* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
7-2 MULTIPLYING AND DIVIDING RADICAL EXPRESSIONS (p. 368-373) Multiplying Radical Expressions If n a and n b are real numbers, then n a n b n ab (The product of the principal n th roots of two numbers equals the principal n th root of their product). For instance, 9 25 9 25 3 5 225 15 =15 Also, 3 125 3 8 3 125 8 5 2 3 1000 10 10 Example: Multiply. Simplify if possible. 1. 3 12 2. 3 16 3 4 3. 4 16 Do 1 b and c on p. 368. When simplifying radical expressions, look for perfect squares, perfect cubes, etc. that are factors of the radicand (depending on what n is). Example: Simplify each expression. Assume all variables are positive (therefore, no absolute value symbols are needed in the answer). 50x 5 1. 2. 3 54n 8 3. 4 32x11 Do 2 on p. 369. You can also simplify products of radicals. Example: Multiply and simplify. Assume all variables are positive. 3 25xy 8 3 5x 4 y 3 Do 3 on p. 369. Dividing Radical Expressions If n principal n th n a (The quotient of the b b roots of two numbers equals the principal n th root of their quotient). a and n b are real numbers and b 0, then n a n Example: Divide and simplify. Assume all variables are positive. 3 81 1. 3 3 3 2. 384 x 8 3 3x Do 4 a-c on p. 370. To rationalize a denominator means to rewrite it so there are no radicals in any denominator and no denominators (fractions) in any radical. The book shows two methods to rationalize a denominator. Their method 2 may be quicker. Example: Rationalize the denominator of each expression. Assume all variables are positive. 3 1. (Show both methods) 5 x5 2. 3. 3x 2 y 3 5 4y Do 5 b and c on p. 370. Example: The distance d in meters that an object will fall in t seconds is given by d 4.9t 2 . Express t in terms of d and rationalize the denominator. In this problem, you will need to multiply the denominator not by itself, but by another number to get a perfect square (and eliminate the fraction under the radical). Do 6 on p. 371. Homework p. 371-373: 1,7,9,15,19,21,25,26,29,33,35,43,49,53,57,69,72,73,80,81,85,95 21. 3 3 5y 3 2 3 50y 4 6 3 250y 7 30 y 2 3 2y