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7.3 Government & Social Class in Ancient Chinese Dynasties
Objective: What will your
students be able to do by
the end of class?
Key Ideas: What 3-5 key
knowledge or skills will
students need to master
the objective?
Review: Dynasties
Social Class Structure
Surplus>Division of Labor
6th Grade Social Studies
WWBAT sequence the progress made in chinese culture through dynastic
WWBAT sketch the social structure of ancient Chinese civilizations
WWBAT compare and contrast the values of different dynasties.
SKILLS: Sequencing and Summarizing
MAIN IDEAS: Prior to dynastic rule China was made up of smaller agricultural
villages and nomadic tribes.
Xin / Shang dynasty was considered the first dynasty
Qin was a strong government that united China and was responsible for many of
the things we associate with China (great wall, roads, canals, terracotta warriors)
Han Dynasty exapanded the reach of Chinese culture (specifically morals and
ethics through confucianism) and goods through the silk road after the Qin
empire fell.
Assessment: How will you assess to determine which students mastered the objective?
Exit Slip
Unit Exam
Need vocab to build upon for next lesson (7.4 Religion and Culture)
Drill/Do Now/Opening: How will you focus, prepare, and engage students for the lesson? (15 min)
Read silk road article, verbal summary. Q&A & update planners.
Vocab Review:
1. What is a dynasty?
Series of rulers from the same family
2. What is a government?
System by which a nation is ruled by
3. What is the Geography like in China?
Rivers that were used for agriculture, mountain ranges, deserts
(optional –
can use
Copies of
Image *with
extra images
for fast
Guided Practice: 15 min
DN with ET
Introduction of New Material: How will you convey the knowledge and/or skill of the lesson? What
will you student be doing to process this information? (20 min)
Venn Diagram comparing the Qin and Han Dynasties
Document Analysis: What can you learn from this image?
Independent Practice: In what ways will your different learners attempt the objective on their own?
How will you gauge mastery? (10 min)
What would ASA be like if we were ruled by the Xin Dynasty?
Han Dynasty? Exit Ticket.
Pack up & per 7 Stack chairs
Differentiation: How will you differentiate your instruction to reach the diversity of learners in your classroom?
Absent Notes posted on website
Note taking strategies: cornell, venn diagram, graphic, oral and sequential.
Article cut up
for warm-up
Hook Video
*copy of LP
for Sara 2/6
7.3 Government & Social Class in Ancient Chinese Dynasties
6th Grade Social Studies
7.3 Government & Social Class in Ancient Chinese Dynasties
6th Grade Social Studies
Name____________________________ Date__________ PER. ____7.3 Exit ticket
What would ASA be like if we were ruled by a king from the Qin Dynasty?
What would ASA be like if we were ruled by a king from the Han Dynasty?
Name____________________________ Date__________ PER. ____7.3 Exit ticket
What would ASA be like if we were ruled by a king from the Qin Dynasty?
What would ASA be like if we were ruled by a king from the Han Dynasty?
7.3 Government & Social Class in Ancient Chinese Dynasties
6th Grade Social Studies
1. What is a dynasty?
2. What is a government?
3. What is the Geography like in China?
Summarize your section of the silk road article:
4. What is a dynasty?
5. What is a government?
6. What is the Geography like in China?
Summarize your section of the silk road article: