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Mr. Morrison
AP Euro
Final: AP European History
Renaissance society first took on its distinctive shape in the:
a. large towns of England and Scotland.
b. city-states of southern France.
c. papal states.
d.principalities of northern Germany.
e. merchant cities of Italy.
The word “Renaissance” means:
a. flowering.
b. genius.
c. eruption.
d. new day.
e. rebirth.
Florentine humanist culture:
a. never spread far from Tuscany.
b. spread throughout Italy and into northern Europe.
c. emphasized collective religious values.
d. rejected Roman literature.
e. rejected Greek literature.
Humanists believed that education should:
a. promote individual virtue.
b. promote public service.
c. promote individual virtue and public service.
d. be available to both men and women.
e. be available to people of all social classes.
Italy’s decline at the end of the fifteenth century was precipitated by the:
a. Spanish invasion of Italy.
b. collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
c. revival of the papacy.
d. alliance between the papacy and the Habsburgs.
e. French invasion of Italy.
Machiavelli’s solution to Italy’s problems was:
a. a renewal of religious fervor.
b. the unification of Italy.
c. the establishment of dictatorships in each city-state.
d. an alliance between Italy and Spain.
e. the establishment of democracy in each city-state.
The Portuguese drive to find a sea route to the East was motivated by a desire to gain
access to:
a. iron ore.
b. spices.
c. grain.
d. timber.
e. cloth.
The early conquistadores were primarily interested in:
a. gold.
b. land.
c. making converts to Christianity.
d. obtaining slaves.
e. exploration and discovery for their own sake.
9. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa?
a. Donatello
b. Michelangelo
d. Leonardo da Vinci
e. Masaccio
C. Raphael
10. Where was the printing press first introduced?
a. Rome
b. Germany
c. Paris
d. Florence
11. Which of the following is most accurate?
A. Renaissance Europe was a feudal society with an agricultural economy and
domination by the church whereas Medieval Europe was characterized by a
growing national consciousness and political centralization.
B. Medieval Europe was a feudal society with an agricultural economy and
domination by the church whereas Renaissance Europe was characterized by a
growing national consciousness and political centralization.
C. Renaissance Europe was a feudal society with an agricultural economy and
domination by the church whereas Medieval Europe was characterized by an
urban economy based on organized commerce and capitalism.
D. Medieval and Renaissance Europe were both feudal societies that focused on an
urban economy and organized crime.
12. Protestants were more likely than Catholics to
A. advocate religious tolerance
B. permit premarital sex
C. permit divorce
D. advocate religious violence
E. advocate gender equality
13. Pope Leo X’s Jubilee Indulgence was meant to raise funds to
A. assemble an army to defend the papal states
B. combat the Reformation
C. launch a new crusade
D. rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
E. increase pay for clergy
14. Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the
A. Brotherhood of Christ
C. Quakers
E. Jesuits
B. Dominicans
D. Franciscans
15. The Reformation broke out first in
A. the prosperous ports of Holland
B. London and other important English cities
C. the French countryside
D. Austria
E. the free imperial cities of Germany and Switzerland
16. The medieval church taught that salvation was the result of
A. good works
B. faith
C. faith and good works
D. church attendance
17. Luther believed in all of the following EXCEPT
A. salvation by faith alone
B. the priesthood of all believers
C. the sovereign authority of scripture
D. the unimportance of good works
E. the need for social and political hierarchy
18. According to the doctrine of predestination
A. God has foreordained who will be saved and who will be damned
B. Christains must set salvation as their only goal before it can be reached
C. theological doctrine must begin with ends and then work back to means
D. only men are capable of salvation
E. divorce is a mortal sin
19. Protestant reformers
A. implemented many of the educational reforms of humanism
B. rejected humanism
C. were unwilling to allow divorce
D. believed only men should be taught to read
E. generally supported Scholasticism
The Treaty of Nantes:
a. gave Huguenots qualified religious freedoms.
b. estalished universal religious toleration in France.
c. settled the border between France and Spain.
d. ended French involvement in northern Italy.
e. brought peace to the Holy Roman Empire.
21. The Huguenots were:
a. a majority of the population.
b. mainly from the lower classes.
c. Dutch Jansenists.
d. English Catholics.
e. French Calvinists.
22. The Spanish invasion fleet the sailed on England in 1588 was known as the:
A. Conquesta.
B. Armada.
C. Flotilla.
D. Divine Wind.
E. Spirit of Vengeance.
23. In the second half of the sixteenth century, Germany was made up of:
A. two major kingdoms.
B. about 360 autonomous political
C. four rival political blocs.
D. three major kingdoms.
E. five rival political blocs.
24. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the CounterReformation?
A. The Church emerged with an organizational structure emphasizing absolute
obedience to the person at the top.
B. Catholics were permitted by the Church to convert to Lutheranism under the
Augsburg Settlement.
