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Avian distributions
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
• breeding ranges of some birds fall in two or more discrete areas,
separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers
• as distances greatly exceed normal dispersal distances and
subpopulations become genetically isolated, there is the possibility
for independent evolution
• may arise by splitting of continuous distribution (vicariance) or
by long-distance dispersal and colonization
• in Palaearctic region about 20% of all landbirds species have at
least one population separated more than 1000 km
Avian distributions
Examples of
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species fall into three main categories
• (i) throughout their history confined to rare and patchily
distributed habitats, relying on continual dispersal to find and
colonise suitable patches
• (ii) once occurring in widespread habitats, now fragmented
• (iii) disjunct distributions within an expanse of continuous and
apparently suitable habitat
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species of rare or patchy habitats
• some birds of rare or patchily distributed habitats must always
have had patchy distributions (e.g. Lesser flamingos on saline
lakes with rich algal food supplies; very few breeding colonies)
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species of rare or patchy habitats
• wetland birds species in general have good dispersive powers and
often turn up at suitable, remote sites (e.g. Mediterranean gull,
Little egret, Eurasian spoonbill, Little gull)
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species of once-continuous but now disjunct habitats
• species confined to mountain ranges expected to show naturally
disjunct distributions; more widespread in glacial times when
habitats occupied low ground and moving up when climate warmed
again; e.g. White-winged snowfinch, Alpine accentor, Yellow-billed
Avian distributions
European and North American bird species restricted for breeding
to high montane areas
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
Serbia and Montenegro
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species of once-continuous but now disjunct habitats
• some species occur more continuously in similar habitat
elsewhere (tundra, boreal forests), e.g. Rock ptarmigan (tundra),
Spotted nutcracker, Three-toed woodpecker (coniferous forests)
• during glaciations, other Palaearctic species may have spread
south to establish populations in Africa, now isolated in montane
areas (e.g. Black-billed magpie in S Arabia, 1600 km; Red-billed
chough in Ethiopia, 2000 km; Horned lark in Columbian Andes and
Altlas mountains of NW Africa)
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species of once-continuous but now disjunct habitats
• apart from upslope retreat of former lowland habitat, dispersal
between montane ranges could also be involved, e.g. birds of
isolated mountains of NE South America originating from dispersal
from the Andes in W
Avian distributions
Number of bird
species in
mountain conifer
forest areas in
California and Baja
Avian distributions
Relationships between species numbers and forest area (left) and barrier width
(right) of mountain conifer areas in California and Baja California
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species of once-continuous but now disjunct habitats
• mountains are important, not only in maintaining distinct species,
but also in separating lowland avifaunas on either side; promote
separate evolution and sometimes result in pairs of closely related
species with one member on each side
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species with disjunct distributions in continuous habitat
• some species have discrete populations within large expanses of
apparently suitable habitat (Marsh tit, Goldcrest, Twite, White
stork); probably because they disappeared from some areas for
natural reasons; e.g. Azure-winged magpie (gap of 9000 km)
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
Two separate populations. Western distribution limited to Spain
and Portugal. May once have been linked with eastern population,
which is distributed widely from Mongolia and eastern Russia
through most of China and Korea to Japan.
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species with disjunct distributions in continuous habitat
• Asian birds were introduced to Europe (16th century) returning
from far east; yet fossilized bones (Gibraltar) dated 44.000 years
old confirms historical existence in Europe
• analysis of mt DNA suggests that W and E populations separated
ca. 1.2 million years ago, presumably during a glaciation; fossils in
intermediate areas still lacking
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species with disjunct distributions in continuous habitat
• comparable situation with Corsican and Chinese nuthatch
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species with disjunct distributions in continuous habitat
• likely explanation for present discontinuities: during past climatic
extreme, species were confined to remaining isolated refuges of
habitat; with improvement in climate they spread less rapidly than
habitat (some tropical species)
• some species still show idiosyncratic patterns of patchiness (e.g.
New Guinea) possibly due to (i) habitat unsuitability, (ii) presence
of competitors (e.g. competitive exclusion on islands or tropical
areas with high species richness)
Avian distributions
Patchy distributions of various species in New Guinea
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
species with disjunct distributions in continuous habitat
• human impact may also have contributed to disjunct ranges (e.g.
