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Lab Practice 7
Global History and Geography II
Name: _______________________
E. Napp
Date: _______________________
1- Studying oral histories, archaeological
evidence, and cultural histories are
methods most often used by
(1) economists
(3) philosophers
(2) anthropologists (4) political scientists
2-Constantinople became the center of the
Byzantine Empire because
(1) the pope had made it the capital of the
Christian world
(2) it was a religious center for Muslims
(3) its location made it the crossroads of
Europe and Asia
(4) it was geographically isolated from
surrounding empires
3- One way in which the Huang He, the
Indus, and the Nile civilizations were
similar is that they each
(1) flourished by trading salt and gold
(2) developed monotheistic religions
(3) suffered repeated invasions
(4) originated in river valleys
4- One way in which the code of chivalry
in Europe and the code of Bushido in
Japan were similar is that both codes were
intended to
(1) help the ruler control his people
(2) guide the behavior of a warrior class
(3) benefit all the social classes
(4) support revolutionary ideas
5- A direct result of the conquest of
Tenochtitlán by Hernán Cortés in 1521
was the
(1) expulsion of Jews and Muslims from
(2) establishment of Portuguese trade
routes around Africa
(3) fall of the Aztec Empire
(4) conquest of the Kush Kingdom
6- The success of the triangular trade
system depended on increasing
(1) political independence of the
Caribbean nations
(2) emphasis on free trade in European
(3) slave trade in the Western Hemisphere
(4) industrialization of the South
American colonies
7- Which quotation was most likely made
by an absolute monarch?
(1) “The government that governs best
governs least.”
(2) “I am the state.”
(3) “The government must be based on a
sound constitution.”
(4) “It is the parliament that must make
the laws.”
8- The Glorious Revolution in England
resulted in the
(1) strengthening of divine right rule
(2) formation of a limited monarchy
(3) weakening of Parliament’s power of
the purse
(4) end of civil liberties guaranteed by the
Petition of Right
9- Which 19th century ideology led to the
unification of Germany and of Italy and to
the eventual breakup of Austria-Hungary
and of the Ottoman Empire?
(1) imperialism (3) liberalism
(2) nationalism (4) socialism
10- The spread of Islam into the kingdoms
of Ghana and Mali resulted from
(1) imperialism (3) cultural diffusion
(2) ethnocentrism (4) self-determination
Complete the Storyboard: The French Revolution
Prior to 1789, French society was
divided into three classes or estates. The
first estate was made up of the clergy;
the second estate was the nobles. The
third and largest estate was the
The clergy and the nobles had many
special privileges, such as being exempt
from most taxes. As the middle class,
part of the third estate, grew wealthier,
they came to resent these special
During the 1700s, the king needed
money due to expensive wars and
borrowing. In 1789, Louis XVI
summoned an Estates General, a
national assembly with representatives
from the three estates.
The delegates from the Third Estate
declared themselves to be a National
Assembly. When the king threatened to
break up the Assembly, Parisians seized
a royal prison known as the Bastille.
The king let the National Assembly meet.
The National Assembly issued a
Declaration of the Rights of Man,
proclaiming that government rested on
the consent of the people, not on the
divine right of kings. The privileges of
the nobles and clergy were abolished.
The slogan of the Revolution became
“Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.”
The Assembly adopted a written
constitution, created a National
Legislature, and turned France into a
constitutional monarchy.
Enlightened Despot: Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796) was the granddaughter-in-law of the Russian
tsar, Peter the Great. Like Peter the Great, Catherine wanted to modernize and
westernize Russia. And like Peter the Great, Catherine wanted to maintain her
royal absolutism. However, unlike Peter the Great, Catherine was influenced by the
ideas of the French Enlightenment. She wanted to apply reason to society’s
problems in order to improve society. Rulers like Catherine were called
Enlightened Despots because they did not want to part with their absolute power
but did want to introduce reforms into society. Catherine had many
accomplishments during her reign as tsarina. She expanded Russia’s borders,
continued Peter’s policies of westernization, and codified Russia’s laws. However,
during the Pugachev Rebellion, Catherine came to realize her dependence on
Russian lords and increased their power over the Russian serfs. Nonetheless, she
regularly corresponded with Voltaire, the French Enlightenment thinker, and was
succeeded by her son, Paul.
Primary Source: An excerpt from Catherine the Great’s “Proposals for a New Law
Code”, 1767
“…The Sovereign is absolute; for there is no other Authority but that which centers
in his single Person…Every other form of government whatsoever would not only
have been prejudicial to Russia, but would even have proved its entire ruin…What
is the true end of monarchy? Not to deprive people of their natural liberty; but to
correct their actions, in order to attain the supreme good…The Laws ought to be so
framed, as to secure the Safety of every Citizen as much as possible… The equality
of the citizens consists in this; that they should all be subject to the same laws…The
usage of torture is contrary to all the Dictates of Nature and Reason; even Mankind
itself cries out against it, and demands loudly the total abolition of it…No Man
ought to be looked upon as guilty, before he has received his judicial sentence …”
1: Who was Catherine the Great?
2: How were Peter the Great and Catherine the Great similar?
3: Why was Catherine the Great considered an Enlightened Despot?
4: According to the primary source, what is “the true end of monarchy”?
5: According to the primary source, what does the equality of citizens consist in?
Outline the Thematic Essay:
Theme: Change
Throughout history, political revolutions had many causes. These revolutions affected
society and led to many changes. The changes may or may not have resolved the
problems that caused the revolutions.
Choose one political revolution from your study of global history and geography and:
• Explain the causes of the revolution
• Describe the effects this political revolution had on society
• Evaluate whether the changes that resulted from the political revolution resolved the
problems that caused it
Suggestions: French Revolution (1789), Mexican Revolution (1910), Russian Revolution
(1917), Chinese Revolution (1949), Cuban Revolution (1959), or Iranian Revolution
Divide the box and outline the essay:
From the Global History and Geography Regents:
What did Great Britain export along the Atlantic trade routes?
Which region of the world has the greatest number of OPEC nations?