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REVIEW 11.1 – 11.3
Evaluate 7!
NAME ___________________
Evaluate 2 P2
Evaluate 3!
Evaluate 9 P5 .
If you toss 3 pennies, how many different outcomes are possible?
In a sailboat race, four boats are headed for the finish line. How many different ways can
the four boats finish the race?
24 = 4!
Three six-sided dice are tossed. How many different number combinations can be formed if
no numbers are repeated?
120 = 6 ∙ 5 ∙ 4 = 6P3
There are 10 players on the basketball team and 5 different positions to play. How many
ways can Coach Mastenbrook fill the positions?
Helga has 3 soccer trophies, 4 basketball trophies, 2 tennis trophies, and 1 golf trophy.
How many different ways can she arrange the trophies in a row on her shelf? (The trophies
don’t have to be grouped by category.)
30,240 = 10 P 5
10 total trophies so 10! or 3,628,800
10. Helga has 3 soccer trophies, 4 basketball trophies, 2 tennis trophies, and 1 golf trophy.
How many different ways can she arrange the trophies in a row on her shelf if she puts the
soccer trophies first, then the basketball trophies, then the tennis trophies, and finally the
golf trophy?
24 = 3 ∙ 4 ∙ 2 ∙ 1
11. How many ways can 8 different glass beads be strung on a bracelet?
40,320 = 8!
12. Greg is planning a large dinner banquet. Guests can choose chicken, fish, or steak for their
main course. Potatoes or rice for a side dish; and mixed vegetables, green salad, or coleslaw
as a vegetable. How many dinner combinations can be made?
18 = 3 ∙ 2 ∙ 3
13. If 6 six-sided dice are tossed, how many different number combinations can there be if no
numbers are repeated?
720 = 6! = 6 ∙ 5 ∙ 4 ∙ 3 ∙ 2 ∙ 1 = 6 P 6
14. Write 4! in n(n  1)! form.
4 ∙ 3!
15. Write 35! in n(n  1)! form.
35 ∙ 34!
16. A baseball coach is deciding how to arrange the batting order of his 9 starting players. How
many different batting orders are possible?
362,880 = 9! = 9 P 9
17. How many different ways can the letters in the word factor be arranged?
720 = 6! = 6 P 6
18. An ice cream shop sells ice cream in 3 different sizes. They have 16 flavors, 15 toppings,
and 8 flavored syrups to choose from. How many different kinds of ice cream sundaes can
you make if they each have one topping and one kind of syrup?
5760 = 3 ∙ 16 ∙ 15 ∙ 8
19. Raul is flying from San Francisco to Missoula, Montana. Three different airlines fly the
route. Each airline offers 8 flights a day. Raul can choose between first class, business
class, or coach class. How many different travel arrangements can Raul make?
72 = 3 ∙ 8 ∙ 3
20. Long ago, ships sent coded messages to other ships by displaying a sequence of different
shaped flags. If a ship has a collection of 10 differently shaped flags, how many different
messages of a four-flag sequence could be made?
5040 = 10 P 4