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Neurobiology and Communication
Key Area 3.3
Cells of nervous system + neurotransmitters at synapses
a)Using the information from the diagram, explain what is meant by “summation” (1)
b) Suggest a function for the mitochondria shown in the diagram (1)
c) Cocaine is a recreational drug that has an effect on this synapse. Cocaine binds to the
dopamine reuptake proteins.
As a result, the reward pathway is stimulated for longer.
Suggest how cocaine produces this effect. (2)
13. The diagram shows a neuromuscular junction.
a) Name the fiber of the nerve cell labelled P (1)
b) i) What kind of substance is acetyl choline? (1)
ii) What triggers the release of acetyl choline (1)
iii) State what happens to acetyl choline after it has stimulated the muscle (1)
c) What type of pathway is used to coordinate movements of the fingers? (1)
d) Describe how acetyl choline travels to the muscle tissue from the plasma
membrane of the pre-synaptic neuron (1)
14. The diagram below shows a neuron from an adult.
a) Draw an arrow to indicate the direction in which an impulse would travel. (1)
b) Suggest a possible role of the nucleus in transfer of information across a synapse (1)
di) Describe how a neuron in a baby might differ from the one in the diagram (1)
dii) State one way that this would affect how the neuron functions (1)
15. Use of recreational drugs can lead to addiction.
a) Recreational drugs cause changes in the neurochemistry of the brain. State one way in
which these neurochemical changes can affect the individual (1)
bi) Recreational drugs can affect neurotransmitter function at a synapse.
State the function of a neurotransmitter (1)
bii) Describe one way in which recreational drugs can affect the synapse (1)
c) Sensitisation is thought to underlie many cases of drug addiction.
Explain what sensitisation is and what causes it (2)
d)Describe why anti-drug posters often feature the image of a celebrity (1)
ai) Name structure X. (1)
aii) Describe the role of structure X in transmission of a nerve impulse (1)
b) What is the function of molecule Y (1)
c) The area on both sides of the synaptic cleft is rich in mitochondria. Explain why
mitochondria are needed in each area (2)
d)A drug was taken by an individual that acts as an antagonist.
Describe the effect that this drug would have at this neuromuscular synapse. (1)
Suggest a change that would occur at the synapse to sensitisation caused by this
drug. (1)
17 ai) Name the types of pathway
represented by A and B (1)
aii) Pathway A helps the hand to function.
Explain how it does this (2)
bi) Blinking is a reflex action .
What is a reflex action? (1)
bii) The blinking reflex can sometimes be
What term refers to the ability of the
nervous system to suppress reflexes? (1)
ai) Describe how the neurotransmitter in the vesicle reaches cell Y. (2)
aii) The diagram above shows a single neural pathway. Explain how a converging neural
pathway would be more likely to generate an impulse in a nerve cell. (2)
b) Identify the nerve fibre of cell X shown in the diagram (1)
c) Identify the nerve fibre of cell Y shown in the diagram (1)
a)Name the parts of the neurone labelled A, B and C. (2)
b) Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on skeletal muscle triggering contraction. Name
two neurotransmitters (1)
ii) Explain why the release of neurotransmitter into a synaptic cleft may sometimes fail
to trigger a contraction (1)
c) State the importance of the myelin sheath in the transmission of an impulse (1)
a) The neural system can show plasticity of response. Explain this statement, with
regard to the blinking effect. (1)
b) Describe how the structure of sensory and motor neurons ensures that
transmission of impulses is rapid (1)
ci) Describe how impulses pass between the motor neuron and muscle fibre (2)
cii) State what happens to acetyl choline after it has carried out its function (1)
a) Predict by what age 50% of the boys would be expected to walk alone (1)
b) Identify all the stages in the development of walking that boys could be when
they are 36 weeks old. (1)
ci) Myelination of the nervous system leads to the development of walking. Name the
cells that produce the myelin sheath (1)
cii)Explain why it is important that axons are surrounded by the myelin sheath (1)
22. Use of recreational drugs can lead to drug tolerance
a) Recreational drugs cause changes to the neurochemistry of the brain. (1)
State two different ways in which these neurochemical changes can affect an individual
b)Recreational drugs can affect neurotransmitter function at a synapse.
i) State the function of a neurotransmitter (1)
ii) Describe two ways that recreational drugs can affect a synapse (1)
c) Desensitisation is thought to underlie many cases of drug tolerance. Explain what
desensitisation is and what causes it (2)
d)Describe why anti-drug poster soften feature an image of a celebrity (1)
a) Name the part of the motor neuron labelled P. (1)
b) Describe what acetylcholine does when it reaches the post-synaptic membrane
c) Name the structures that contain acetylcholine before its release (1)
d) Nicotine is a drug that is an agonist of acetyl choline.
Explain how an agonist works (1)
Suggest how nicotine induces feelings of pleasure and so reinforces
smoking behaviour (1)
24 Give an account of the nervous system under the following headings:
i) The role of neurotransmitters at the synapse (6)
ii) Converging and diverging neural pathways (4)
25. Describe the function and mechanism of neurotransmitter action at the synapse (7)