White-backed woodpecker)
Avian distributions
Disjunct ranges
distributional gaps in continuous habitat may be due to
• gap areas containing no suitable habitat in the past; habitat only
developed recently, giving insufficient time for colonization (as in
glacial refuge explanation)
• interspecific competition preventing species from persisting in
gap area
• human persecution or an unknown pathogen or predator
preventing species from persisting in gap area
• a serious decline of the species, gaps representing areas of
recent withdrawal
• explanations are not mutually exclusive nor independent
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
• study of factors that influence current range dynamics by
measurement and mapping of bird ranges, study of relationships
between bird abundance and distribution, and study of factors that
limit population spread
• range dynamics may depend on (i) conditions of climate, habitat
and food a species requires; (ii) geographical extent of suitable
conditions, (iii) area of origin and dispersive powers of the species
and historical opportunities to reach areas with suitable conditions
• actual ranges may be smaller than potential ranges, as species
may be restricted to regions where they evolved (islands) or have
been eliminated by human action from suitable areas
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
• ranges are intrinsically dynamic, both because of characteristics
of the species and of the habitat; sometimes spectacular
• Red-billed quelea: nightly roosts of +1.000.000 ind; Bramling:
night roosts in Beech crops in central Europe +20.000.000 ind;
Dickcissel: world population winter in Venezuela in only four roosts
(many millions of birds); Spectacled eiders: world population of
400.000 in moult at only four sites; Eared grebes: 1.000.000 ind
gather at Great Salt Lake
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
measurement of ranges
• interpolation problem with maps in handbooks; based on
museum specimens, depict distribution of observers, generally too
• most maps not depicted on equal area projection (exaggerating
high-latitude land areas in relation to low ones)
• atlas projects (both survey and mapping done on grid basis)
represent major advance in range assessment
• range boundaries seldom sharp but rather appear as zones of
progressively decreasing abundance and increasing patchiness
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
measurement of ranges
• questions about current bird distributions can be addressed at
several levels of scale
• large-scale issues not distinct, but rather intergrade with those
concerned with local distribution, abundance, and individual
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
size of geographical ranges
• majority of landbird species breed over remarkably small areas
(17% restricted to oceanic islands; 93.6% of continental species
restricted to single continent)
Distribution of range sizes among 1434 African landbirds
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
size of geographical ranges
• among African birds, median geographical range size corresponds
to only 1% of the continental area S of Sahara
• broad positive relationship between body size and geographical
range (some small birds have large ranges, but not vice versa)
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
size of geographical ranges
• large species generally live at low overall densities, each
individual requiring large area; overall abundances in small areas
too low to be viable
• combination ‘large body size – low density – small range’ will not
persist long through evolutionary time
• may also be due to longer dispersal distances of large species,
preventing genetic isolation and speciation
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
size of geographical ranges
• tropical species in general have smaller geographical ranges than
high-latitude counterparts
• also tendency for smaller range sizes with increasing species
richness (e.g. tropical areas); possibly due to strong competition
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
variation in abundance within ranges
• for many species, population density tends to be greatest near
centre of range and to decline towards the edges; possibly reflects
environmental suitability of the conditions
Avian distributions
Abundance of the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher over its breeding range
in the United States
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
variation in abundance within ranges
• in some cases more patchy patterns, leading to source-sink
dynamics at different spatial scales (Sparrowhawk, Eurasian
dotterel, Barn owl)
• source areas enable species to occupy wider distributions than
would otherwise be possible, i.e. by replenishing (rescuing) sink
populations near edges
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
variation in abundance within ranges
• most bird species now live in patchily distributed habitats;
smaller and/or more isolated habitat patches usually support
smaller populations which are more likely to die out
• regardless of other limiting factors, spatial configuration of
habitat patches within a landscape can influence population
persistence, abundance and distribution
• in some cases, metapopulations may be in operation (European
nuthatch, Northern spotted owl)
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
variation in abundance within ranges
• species found in habitat patches produced by fragmentation of
formerly continuous habitats often represent patterned subsets of
the original pool of species
• together they may form nested series, i.e. increasingly
depauperate fauna in small patches making up subsets of more
species-rich fauna of larger patches
• suggests specific sequence of local extinctions governed by
habitat area
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
relationship between abundance and distribution
• between species, local abundance and spatial distribution often
correlated, i.e. species with high average densities tend to inhabit
high proportion of sites within region (Europe, North America,
Avian distributions
Range size in
relation to average
abundance for 70
species of North
American landbirds
in winter
Range size in
relation to average
abundance for 65
species of North
American seedeaters in winter
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
relationship between abundance and distribution
• 3 main explanations: (i) sampling artifact (locally rare species
