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World War 1 Propaganda Poster
Wartime Propaganda
In April 1917 Woodrow Wilson formed the Committee
on Public Information (CPI) to promote public backing
for the war, a critical task given the lack of a strong
national consensus on American participation.
Professing lofty goals such as educating citizens about
democracy, promoting national unity, Americanizing
immigrants, and breaking down the isolation of rural
life, the committee also indirectly acted as a
nationalizing force by promoting the development of a
common America.
The CPI touched the life of practically every American during World War I. It distributed 75
million pieces of patriotic literature. At local movie theatres before the feature presentation a
volunteer called a “four-minute man” made a short speech supporting the war. Those speeches
reached an audience estimated at more than 300 million – three times the population of the
United States at the time.
Part of the job of any Social Studies student is to evaluate primary sources. In class we have
learned about the different types of propaganda and have also used our knowledge to interpret
World War 1 propaganda posters as well. Your task is to now apply the knowledge and create
an original World War 1 themed propaganda poster.
Your task will be to create a World War I themed propaganda poster. Using what you have
learned from class, you must decorate the poster to be eye catching so that if a person were
walking down the street it would get their attention. The poster may utilize computer
applications, but the final product must be hand made. Create a rough sketch or design to be
evaluated prior to your creation, to make sure it is on the right track. Use the guiding questions
below to create a well crafted final product. Your poster must include one of the following
topics listed below in its theme or scope.
Guiding Questions:
What topic will your poster be about?
What is this poster trying to get you to do?
How would this poster support the war efforts?
What historical facts are covered in this poster? What historical knowledge would the
viewer need to fully understand your poster? Explain this part as thoroughly as possible.
5. What type of propaganda technique will you be using in your poster? How will your
poster reflect this type of propaganda?
WW1 Propaganda Topics List
"No Man's Land"
A peace without victory."
War of Attrition
Zimmermann Note
The War to End all Wars!
Selective Service Act (1917)
"Dough Boys"
American ExpeditionaryForces (AEF)
General John "BlackJack"Pershing
Eddie Rickenbacker
"Red Baron"
"shell shock"
War Industries Board
National War Labor Board
Work or fight!
I. W. W. ["Wobblies"]
"mustard" gas
trench warfare
Kaiser Wilhelm II
On the back of each poster should be a mini report about your assigned topic. Your mini report
should include the following information:
 Who or what is your topic about? Create a brief on it explaining the history of
your topic and the role it played in World War 1.
 An analysis of your own propaganda poster. You should clearly explain the
significance your slogan as well as why you included all of the images used.
 Indication of the type of propaganda you used to create the poster as well as an
explanation of why your poster fits this propaganda type.
This mini report should be two full, well written paragraphs.
Grading Rubric for Propaganda Poster
The message of the poster is clear.
The written phrase and visual
images are relative to one another.
* Images must be drawn, painted,
colored etc. by hand. Collages of
numerous pictures are accepted,
but must show creativity in
Any visual
elements on
the poster
have been
created by
Historical Context:
Themes from WW1 are included
The back of your poster contains a
typed report of the topic assigned to
you. You must research your topic
and write an approximately 2
paragraph long summary of your
errors are
not present.