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CQ: Describe the Battle of Antietam. Why did this battle lead to the removal of Gen.
McClellan as Union Commander? This battle had two major points of significance,
identify both. What is the Emancipation Proclamation? What does it state? Who is
Horace Greeley and what is his response to Lincoln’s plans? What was President
Lincoln’s response to Greeley?
Background Info…
 Sept 1862
 The Confederates had just won the battle of Second Bull Run
 Antietam (U) takes place in Sharpsburg Maryland
 Sharpsburg (C) is the Confederate name.
 1st battle of the Civil war to take place in the Union, till now all of the battles
had taken place in the confederacy, primarily in Virginia and the Carolinas
Commanders: C- Robert E. Lee
Commanders: U – George McClellan
Purpose of the Battle
 Antietam was a battle where the Confederacy tried to get to Washington DC. and
the Union tried to push the Confederacy back into the southern area
Significance Pivotal Battle because it is the first battle to take place in the Union.
 It was also the bloodiest day in American history.
 More men died in Antietam than have ever died in American History in one day.
Fighting took place in a cornfield, by the time the battle was over, the corn stalks
were even with the ground.
The death toll was staggering. 26,000 to 27,000
The battle was inconclusive, neither side really won.
Lincoln was very impatient…
 Lincoln said McClellan has a “Case of the slows” meaning it took him forever
and he did not get the job done.
Antietam was the final straw for McClellan.
Lincoln was frustrated!
The Union and McClellan had thousands of more men in reserve for the battle but
he never called them because he believed that they were not prepared to fight.
This allowed Lee to fight to the end!
Lincoln has been through many military leaders.
GrantEventually, Lincoln has Grant replace McLellen,
Eventually we win the war because of sheer numbers, (Grant overwhelms the
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln is so sure that the Union will beat the Confederacy after he saw that we
were able to hold the Confederacy in Antiedam that he writes the Emancipation
Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves!
Freeing the slaves was not Lincoln’s goal…it was to PRESERVE the UNION
The Emancipation freed the slaves in states that were “in rebellion” aka
Confederate States.
January 1, 1863 - The Emancipation Proclamation also stated that slaves are NOT
free in states that are still part of the Union aka Border states!
The Emancipation Proclamation is symbolic in nature…Lincoln was criticized for
this. But the Emancipation Proclamation allowed him to work towards his goal of
preserving the Union.
Horace Greeley
August 20th 1862..Horace Greeley, Editor of the NY Tribune, an abolitionist, wrote an
editorial, called the “Prayer of Twenty Millions” in this essay he openly attacks Lincoln.
He basically asks how Lincoln how he could free some slaves and not all of the slaves.
How about the slaves in the Border States? Greeley accused Lincoln of doing the wrong
thing and turning his back on humanity.
Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator
Lincoln wrote a personal letter back to Horace Greeley. He states that he appreciates
Greeley’s viewpoint but also stated that if freeing ALL of the slaves would save the
union, he would do so, and if he could save the Union by freeing NONE of the slaves, he
would do so, and if he could save the Union by freeing SOME of the slaves and not
others he would do so! He never wavered…his goal was to save the UNION!! That was
the greatness of Abe Lincoln.