more difficult to detect); (ii) generalistic species more abundant
and widespread; (iii) positive correlations between population
density within sites and number of sites occupied (metapopulation
• greater number of species, smaller geographic ranges, lower
average densities in tropics; latitude explains 47% of variance in
population density with average densities increasing lineary from
equator to poles
• smaller ranges and densities make tropical birds more vulnerable
Avian distributions
Range dynamics
implications for conservation
• most bird species occupy small geographical ranges, both
continental as oceanic
• geographically restricted species tend to have small local
populations as well
• species at low population densities unlikely to occupy all suitable
habitat at any one time
• correlation between abundance and range means that reduction
in number of populations will lower densities in remaining sites and
hence reduce the overall population (cfr. threshold level in Northern
spotted owl)
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
• most range expansions of landbirds involve progressive spread
through more or less continuous habitat and require demographic
• in contrast, crossing of oceans and other barriers involves
colonization events by small number of individuals that undertake
sustained long flight, the outcome of which depends largely on
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
• more than half of ca 570 species on British list are vagrants;
many species thus continually reach new areas (even as remote as
New Zealand)
• main problem is difficulty of establishment (low on body
reserves, migratory state, low numbers involved, …)
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
• given favourable climate, habitat and food, colonization chances
affected by
(1) isolation, weather conditions, dispersive abilities
(2) numbers of simultaneous arrivals
(3) chances of subsequent arrivals
(4) breeding success and rate of population growth
(5) amplitude of population fluctuations
(6) ultimate population size achievable
(7) competition, parasitism and predation from established species
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Probability of arrival
• importance of distance from source area to arrival of non-native
species shown by (i) close versus remote islands, decline with
latitude; (ii) relative contributions of resident, migrant and vagrant
species; (iii) patterns of vagrancy
Avian distributions
Relative contributions of resident, migrant and vagrant species
to the regional bird lists of western North America
Avian distributions
Total numbers of sightings of different species of eastern North
American warblers in California in relation to distance from the
breeding range
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Probability of arrival
• influence of wind conditions to vagrancy during autumn and
spring (overshoots)
• other vagrants may appear because of directional or navigational
flaws (e.g. reverse migration); if deviations from usual migration
direction genetically controlled, may give rise to new migratory
habits and range extensions
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Founder populations
• as birds travel in group, multiple arrivals more likely in birds than
in most other organisms
• in natural colonizations, numbers of founder members mostly
unknown; importance can be illustrated from birds released in
introduction schemes
• New Zealand: 83% species where >100 ind were released within
10-year period became established, 35% species with 11-100 ind,
and 7% species with 2-10 ind
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Founder populations
• similar relationships between numbers released (or persistence of
release) and probability of establishment in other regions (e.g.
gallinaceous birds in North America, Red-legged partridge and
Little owl in UK)
• (repeated) natural invasions by large groups of birds do not
necessarily result in establishment of breeding populations (e.g.
Northern lapwings in Newfoundland)
• (semi-)natural colonisation events very well documented in UK
because of geographic position and density of skilled birdwatchers
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Founder populations
• at least 27 bird species recorded breeding once/sporadically
during 200-year period; no regular breeding population established
• during same period establishment of 30 other species; some
after history of population increase/range expansion in continental
Europe (Cetti’s warbler, Savi’s warbler, Eurasian collared-dove)
• in addition establishment of 27 non-native species (mainly
waterfowl) through escapes/releases of captive birds
• initial breeding attempts that were subsequently successful
mainly close to source populations at mainland Europe (eastern
part of UK)
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Population growth and fluctuation
• following initial breeding attempts, factors likely to favour
establishment of a permanent population are
(1) larger numbers of founders
(2) higher speed of achieving high rate of population growth
(3) smaller fluctuations in population numbers
(4) large population size (density) at carrying capacity
• causes relationships with body size, trophic level, ecological
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Interactions with other species
• possible interactions involve competition, predation, parasitism;
often act in a density-dependent way
Avian distributions
Crossing barriers
constraints to cross-barrier colonisations
Interactions with other species
• invading/introduced species more successful in areas with
impoverished avifaunas (e.g. New Zealand) or man-made habitats
(e.g. cultivated land)
• colonists may be more susceptible to predators or parasites than
locally-adapted species
• widely distributed species from continental areas with diverse
communities most successful in small, isolated, species-poor
areas; may explain unidirectional colonisations (mainland to
islands; Asia to Australia)
Avian distributions
Sea barriers
Decline in occurrence of (sub)families of breeding landbirds
from New Guinea eastwards on various Pacific Islands
Avian distributions
Land barriers
Avian distributions
(Sub)species differences between the two sides of the Rift
Valley systems of East Africa
Avian distributions
Successful colonisations
Spread of the Cattle egret, both westward and eastward
Avian distributions
Successful colonisations
Spread of the Common starling in North America