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Bones, Joints, and Muscles
Name: _________________________________
The Musculoskeletal System
The bones, muscles, and joints together form an integrated system called the
_________________________ system.
________________________ is the branch of medicine concerned with the prevention or
correction of the disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
6 Bone Functions
1: ________________________ soft tissues, providing an attachment site for tendons and muscles
2: ________________________ internal organs from injury
3: Work with muscles to produce ________________________
4: Storage of ________________________ like calcium & phosphate
5: ________________________ production occurs in red bone marrow
6: ________________________ storage (triglycerides) in yellow bone marrow
Bone Structure
The long part of the bone is the ________________________ .
Each end is called the ________________________ .
The inside has ________________________ to make blood cells.
Your body has ________________________ bones.
________________________ of them are part of the ________________________ skeletal
________________________ are part of the ________________________ skeletal system.
Axial Skeleton
Bones of the ________________________ skeleton lie along the vertical axis of your body and
include the ________________________ , ear bones, hyoid, ________________________ ,
sternum and ________________________ .
They ________________________ the body’s organs and store calcium.
Appendicular Skeleton
The ________________________ skeleton includes the bones of the ________________________
Bones, Joints, and Muscles
Name: _________________________________
, legs, hips, and ________________________ .
The primary function of the appendicular skeleton is ________________________ .
It also provides attachment points for ________________________ , supports and protects
internal organs, and stores and releases ________________________ .
Types of Bones
6 basic types of bones:
________________________ = long and strong (________________________ )
________________________ = spongy, cube shaped (________________________ )
________________________ = plates of compact enclosing spongy, thin (_______________)
________________________ = variable (________________________ )
________________________ = develop in tendons or ligaments (______________________)
________________________ bones = in joints between ________________________ bones
Bones you need to know!
________________________ : composed of 22 bones, protects the brain, eyes, nose.
________________________ : supports the tongue, gets crushed during strangulation
________________________ : your backbone, made of 26 bones
________________________ : the breastbone, in the center of your chest
________________________ : 12 pairs to support your lungs and heart
Your ear has the 3 smallest bones in the body,
________________________ (the hammer)
________________________ (the anvil)
________________________ (the stirrup)
________________________ : you have 2 clavicles, shaped like the letter S, which attach the
shoulders to the breastbone
________________________ : shoulder blades (2)
In each arm you have 30 bones
Bones, Joints, and Muscles
Name: _________________________________
________________________ (1) upper arm
________________________ (1) and ________________________ (1) make up your forearm
(ulna is pinky side)
________________________ (8) wrist
________________________ (5) palm
________________________ (14) fingers
Each leg has 30 bones
________________________ (1) in your thigh
________________________ (kneecap)
________________________ (front below knee) and fibula (back below knee)
________________________ (7) ankle
________________________ (5) foot
________________________ (14) toes
________________________ hold bones together and permit ________________________
Point of contact
between 2 ________________________
between ________________________ and ________________________
between ________________________ and ________________________
________________________ = study of joints
________________________ = study of motion
6 Types of Joints
________________________ Joints: permit gliding at the ________________________ and
________________________ Joints: open and closing motions; ________________________ ,
________________________ , ________________________
Bones, Joints, and Muscles
Name: _________________________________
________________________ Joints: Allows your ________________________ to turn from side to
________________________ Joints: joints in the ________________________
___________________ and __________________ joints: __________________ and ________
________________________ or immovable joints: joints in the ________________________
between bones
Joint Disorders
________________________ disease is a bacterial disease which is transmitted by deer
________________________ . Symptoms include joint ________________________ , fevers,
chills, ________________________ , and stiff neck.
________________________ ________________________ affects joints between the vertebrae
and between the sacrum and hip bone. Its cause is unknown, and is common in
________________________ between 20 and 40 years old.
________________________ ________________________ : an autoimmune disorder where
cartilage is ________________________ destroyed, joints swell, and eventually become
________________________ .
________________________ : caused by ________________________ and wear & tear, cartilage
disappears and fingers hurt and can’t ________________________
________________________ : urate crystals build up in joints causing
________________________ , usually in the ________________________ .
Bone Diseases
________________________ (Slipped) Disc: Intervertebral discs move out of place causing
________________________ . Treated by bed rest and medication.
________________________ : the thoracic region of the spine ________________to the side
________________________ : the thoracic curve is more pronounced (_____________________)
________________________ : also called ________________________ back, the vertebrae bend
________________________ : a cyst like fluid filled sac forms at the bottom of the spine in fetuses,
pregnant mom doesn’t get enough ________________________ acid or vitamin ________
Bones, Joints, and Muscles
Name: _________________________________
Deviated ________________________ : septum does not connect to the midline of the
________________________ , corrected surgically
________________________ joint syndrome (TMJ): ________________________ noise when the
mouth opens/closes, caused by teeth grinding
________________________ : incomplete fusion of the bones between the nose and the mouth,
causing a split upper ________________________
________________________ eye: a blow to the ridge below the eye resulting in
A ________________________ is any break in a bone.
________________________ : Decreased bone mass resulting in ________________________
________________________ : calcium is not stored properly and bones are too
________________________ . Deformed legs, skulls, rib cages, and pelvis result.
________________________ : New bone made by adults does not solidify, causing fractures,
especially of the ________________________
________________________ make up ________________________ of your body weight
The study of muscles is called ________________________ .
Help you ________________________
________________________ your body
________________________ organ size
________________________ things inside your body (food, blood, air)
Produce ________________________ (shivering)
Types of muscle: Skeletal
Skeletal muscle
________________________ the bones of the skeleton
Bones, Joints, and Muscles
Name: _________________________________
________________________ to the bone or the skin
It is ________________________ : alternating bands of dark and light
________________________ control of contraction & relaxation
Types of muscle: Smooth
Smooth muscle
Located in the walls of blood ________________________ , airways, and organs; also attached
to ________________________ follicles
________________________ in appearance (smooth)
________________________ control
Propels ________________________ through your gastrointestinal tract
Types of muscle: Cardiac
Cardiac muscle
Forms the wall of the ________________________
________________________ in appearance
Control is ________________________
An internal ________________________ controls the heartbeat
Muscles you need to know
________________________ (shoulder blade)
________________________ (shoulders)
________________________ ________________________ (chest)
________________________ ________________________ (upper arm)
________________________ ________________________ (back of arm)
________________________ ________________________ (middle back)
________________________ ________________________ (6-pack abs)
________________________ ________________________ (side abs)
________________________ ________________________