth showing the areas where the biome can be found
3. A picture of the biome.
4. Average annual temperature & temperature range in degrees Celsius
5. Average annual rainfall and the rainfall pattern throughout the year measured in
6. At least 5 labelled images of plant species found in the biome
7. At least 5 labelled images of animal species found in the biome
8. An image showing a food web with at least 10 organisms in the biome
9. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of the annual rainfall patterns
10. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph)of the soil type to include
thickness and nutrients present
11. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of the predominant plant life.
12. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of at least 1 specific plant
and 1 specific animal adaptation present for organisms living in the biome
13. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of the economic significance
of the biome
14. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of the current threats to the
biome from man’s activities
Presentation Criteria (Aquatic Ecosystems)
1. Depth ranges where the biome can be found
2. A map of the Earth showing the areas where the biome can be found
3. A picture of the biome.
4. At least 5 labelled images of plant or algae species found in the biome
5. At least 5 labelled images of animal species found in the biome
6. An image showing a food web with at least 10 organisms in the biome
7. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of the predominant plant life.
8. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of 3 specific adaptations
present for organisms living in the biome
9. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph) of the economic significance
of the biome
10. A description (at least one, 3 sentence paragraph)of the current threats to the
biome from man’s activities