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HUMANOS”. Córdoba noviembre 2009
We, assembled in the XX Feminario organized by the "Plataforma Andaluza de
Apoyo al Lobby Europeo de Mujeres" (Andalusian Platform to Support European
communications media and political institutions, empowered by their actions and
words, conscious that our agenda has improved democracy, and knowing that
women's rights are an inalienable part of Universal Human Rights, issue the
following statements:
CONSIDERING that anything that happens anywhere on Earth has an
immediate effect elsewhere, so is it crucial to continue to encourage
women's networks, and work with an international perspective to coordinate
goals and increase efforts.
CONSIDERING that in the last fifty years women's rights have experienced
important advancements and this evolution allows us now to define future
work strategies.
CONSIDERING that it is vitally important to value achieved advancements,
knowing that they are fragile and our primary challenges are to consolidate
CONSIDERING that all advancements that have led to extended rights in
our societies have been encouraged by the equality agenda promoted by the
International Feminist Movement.
CONSIDERING that it is necessary to strengthen the rights that are stated
in the action plan from the Fourth World Women's Conference on sexual and
reproductive health issues; that women and men have the capability to
reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so, to be
appropriately informed about family planning methods, and this must be
-DECLARACIÓN DE CÓRDOBAPlataforma Andaluza de Apoyo al Lobby Europeo de Mujeres
recognized as a right, and in exercising this right, they should take into
account their responsibilities.
CONSIDERING that it is vital not to forget the reactionary movement
produced by every advance in the women's movement.
CONSIDERING that the situation has changed because the defense of
women's rights is now in a leadership position moving towards the future,
while groups that oppose equality defend reactionary positions that remain
in the past.
CONSIDERING that the UN supported International Conferences on Women
have been fundamental tools in supporting achieved advancements.
CONSIDERING that it is important to develop democracies in countries to
guarantee a state of being in which women and men have the same rights.
CONSIDERING that there is no equality without democracy and for
democracy to exist it is necessary that public policy be focused on citizens'
CONSIDERING that “If all the world were democratic the absolute political
majority rule would be in women's hands.”
CONSIDERING that it is essential, to consolidate rights that countries be
free from religious influences.
CONSIDERING that it is essential to remove religious indoctrination from
schools and favour the familiarization of all religions that act as normative
and cultural vehicles responsible for women's freedom or submission in most
parts of the world.
CONSIDERING that sacred order cannot be imposed over the legislative
one and we live in democracies and not theocracies; we cannot permit that
the decision making that affects women's lives remain with people that
belong to organizations whose discipline and obedience are far removed
from constitutional order and Human Rights.
1. WE DECIDED that since conceptual anachronisms still exist by those
who are resisting the advancement of women's rights, since complete
citizenship is developed in democratic states and not in theocratic
ones, and since no religious mandates can be imposed or can shape
the legislative order, we women ask that the United Nations eliminate
the "Permanent Non-Member Observer Mission" status of the Vatican
City, and limit their participation in the United Nations General
-DECLARACIÓN DE CÓRDOBAPlataforma Andaluza de Apoyo al Lobby Europeo de Mujeres
Assembly, in their debates, and international conferences and
2. WE DECIDED that there should be no objection to reproductive
women's rights because that will limit HIV/AIDS treatment and
prevention, and will reduce health and educational resources to
3. WE DECIDED that the largest danger facing women's human rights
comes from the interference of religion in their countries, and
therefore, it is necessary to address the commitment towards secular
We propose that religious doctrines be removed from
schools, and favour the teachings of all religions because they are
normative and cultural, and vehicles responsible either for women's
freedom or for subjugation in most parts of the world.
4. WE DECIDED since there is a clear link between women's poverty
and prostitution, and that slavery still prevails in the false and
perverse idea of free election that hides that most women are
trafficking victims and avoids the symbolic dimension of the problem,
that when a woman sells her body she sells my body, and the bodies
of all women. That’s why we recommend clear policies and specifics,
with enough economic resources, in order that all women in the world
can be self-fulfilled without being submitted to humiliating practices.
5. WE DECIDED that women cannot continue to be strangers to the
peace process and that their presence is important because they can
tell about specific aggressions they’ve suffered and guarantee
rebuilding an effective reconciliation.
It is essential for an International Organizations commitment to develop a
systematic plan of expression and explicit interpretation of Human Rights, treaties,
and conventions in terms of gender equality.
-DECLARACIÓN DE CÓRDOBAPlataforma Andaluza de Apoyo al Lobby Europeo de Mujeres
That is why, assembled in Cordoba in November 2009, in the framework of the XX
Feminario, we consider necessary a new Conference on Population and we demand
another World Conference on Women to update our agenda of Women’s Rights.
-DECLARACIÓN DE CÓRDOBAPlataforma Andaluza de Apoyo al Lobby Europeo de Mujeres