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Department of Physics
Society of Physics Students
1040K Physics Research Building
191 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1117
Phone: (614) 247-1635
Email: [email protected]
Physics Summit 2013
Description of Events
What: An information session for students, grades 9-11, interested in science, technology, engineering
and mathematics (STEM) fields.
When: April 20th, 2013
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Where: The Ohio State University
Physics Research Building
191 W Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Who: We will be accepting students on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students are permitted to bring one
additional guest.
Schedule of Events
10:00 – Arrival of students
10:15 – Scheduled Speaker
11:00 – Breakout session
11:40 – Breakout session
12:20 – Lunch
1:20 – Breakout session
2:00 – Breakout session
Details for specific events
Scheduled Speaker – Dr. Linn Van Woerkom
Breakout Sessions – Students will be placed into groups based on their research presentation choices.
Curriculum Presentation
Curriculum Presentation
Curriculum Presentation: For parents and students. First 45 minutes covers curriculum, student life,
undergraduate research, post-graduation opportunities, and ends with a representative student
panel discussion.
Research Presentations: Students indicate their preference on registration form. Parents can
participate in atrium activities while they are not in the curriculum presentation.
Atrium Activities – Poster session, physics demos
Lunch – Students and parents will be seated at tables with undergraduate and graduate students from the
physics department to facilitate discussion.
Department of Physics
Physics Summit 2013
Research Field Synopsis
Society of Physics Students
1040K Physics Research Building
191 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1117
Phone: (614) 247-1635
Email: [email protected]
An interdisciplinary area that studies the physics of the universe, including the physical properties of
celestial objects, their behavior and their interactions. Commonly studied objects include: galaxies, stars,
planets, and cosmic radiation. They are studied through emissions, luminosity, and chemical composition.
Astrophysics is a very broad subject and may use many disciplines of physics.
A field which combines physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and engineering to study biological
systems. Biophysics spans all levels of biological organization including molecules, tissues, whole
organisms, populations, and ecosystems. Biophysics research can be theoretical or experimental. There is
a very wide range of topics and applications for biophysics, ranging from bioelectronics to quantum
Condensed Matter
A branch of physics dealing with the physical properties of gases, liquids and solids. This field commonly
brings together elements of physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, and nanotechnology.
Researchers seek to understand the behavior of macroscopic objects using microscopic physical laws,
including the laws of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical mechanics. This is the largest
area of research in physics..
High Energy
Also called particle physics, this branch studies the fundamental particles in nature and their interactions.
The Standard Model provides a unified theory of the strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions valid
to the smallest distances we have studied in the lab. Most ongoing work in this area seeks to go “beyond
the Standard Model,” to include gravity and additional interactions that are revealed only in extreme
conditions, such as the early universe, The largest experiments in history are in this area.
Nuclear Physics
A field of physics that studies the structure and interactions of atomic nuclei. Familiar applications
include nuclear power, medical imaging, material science engineering, and radiocarbon dating, but
nuclear physicists study the microscopic underpinnings for these applications. High energy physics
historically evolved from atomic and nuclear physics, so these fields share many common problems and
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
A field which evolved from the study of atoms and molecules, AMO was revolutionized by lasers.
Precisions measurements (e.g., atomic clocks), manipulations of matter at the smallest scales (e.g., BoseEinstein condensates) and extremes optical conditions (e.g., ultrafast high intensity radiation interacting
with matter are vibrant ares of research within this field Applications of optical physics have led to many
advancements in communications, medicine, manufacturing, and entertainment.
Too many confusing words? Don’t see the field you like? No worries! Feel free to
send us your questions. Additionally, there are many more fields of study available at
OSU that many undergraduate physics students participate in. So bring your questions
about physics and OSU and we’ll be thrilled to answer them.
Department of Physics
Physics Summit 2013
Registration Form
The Society of Physics Students
1040K Physics Research Building
191 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1117
Phone: (614) 247-1635
Email: [email protected]
Demographic Information
Participant’s Name: _________________________________________________________
School: _____________________________________________________________________
Grade: ________
Do you intend to major in physics? ___Yes ___No ___Unsure
Do you intend to attend Ohio State? ___Yes ___No ___Unsure
Contact Information
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: _____________ Zip Code: __________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Information
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Student: ____________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________
Additional Information
Dietary Restrictions: ________________________________________________________
Medical Needs: ____________________________________________________________
Additional Accommodations: _______________________________________________
Research Presentation Choices
Research Descriptions are listed on the following page. Please choose two options.
Condensed Matter Physics
High Energy Physics
Nuclear Physics
Department of Physics
Physics Summit 2013
Permission Form
Society of Physics Students
1040K Physics Research Building
191 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1117
Phone: (614) 247-1635
Email: [email protected]
Participant’s Name: __________________________________________________________
I ______________________________hereby allow my child __________________________
(Parent/Guardian’s name)
(Student’s name)
to participate in all activities involved with the Physics Summit at the Ohio State
University. I understand that my child will receive safety lessons before each activity
when applicable. I understand that the leaders reserve the right to remove participants at
any time for inappropriate behavior or noncompliance of rules. I understand that the
parent/guardian or emergency contact is responsible for picking up the participant
immediately following notification. I release the Ohio State University from liability for
accident, injury, illness, or other harm during any activities.
SIGNED: ____________________________________ DATE: _________________________
Violation of any of the following rules may result in immediate dismissal and parental
notification. All traveling expenses will be covered by the parent/guardian of the
dismissed student.
 Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, inhalants, fireworks,
and/or firearms.
 Stealing, lying, or cheating under any circumstances.
 Uncooperative, immoral, or inappropriate behavior.
SIGNED: ____________________________________ DATE: _________________________
SIGNED: ____________________________________ DATE: _________________________
(Summit Participant)
Department of Physics
Society of Physics Students
1040K Physics Research Building
191 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1117
Phone: (614) 247-1635
Email: [email protected]
Physics Summit 2013
Release Form
Participant’s Name: ____________________________________________________
I ______________________________ give the Department of Physics my permission to
(Parent/Guardian’s name)
distribute my child, __________________________’s information to organizers of the Summit.
(Participant’s name)
I am aware that the information will include his or her name, address, phone number, school, and
______ Yes, you have my permission to distribute my child’s information to Summit organizers.
______ No, you do not have my permission to distribute my child’s information to Summit
organizers. Please circle the information that you do not wish to be released:
home address
e-mail address
phone number
school information
I ______________________________ give the Department of Physics my permission to take
(Parent/Guardian’s name)
photographs of my child, __________________________ during the Summit. I am aware
(Participant’s name)
that the photographs may be distributed among the participants and may appear on the Society of
Physics Students Organization at OSU web site, Sigma Pi Sigma website, Women in Physics
Organization at OSU web site, or in any media or advertising of the Summit. Participants’
names or other information will not be associated with the pictures.
______ Yes, you have my permission to release photos of my child at the Physics Summit.
______ No, you do not have my permission to release photos of my child at the Physics Summit.
SIGNED: ________________________________ DATE: ______________________