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Fetal Pig Dissection
1. What are unborn pigs called?
2. How is their age (length of gestation) determined?
3. How long does full gestation take?
4. Classify the pig:
5. Approximately how many piglets does a sow have in a litter? ______________________
6. Is a pig a biped or quadruped? Explain. ________________________________________
7. What word means:
Pertains to the head?
Toward the snout?
Pertains to the tail?
Toward the tail?
Toward the backbone?
Toward the belly?
Toward the side?
Toward the midline?
Near the reference point?
Far from the reference area?
8. What are these areas called:
head area?
neck area?
upper trunk?
middle trunk?
lower trunk?
tail area?
9. Symbol for male? ____________
Symbol for female?___________________
10. How do you determine the sex of your fetal pig? _________________________________
11. Is the pig digitigrade, unguligrade, or plantigrade? Explain.
12. Are pigs herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? Explain. __________________________
13. Another name for nostrils?
14. Long, external fold of the ear?
15. Why is the fetal pig a good specimen to dissect? _________________________________
16. Tissue that makes up skin?
main appendage of skin?
Go to the following link and complete the following:
17. Label the following drawing:
Click on “Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection”
Go to “Anatomical References”
18. List the four regions on a pig from tail to head.
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
d. __________________________________
19. Draw a fetal pig in the box and label the following areas: Anterior, Posterior, Dorsal,
Click on “Sexing your pig.” Then click on “Is it male or female.”
20. How do you know if a pig is male or female?
Click on the “Digestive System.” Then click on the pig’s head. Keep clicking forward until you
reach the page titled, “oral cavity.” Click on the snout to continue.
21. Where are the hard and soft palate located?
5. Click on “Pharynx.”
function of the epiglottis?
What is the
Draw them below.
Click on the abdomen. Keep clicking on the forward button until you reach the section titled,
“Lift the Liver”
6. What is under the liver? ____________________________
7. How long is the small intestine? ________________________
8. The large intestine is ( shorter , longer ) than the small intestine. Circle the correct
9. Write the function for each of the following.
Click on the “excretory system.”
10. Describe how the kidneys look and where they are located.
11. Relative to the kidneys, where are the ureters located?
12. Relative to the ureters, where is the bladder located?
Click on the “circulatory system.” Then click on the pig. You can rotate the pig 90 degrees for a
side view.
13. Where is the pericardial sac located?
14. Relative to the heart, where are the lungs located?
15. Draw and label a heart with the following terms: right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium,
left ventricle, aorta, coronary artery.
Using arrows, show the path
of blood from the heart, to the
lungs, and back to the heart
going through the appropriate
16. Deoxygenated blood enters the heart through the ____________________________, then
goes to the _________________________. It gets pushed into the
___________________ where it gets oxygenated. Then it returns to the heart through the
_______________________________, then goes to the
________________________________. Then it is pumped through the
_______________________ to the rest of the body.
Click on “reproductive system.”
17. What hormone(s) are produced by the ovaries?
18. What hormone(s) are produced by the testes?
Click on “respiratory system.”
19. List the path of air from the mouth to the aveoli.
Gall bladder
20. What is the function of the diaphragm?
Click on “nervous system.” Then click on the cranial section.
21. What membrane covers the brain? __________________________________
22. Draw/describe the lobes of the brain. Label the following lobes: frontal, temporal,
occipital, parietal
Frontal: ___________________________________________
Temporal: ________________________________________
Occipital: _________________________________________
Parietal: __________________________________________
23. How does the human brain differ from the brains of most mammals?
24. What is the function of the corpus callosum?