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Chapter review questions for ch 8-9-10
CHAPTER 8-9 Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration
Write out the formula for photosynthesis using proper symbols. Then write it out
in English.
3. What color light is used by plants for photosynthesis?
4. What is the energy source of the “Dark” reaction? Light reaction?
5. What organelle is responsible for photosynthesis?
6. What organelle is responsible for cellular respiration?
7. What are the (three) products of cellular respiration? (Two) of photosynthesis?
8. When bonds are broken energy is _________. When bonds are made, energy is
_________ .
9. What is the primary energy source used in cellular respiration?
10. What organisms do cellular respiration? Which do photosynthesis?
Ch 10 Mitosis
1. As a cell becomes larger, what happens to the surface and volume size and the surface to volume
2. Compared to small cells, large cells have more trouble do what type of processes?
3. The process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells is called what?
4. How does cell division solve the problems of cell growth?
5. What happens when a cell divides?
6. What happens in each of the different phases of mitosis. G1, G2, S, M
7. What events occur during interphase?
8. Define and explain the cell cycle.
Figure 10–2
11. During which phase(s) of mitosis are structures like the one shown in Figure 10–2 (replicated
chromosome) visible?
12. During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the dividing cell?
Be able to draw out each of the different phase and label them properly.
13. List out the phases of mitosis in their proper order, properly written.
14. What is the role of the spindle during mitosis?
15. The two main stages of cell division are called?
16. What are the differences between plant and animal mitosis?
17. During normal mitotic cell division, a parent cell having four chromosomes will produce two
daughter cells, each containing how many chromosomes?
18. What happens when cells come into contact with other cells?
19. Cells grown in a petri dish tend to divide until they form a thin layer covering the bottom of the
dish. If cells are removed from the middle of the dish, the cells bordering the open space will
begin dividing until they have filled the empty space. What does this experiment show?
20. In eukaryotic cells, the timing of the cell cycle is regulated by what.
21. Cancer is a disorder in which some cells have lost the ability to control their what?
22-25 Look at pictures of each of the stages of mitosis in your book.
Figure 10–4
22. Interpreting Graphics How do you know if this is an animal cell or a plant cell?
23. Inferring What is the chromosome number of the cell shown in Figure 10–4?
24. Inferring Identify the structures labeled X and Y in Figure 10–4.
25. Applying Concepts List the correct order for the diagrams in Figure 10–4.