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True or False
_____ 1. Tourism is one of the leading industries in the world.
_____ 2. In some countries, tourism is the primary economic activity.
_____ 3. Geography would be considered the primary factor that attracts tourism to a
_____ 4. One of the main things that have led people to new places is human
_____ 5. International travel has grown considerably since WWII.
Fill in the blank.
6. Geography would be defined as a study of the earth as the _____________ for
7. __________ _________ on a map are the main tool to find a place on earth.
8. There are __________ degrees of longitude.
9. There are ________________ time zones.
10.The date changes when a person crosses the _________ _________
11.Latitudes are parallel lines extending _________ and __________ that measure
how far you are from the equator.
12.All points north of the equator are in the ____________ hemisphere.
13.All points south of the equator are in the ____________ hemisphere.
14.What degree of latitude is at the north pole? __________________
15.What degree of latitude is at the equator? ____________________
16.Longitude lines are also called _________________.
17.Longitude lines on a globe run from __________ __________ to _______
18.The Prime Meridian runs through __________, England, which is near London.
19.The meridian that is on the opposite side of the world of the Prime Meridian is
called the ___________ ____________ _________________ .
20.Meridians are lines extend north and south, are not parallel and are ______
degrees apart.
21.The maximum meridian degree is ______________ degrees.
22.The 0 degree meridian is called the ___________ _____________.
23.The ____________ developed the measure of longitude and latitude at the Royal
Observatory in _________________, England.
24.To get a more accurate location, latitude and longitude is divided into smaller
units which include _____________ and seconds.
25.The use of longitude and latitude can locate a position on earth within a few
26.The Northern and Southern hemisphere is divided by the __________________
27.The Western hemisphere is located _____________ of the Prime Meridian.
28.The Eastern hemisphere is located _____________ of the Prime Meridian.
29.The United States is located in this hemisphere. _______________________
30.Australia is located in which hemisphere? ______________________
31.What is the prime purpose of the International Date Line? ____________
32.There are ______________ time zones.
33.When traveling eastward and crossing time zones you must ________ your
clock for each time zone you cross.
34.When traveling westward and crossing time zones, you must turn your clock
________ one hour for each time zone you cross.
35.If you cross over the International Date Line from the west, you must change
the date to the ___________ __________.
36.In the geography theme, the __________________ location is the exact
mathematical point on earth of a site.
37.A ______________ location is considered near or close to another point or
place, such as Nashville is near Hope or Texarkana.
38.The physical characteristics of a place or site have to do with the ___________
of the earth and the ability of humans to live there.
39.Factors associated with climate may be weather, temperature, amount of
_______ and rain, the wind, and seasonal changes.
40.Biomass pertains to the amount of _____________ in an area.
41.The main goal of ecotourism is to ________ ______ __________ _________.
42.The unique differences between people in the world are defined as their
43.Nearly ______ of the world population lives in cities.
44.There are 3 basic types of cities: market, transportation and _________ cities.
45.In industrialized countries the ____________ _________ offer the escape from
the city routine and work.
46.One of the major barriers to travel in personal _____________.
47.Regions of the world are divided by their wealth:
a. 1st world countries are ____________, and have technology, mostly
associated with the Western World
b. 2nd world countries are those countries with _________ economies such
as Cuba and China (communism )
c. 3rd world countries are those poor countries that mostly employ
____________ workers and poverty is the basic rule.
48.The IATA divides the world into _____ basic tourism zones.
49.America and Greenland are in tour zone ____________ .
50.Europe, the Middle East and Africa are in Zone _______________.