Download Concept Poster EOC Review Station 1: Cells

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Concept Poster EOC Review
Station 1: Cells- The basic Units of Life
1. The cell is the basic building block of all ___________ ______________.
2. Give three examples of unicellular organisms as pictured on the poster.
3. What are the most abundant organisms on earth?
4. Bacteria are ___________________ cells because they do not have a nucleus and their DNA is housed
in the cytoplasm.
5. The structures within the cell that carry out specific functions are called _________________.
6. All cells EXCEPT bacteria are considered ________________ because they contain a nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles.
7. Label the cell organelles found in an ANIMAL cell by using the labeled picture on your poster.
Structures B and G are the SAME organelle.
8. Write the name of the organelle beside the function given.
a. Gel-like substance that suspends organelles _________________
b. Makes ATP (energy); converts energy in food to form cells can use _______________
c. Control center, contains the DNA __________________
d. Gate keeper of the cell, is selectively permeable _____________________
e. Produce (make) proteins _____________________
f. Found in plant cells, where photosynthesis takes place ________________
9. What two structures are found in plant cells but not in the animal cell?
10. What is one structure found in an animal cell but not in a plant cell ( this is not pictured on the poster)
11. What is meant by cell specialization?
Station 2: Osmosis and Diffusion
1. The _______ ______________ regulates the transport of materials between the cell and its
2. The cell membrane is semi-permeable or selectively permeable which means____________________
3. Label the phospholipids and protein in the cell membrane picture below.
4. How can small molecules move across the cell membrane?
5. Diffusion is a process by which a substance moves from ______ to ________ concentration. This
process continues until the concentration of the substance is the same on both sides of the
membrane. This is considered __________________.
6. The circles in the diagram represent oxygen molecules. Based on what you know about diffusion,
which way will oxygen diffuse in this example? Into the blood from the lungs, or out of the blood to
the lungs?
7. _____________ is the diffusion of WATER molecules across a semi-permeable membrane. The
movement of water into and outs of cells depends on _____________.
8. Use the pictures of the red blood cells to answer these questions.
a. When water is at a higher concentration outside the cell than inside the cell water will move
_______ the cell and the cell will _________.
b. When water is at a higher concentration inside the cell than outside water will move ______ of
the cell and the cell will ___________.
c. When water is evenly concentrated inside and outside of the cell the cell is said to be at
9. Osmosis and diffusion are both examples of _____________ transport because they are moving
molecules from a high to low concentration which is with the concentration gradient and no energy is
required. _____________ transport moves molecules from low to high concentration or ________ the
concentration gradient and therefore requires the use of energy or _____.
10. What would happen to a salt water fish placed into a freshwater environment?
Station 3: Mitosis and Meiosis
1. Cells reproduce by a process called cell ______________. The cell ___________ is the sequence of
stages of growth and division that the cell undergoes. The three stages of the cell cycle include
______________, __________________ and cytokinesis.
2. Label the lettered cell pictures with the name of the cell cycle, then identified the numbered
structures involved in the process. Some are labeled for you. Numbers 1 and 8 are the same.
Nuclear membrane
3. At the end of mitosis there are ______ daughter cells that are genetically identical.
4. During ____________ a cell divides into four _____ cells, each with half the number of chromosomes
(haploid). Sex cells of males are called _________ cells and sex cells of females are called ____ cells.
5. Looking at the picture, how many divisions does Meiosis go through?
6. At the end of Meiosis 1 the two new cells have ____________ the number of chromosomes but they
are still doubled. Meiosis 2 separates the doubled chromosomes and four sex cells are produced,
each with only ______ chromosomes from each original homologous pair.
7. Mitosis is used for asexual reproduction, whereas Meiosis is used for _________ reproduction.
8. One thing that is left out of the poster that takes place during Meiosis 1 and increases genetic
variation is pictured below. This process is known as: ___________-_______.
Station 4: Photosynthesis and Respiration
1. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and certain bacteria use the energy from the
______ to convert carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar ___________ C6H12O6 and
2. What do plants and animals use glucose as a source of? _____________________
3. The process of photosynthesis takes place in the ______________ of plants where light energy is
absorbed by the green pigment _______________. Chlorophyll is found within a plant cell organelle
called the ________________.
4. Write the chemical equation for Photosynthesis.
5. What gas is released as a product of photosynthesis? _______________
6. Leaves have tiny pores called __________________ which allow water and gases to pass in and out of
the plant. The gas __________ ____________ is coming INTO the leaf and ____________ is going out
of the leaf.
7. ____________ _______________ is a process by which cells break down glucose to release stored
8. Respiration takes place in the organelle called the ____________________.
9. Write the chemical equation for respiration.
10. The form of energy created by respiration is called ________.
11. Identify the organelles pictured below and the process that occurs there. Include the molecules that
would be going into and coming out of each organelle as a result of the process.
Process: __________________________
3 things
going in:
2 things
Organelle: ______________________
Process: ________________________
2 things
going in:
2 things
12. How are the processes of photosynthesis and respiration related?
13. If oxygen is available respiration is considered ________________ and produces a lot of ATP, if oxygen
is not available anaerobic respiration takes place producing less ATP.
Station 5: How Genes Work
1. Chromosomes are structures made of _________, or deoxyribonucleic acid, the hereditary material in
humans and all other organisms.
2. Where is the hereditary information in DNA stored? ________________________________________
3. There are four nitrogen bases found in DNA, these are represented by the letters: _____, _____,
____, and ______. The nitrogen base A always pairs with _____, and C always pairs with ____. The
order or ________________ of these bases determines the information available for ___________
and maintaining an organism.
4. DNA is a nucleic acid which is made up of smaller subunits called ______________. Draw a box
around one nucleotide below.
5. DNA has two jobs: DNA replication or _________ DNA and making ____________.
6. The process of protein synthesis (making proteins) can be summed up with the flowing diagram. Fill
in the missing words.
7. The making of a protein or protein synthesis, takes place in two stages. The first stage is called
transcription and takes place in the _____________ of the cell. The second stage is called translation
and takes place at the _________________.
8. To build a protein, the building blocks called __________ _________ are needed. Every amino acid is
coded by a sequence of three bases on mRNA called a ______________.
9. During transcription the DNA is copied to a single strand of RNA called _______________ RNA.
10. During translation, the mRNA runs through the _____________ three bases at a time; ________
brings amino acids to the ______________. Each amino acid is attached to the growing ________
11. Label the picture of protein synthesis below.
1st Stage- ______________ - taking place in
the nucleus
2nd Stage- ______________ - taking place in
at the ribosome
12. Transcribe the following DNA into mRNA and then use the amino acid chart to translate into a protein.
amino acids: