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Think-Tac-Toe for Ancient China
Date Assigned: Friday, April 15th
Date Due: Wednesday, April 27th
Only ONE project for socials studies. No “Great Wall of China” projects accepted
Design a Tree Map to show three
philosophies of ancient China.
Four point rubric: 1) introduce the
beliefs that form the basis of each
philosophy, 2) explain the impact of
each philosophy on society, 3)
must use proper English and good
grammar, 4) final draft format, neat,
clear, use dark ink; bold colors also
are acceptable.
With a partner, write and perform a
debate about Emperor Qin
Shihuangdi. Four point rubric: 1)
three or more positive aspects of
his rule, 2) three or more negative
aspects of his rule, 3) preparation
and research are evident (with four
to eight note cards each and
practice presenting with partner),
and 4) debate is clearly audible.
Write a first person narrative as if
YOU are a volcano in China. While
your narrative is creative, it must
contain facts about the volcano you
are impersonating. Four point
rubric: 1) type of volcano and
whether it is explosive or nonexplosive, 2) cause of this volcano,
3) impact on life, agriculture, and
structures, and 4) must use proper
English, good grammar, and be
Social Studies
Write a journal entry as a student of
Confucius who has just attended a
lesson. Four point rubric: 1)
includes five or more aspects of
Confucius’ teaching, 2) give
examples of how his lessons apply
to “your” life and can help you
make choices, 3) explain how his
ideas could influence the
government, and 4) use proper
English and good grammar.
Social Studies
Design and create your own
project, speech, or technology
item. Four point rubric: 1) original
student creation, 2) relates to sixth
grade standards and to China, 3)
demonstrates knowledge of topic,
4) includes the concept of change.
Choice project can apply to
Social Studies,
Math, OR Science
Social Studies
Learn to use a Chinese abacus
(suan-pan), and using one or more
mathematic operations, do a
demonstration for the class. Four
point rubric: 1) basic explanation of
how an abacus works, 2)
demonstration of one or more
operations, 3) history of the
abacus, and 4) limitations of an
Create a series of pictures to show
your “journey” along the Silk Road,
as a merchant, a caravan leader,
OR an adventurer. Four point
rubric: 1) at least three pictures,
showing at least five details each,
2) each picture must represent a
specific city or physical feature
along the Silk Road, 3) historically
realistic to ancient travel, and 4)
final draft form, neat, colorful, and
use dark ink.
Create a Double Bubble Map to
compare and contrast two
earthquakes in China, including
impact on life, agriculture, tsunami
creation, or damage to structures.
Four point rubric: 1) your map
must have a least three common
characteristics, 2) your map must
have at least three characteristics
unique to each of the two
earthquakes, 3) neatness, and 4)
use of color.
Create a Flow Map demonstrating
an understanding of the Chinese
numeration system. Four point
rubric: 1) Flow map has steps of
the system, 2) tell about its origins
and usefulness, 3) demonstrate
how to write several numbers, and
4) verbally compare this system to
our decimal system.
Social Studies