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CHAPTER 8 – Body Systems
Lesson 1 – Body Systems
What are Body Systems?
Cells – A cell is the basic unit of all living _______________.
Tissue – A group of _______________ cells working together is called a tissue.
Organ – A group of tissues that work together is called an _______________.
Body System – A group of organs working together to complete a _______________ is
called a body system.
Body systems are made of organs. Organs are made of tissues. Tissues are made of cells.
Body Systems Work Together
Relationship Between Body Systems – Each body system plays a _______________
role in the body. However, the systems work together to make sure that the body
maintains homeostasis.
What Is Homeostasis? Homeostasis is the condition in which the body’s internal
conditions are at a _______________ state.
Body Systems Depend on Each Other
One for All and All for One – Because your body systems are so dependent on each
other, caring for each system helps _______________ the others as well. When the health
of one system improves, the health of all the other systems also improves.
Lesson 2 – The Skeletal System
Bones and Joints
Bones – A bone is an organ of the _______________ system. Bones are hard because
they store minerals.
Bone Marrow – Inside a bone is soft tissue called bone _______________. Bone
marrow makes blood cells for the body.
Joints – A joint is a place where _______________ or more bones meet.
Bone and Joint Development
Cartilage – Before birth, most of the bones in a baby’s body are made of cartilage.
Cartilage is a soft, flexible _______________.
Bone Formation – Cartilage starts changing to bone before a baby is _______________.
The soft tissue hardens and becomes bone tissue as minerals, such as calcium, build up in
the bone. This change is not finished until a person is around 18 years old.
Lesson 3 – The Muscular System
Many Kinds of Muscles
Skeletal Muscle – Skeletal muscle is muscle that is attached to bones.
CHAPTER 8 – Body Systems
Smooth Muscle – Smooth muscle is muscle that forms some _______________ organs.
Cardiac Muscle – Cardiac muscle is muscle that forms the _______________.
Muscles and Movement
How Muscles Move Bones – When skeletal muscles contract, they _______________ on
bones. When a muscle contracts, its two ends are pulled towards its center. If the two
ends are attached to different bones, the bones are pulled towards each other.
Lesson 4 – The Digestive System
Food and Nutrients
What Is Digestion? Digestion is the process of _______________ down food into a
form your body can use.
What Are Nutrients? Nutrients are substances in food that the body needs to
_______________ properly.
Solid Waste
The Large Intestine and Food Material – The large intestine _______________ water
and salts from the remaining food material. The parts of food that the body cannot use
become solid waste.
Nondigestive Waste Material
The Kidneys – The kidneys mix wastes with water to form urine. Urine is released from
the body by the urinary system.
The Lungs – Carbon dioxide is released from the body when you _______________.
The Skin – Sweat glands in the skin remove salt and water by _______________.
Lesson 5 – The Circulatory System
Blood is made of the following things:
1. _______________
2. Red blood cells
3. _______________ blood cells
4. Platelets
Arteries – Arteries carry blood _______________ from the heart to various organs.
Veins – Veins carry blood from various parts of the body back to the heart.
Capillaries – Capillaries are very small _______________ that connect arteries and
veins. Some capillaries are so small that you need a microscope to see them.
The Heart
The heart muscle contracts to pump blood through the blood _______________.
CHAPTER 8 – Body Systems
Lesson 6 – The Respiratory System
The Path of Air
Air enters the body through the _______________ and the mouth and then moves to the
pharynx, or throat. The air moves through the following organs next:
1. Larynx
2. Trachea
3. Bronchi
4. _______________
Gas Exchange
The Alveoli – The _______________ and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the alveoli.
The Capillaries of the Lungs – The blood in the lung’s capillaries picks up oxygen from
the alveoli and delivers it to the body’s _______________. When the blood returns to the
lungs, it brings carbon dioxide.
The Breathing Process
Inhalation – Inhalation is the process in which the air _______________ the lungs.
Exhalation – Exhalation is the process in which the air _______________ the lungs.
Lesson 7 – The Nervous System
Parts of the Nervous System
The Brain – The major organ in the nervous system is the brain. Different parts of the
brain control different _______________ functions.
The Spinal Cord – The spinal cord is an organ that carries messages to and from the
brain. These messages travel through groups of _______________.
Nerves – A nerve is a bundle of cells that conducts messages from one part of the body to
Responding to Stimuli
What Are Stimuli? Changes that cause a reaction are called stimuli. The eyes, ears,
tongue, _______________, and skin sense stimuli outside the body and send messages to
the brain and spinal cord through nerves.
Reflexes – An automatic response to stimuli is called a _______________.
Lesson 8 – Taking Care of Your Body Systems
Getting Exercise
Helping the Skeleton and Muscles – Exercise keeps bones, joints, and muscles strong
and _______________.
CHAPTER 8 – Body Systems
Helping the Heart – Exercise strengthens the _______________, because the heart
works faster during exercise.
Eating Healthy Foods
Vitamins and Minerals – Vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables help a
person _______________ and function properly.
Proteins – Protein from meat and dairy products helps build strong muscles and tissues.
Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates from grains are a good source of _______________.
Avoiding Tobacco and Other Drugs
Poisoning Your Body – Tobacco products, alcohol, and illegal drugs can harm every
system in your _______________.
Damaging Your Nervous System – Drugs can change how the nervous system works.
Because of this danger, drugs can affect the entire body.
Getting Enough Sleep
The body repairs and heals injured parts during _______________. Without enough
sleep, many organs—especially the brain—will not function correctly.
Drinking Water
Drinking enough water can prevent many health problems. Most people should drink
_______________ glasses of water each day.