C. C. The Roman Church adopted a Presbyterian organization structure.
D. There was little popular support for the Counter-Reformation
E. It emphasized the use of force to suppress Protestantism
25. Many of Peter the Great’s most important policies aimed at:
a. reintroducing traditional Russian culture.
b.making peace with all of Russia’s neighbors.
c. reducing the role of the military in Russian life.
d.increasing the power of the Russian Orthodox Church.
e. limiting the power of the traditional Russian nobility.
26. Which of the following aspects of Dutch society most impressed 17th-century
A. scientific breakthroughs
B. social advancement
C. religious beliefs
D. economic prosperity
E. cultural contributions
27. Which of the following events occurred directly after the Glorious Revolution?
A. Charles I executed
B. William and Mary were proclaimed English monarchs
C. George II became king of Great Britain
D. The Secret Treaty of Dover was signed between France and England
E. James II was executed
28. According to advocates of the “divine right of kings,” kings only be judged by:
A. God
B. the nobility
C. the people
D. fellow kings
E. the pope
29. St. Petersburg:
A. was built on the Gulf of Sweden
B. exemplified Russia’s new orientation to the West
C. was completed in 1709, but not inhabited until Russia defeated Sweden
D. was given that name by Lenin after the 1917 Russian Revolution
30. Who was known as the “Sun King”?
A. Philip V
B. Louis XIV
C. William III
D. Peter the Great
31. The smallest, wealthiest, and best-defined aristocracy resided in:
a. Germany
b. France
c. Spain
d. Russia
e. Great Britain
32. The term “Old Regime” has come to refer to:
A. the gradual transition of Europe’s monarchies to that of democracies and republics
B. the economic policies that existed across Europe before the 18th-century Industrial
C. the social, political, and economic relationships that were prevalent in Europe before
the French Revolution
D. the social and political infrastructure that existed before the Protestant Reformation
E. the system of taxation employed by most of Europe’s monarchs prior to 1848.
33. The economic basis of eighteenth-century life was:
a. regional trade
b. international trade
d. manufacturing
e. heavy industry
c. the land
34. As one moved farther eastward in Europe in the eighteenth century, there was
increasing likelihood of finding:
a. rotten boroughs.
b. serfdom.
c. prominent intellectuals.
d. larger navies.
e. early evidence of industrialization.
35. In eastern Europe:
a. few people married before the age of thirty
b. men usually married before the age of twenty
c. women usually married before the age of fifteen
d. both men and women usually married before the age of twenty
e. husbands were usually younger than wives
36. What was the Crystal Palace?
A. An exhibition hall for displays of modern industry
B. A romantic novel by George Sand
C. A resort for the European aristocracy
D. A palace in colonial India
37. In Great Britain, the Factory Act of 1833
A. outlawed the employment of children under age nine in the textile industry
B. forced employers to reduce the amount of pollution emitted by their factories
C. required a minimum wage for employees of the textile industry
D. outlawed the exportation of machinery and the emigration of artisans
38. The Industrial Revolution came first to:
A. France
B. Great Britain
D. the Netherlands
E. Austria
C. Prussia
39. The key invention that allowed industrialization to spread from one area of
production to another was the
A. spinning jenny
B. water frame
C. steam engine
D. cotton gin
E. flying shuttle
40. The most important intellectual forerunners of the Enlightenment included:
a. Bacon and Galileo
b. Newton and Galileo
c. Newton and Locke
d. Descartes and Bacon
e. Copernicus and Galileo
41. Locke believed that human beings entered the world a tabula rasa, or:
b. moral being
c. spiritual being
d. free soul
e. fixed piece
f. blank page
Many philosophes believed in a “rational” version of religion known as:
a. scientific Christianity
b. deism
c. agnosticism
d. anti-mysticism
e. rational spirituality
French economic reformers were known as:
a. philosophes
b. physiocrats
c. smithites
d. technocrats
e. autocrats
The Social Contract is one of the best known works of:
f. Spinoza
g. Rousseau
h. Voltaire
i. Diderot
j. Montesquieu
45. Mary Wollstonecraft believed that women were:
a. unsuited to advanced education
b. unsuited for politics
c. victims of the tyranny of men
d. the key instigators of the French Revolution
e. destined to rule the world
Rococo architecture and decoration originated in:
eighteenth-century Italy
sixteenth-century Spain
late seventeenth-century Britain
early eighteenth-century France
fifteenth-century Italy
47. The popularity of travel to Rome contributed to the rise of:
a. Neoclassicism
b. Rococo
c. Realism
d. Romanticism
e. Idealism
Most philosophes favored:
a. democracy
b. monarchy
c. oligarchy
d. anarchy
e. dictatorship
The physiocrats believed:
a. the first priority of the doctor was to do no harm
b. the primary role of the government was to protect private property rights
c. society was a living organism
d. physics revealed rules for ethical conduct
e. physics proved that God did not exist
This nation was significantly freer than any other European nation at the beginning of
the Enlightenment
The Encyclopedie
A large role for government in the economy
The ending of Britain’s mercantile system
The elimination of England’s navy and army
That government take no part in the economy
An end to all taxes
The most important political thought of the Enlightenment occurred in
John Toland
Denis Diderot
Marquis Cesare Beccaria
Adam Smith advocated
Secularized learning and spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe
Sold about 1,200 copies
Received official support
Was written entirely by Diderot and Alembert
Was written in 1750, but not published until 1789
He published On Crimes and Punishments, in which he applied critical analysis to the
problem of making punishments both effective and just:
Representatives to the Estates General brought cahiers de doléances, or:
a. proofs of legitimacy
b. lists of grievances
c. invitations from the king
d. tokens of respect for the monarchy
The Third Estate’s commitment to voting by head was formalized by the:
b. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
c. Jacobin Oath
d. Tennis Court Oath
e. Statement of Beliefs
f. Universal Declaration of Equality
57. On October 5, 1789, some 7,000 women marched on:
a. the Louvre
b. Versailles
c. the Bastille
d. Paris
e. Marseilles
58. The disturbances that swept the French countryside in August 1789 were known as
a. Days of Fire
b. Jacquerie
c. Vendée
d. Great Fear
e. Cockade
59. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens established all of the following
a. proportional taxation
b. equality before the law
c. equality of access to public office
d. legal equality of men and women
e. presumption of innocence until proof of guilt
60. The core value of the republic of virtue created by the revolution was
Public good over the private good
Individual interests over the general will
Private good over the public good
Liberty for all
61. Many victims of the Reign of Terror were subject to this “humane” form of
62. Napoleon established the rule of one man in France called the First:
a. emperor
b. ruler
c. consul
d. director
63. The declaration of Napoleon as Emperor of France was ratified by
a. plebiscite
b. a patricianary
c. a consul of the republic
d. the Second Coalition
e. no one
64. Napoleon established the rule of one man in France called the First:
a. emperor
b. ruler
c. consul
d. director
65. The declaration of Napoleon as Emperor of France was ratified by
a. plebiscite
b. a patricianary
c. a consul of the republic
d. the Second Coalition
e. no one
66. The single most powerful ideology of the nineteenth century was:
A. nationalism
B. liberlism
C. conservatism
D. socialism
E. anarchism
67. The Concert of Europe was
A. a free trade zone
B. an arrangement for resolving mutual foreign policy issues
C. an organization of economic liberals
D. a terms for the cultural flowering of the early nineteenth century
E. a total failure
68. Early in the nineteenth century, __________ assumed the role as a protector of
A. Austria
B. England
C. France
D. Russia
E. Prussia
69. The Great Reform Bill
A. reduced the power of the British monarch
B. lowered grain tariffs
C. gave all adut men the same political rights
D. ended capital punishment in England
E. expanded the size of the English electorate.
70. __________________ was an important complement to liberalism in this period
A. Socialism
B. Nationalism
C. Christianity
D. Urbanization
E. Industrialization
71. Camillo Cavour played an instrumental role in
A. ending the Crimean War
B. settling the Irish questions
C. the leadership of the Paris Commune
D. passage of the Second Reform
E. the unification of Italy
72. In 1894 Captain Alfred Dreyfus was guilty of
A. passing secrets to the Germans
B. embezzling funds from the French army
C. conducting unauthorized secret talks with Russia
D. crimes against humanity
73. The “Irish Question” centered on the issue of
A. economic equality
B. religious toleration
D. There was no formal peace treaty to end the war
C. home rule
E. immigration
The secret provision of the Nazi-Soviet Pact:
a. brought Japan into the alliance
b. called for Germany to declare war on France in 1939
c. called for joint intelligence operations against France and Britain
d. involved the direct payment of large sums of money to Stalin
e. divided Poland between the two powers
75. Hitler claimed that the German people needed Lebensraum, or:
a. a “pure life”
b. “living space”
c. “blood and iron”
d. the “people’s religion”
e. a “pure leader”
76. In the Soviet Union, World War II was known as:
a. “The End Days”
b. “The Final Battle”
c. “The War Against Fascism”
d. “The Great Patriotic War”
e. “The Last War
The Big Three included:
a. Britain, France, and the United States
b. Germany, Italy, and Japan
c. the Soviet Union, France, and Britain
d. Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union
e. Germany, Italy, and Spain
The assumptions that Germany had real grievances and that Hitler’s goals were
limited underlay the policy of:
a. containment
b. appeasement
c. zero tolerance
d. consensus building
e. constructive negotiation
The Anschluss was:
a. Hitler’s policy of mandatory military service for men under sixty-five
b. the union of Germany and Austria
c. a secret intelligence unit in the German army
d. the name for Hitler’s broad economic plan
e. an anti-Nazi newspaper
Hitler referred to these people as Untermenschen:
a. Slavs
b. French
c. English
d. Italians
e. Spanish