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Adjective is a Part of speech that describe, the person, animal, place, or thing which the
noun name s, or to tell the number or quantity ,is called an Adjective.
” (Adjective is a part of speech that tells us more about Noun or Pronoun)”
She is clever girl.
I don’t like boy.
Karachi is a big city.
Kinds of Adjectives:
Adjectives may be divided into the following classes: Adjective of Proper
 Adjective of Quality
 Adjective of Quantity
 Adjective of Numeral
 Adjective of Distributive
 Adjective of Demonstrative
 Adjective of Possessive
 Adjective of Interrogative
 Adjective of Exclamatory
 Adjective of Emphasizing
Adjective of Proper:Proper adjectives are adjectives derived from Noun. Some examples of Proper adjectives
Proper Noun
Proper Adjective
Adjective of Quality:Adjectives showing the quality of Nouns or Pronouns is called adjective of Quality..
Examples of Adjective of Quality are:
 He is nice boy.
 Bangalore is a garden city.
 Islamabad is a beautiful city.
 Their good performance gave them what they expected.
 Their excellent presentation bagged them the first prize.
Adjective of Quantity:
Adjective showing the quantity of noun or pronoun is called of Adjective of quantity.
(Some, much, little, all, enough and whole etc)
 She ate the whole apple.
 I ate some rice.
 He has little knowledge.
 He spent all his money.
Adjective of Numeral:Show how many persons or things are meant ; as,
The hand has five fingers.
Few cats like cold water.
All men must die.
Numeral has three types:-
Numeral Adjective
______________________ _______________________
Definite numeral Adj.
Indefinite numeral Adj.
Definite Numeral Adjective:Which denote an exact number; as,
Distributive numeral Adj.
One, two, three, etc,
The hand has five fingers.
Ali has two books of C++.
these are called Cardinals.
First, second, third, etc
these are called Ordinal.
Sunday is first day of the week.
I have won the first prize in class.
Distributive Numeral Adjective:Which refer to each one of a number; as,
(Each, every, neither, either, none, etc)
Examples: Each boy must take his turn.
 Every student should work hard.
 Either pen will do.
Adjective of Demonstrative:Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those)
Use this/that with singular nouns and these/those with plural nouns.
He lives in this house
How much is that bag?
Bring me that book.
Would you like these oranges?
I am selling those books.
Adjective of Interrogative:(What, which, and whose) When they are used with nouns to ask Questions, are called
Whose book is this?
Which way shall we go?
Which pen do you prefer?
What time is it?
What assignment are you working on now?
Adjective of Possessive:Possessive adjectives show ownership or belonging. They must go somewhere before a
Here is the list of Possessive Adjective
I - my dog
You - your cat
He - his book
She - her car
It - its color (NOT it's!)
We - our dog
That's my dog in the picture.
He left his book in the car.
That's her car over there.
Its color is purple!
Our dog is like a member of the family.
 Your house isn't far, is it?
Adjective of Emphasizing:The word Own and Very are used as Emphasizing Adjective
I saw it with my own eyes.
He was beaten at his own game.
He is his own master.
That is the very thing we want.
Adjective of Exclamatory:The word ‘what’ sometimes used as an Exclamatory;
What genius!
What folly!
What an idea!
What a blessing!
Comparison of Degree
Comparison of degree has three types are:
Positive degree
Comparative degree
Superlative degree
Positive degree:The positive degree of an adjective is the adjective in its simple form. It used when no
comparison is mad.
Sweet, Small, Tall, Bold, kind etc
Comparative Degree:The comparative degree of an adjective denotes a higher degree of the quality than the
positive and is used when two things (or set of things) are compared;
This boy is stronger than that.
Which of these two pens is the better?
Your memory is better than mine
He is more intelligent than this boy.
Superlative degree:Superlative degree of an adjective denotes a highest degree of the quality and is used
when more than two things are compared.
This is the largest room in the house.
This is the most awful meeting.
This boy is the strongest in the class.
This is most unfortunate.
Comparative Form and Superlative Form
positive form comparative form
Bad / ill
Little (amount)
Little (size)
much / many
far (place +
far (place)
Late (time)
Late (order)
L atter
Near (place)
Near (order)
old (people
and things)
Old (people)
superlative form
Adverb:An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb. An adverb indicates manner,
time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where,"
"how much".
He hardly noticed what he was saying. (Adjective)
He didn’t work hard enough. (adverb)
Note:1-The adverb should not be put between the verb and the object:
He ate greedily the chocolate cake [incorrect]
He ate the chocolate cake greedily [correct]
2- If there is a preposition before the object, e.g. at, towards, we can place the adverb
either before the preposition or after the object.
The child ran happily towards his mother.
The child ran towards his mother happily.
Kinds of Adverbs:
Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Degree or Quantity
Adverbs of interrogative
Adverb of Time:Describe when something happens. These examples are commonly used:
“(After, already, during, finally, just, last, later, next, now
recently, soon, then, tomorrow etc)”
I have heard this before.
I comes here daily
I hurt my knee yesterday.
I have spoken to him already.
Adverbs of Frequency:Describe how often something happens. The following adverbs are commonly used in
this way:
“(Always, every, never, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, and usually. ) “
He frequently comes unprepared.
He always tries to do this best.
He often makes mistakes.
Adverbs of Manner:Describe how something happens. Where there are two or more verbs in a sentence,
adverb placement affects the meaning. Some commonly used adverbs of manner include:
(carefully, correctly, eagerly, easily, fast, loudly, patiently, quickly, quietly, and well.)
This story is well written.
The child slept soundly.
I was agreeably disappointed.
Adverbs of place:
Describe where something happens. Most adverbs of place are also used as prepositions.
Some commonly used examples include the following:
(Abroad, anywhere, downstairs, here, home, in, nowhere, out, outside, somewhere)
Stand here.
Go there.
My brother is out..
Adverbs of Degree:
Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or degree of an action, an adjective or
another adverb. Some commonly used examples include the following:
(Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely.)
The water was extremely cold.
She sings pretty well.
I am fully prepared.
Adverbs of Interrogative:
They are usually placed at the beginning of a question.
(Why, where, how, when)
Why are you so late?
Where is my passport?
How are you?
How much is that coat?
When does the train arrive?