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Unit 6 Social Studies Study Guide: World War II
Know the definitions to the following terms:
concentration camp
internment camp
a place where large numbers of people are held prisoner and forced
to work.
a ruler who has total control of a country and its people
when the government controls the economy, culture, and all parts
of peoples lives
place where prisoners are held during wartime
get ready to fight
short film about current events
the idea that one race or group of people is better than others
when the amounts of necessary items are limited
Be able to answer the following questions.
When did the United States entered World War II?
After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
What caused Japan to finally surrender?
The US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Why did dictators rise to power after the Great Depression?
They promised strong leadership in solving problems.
When did the Allies declared war on Germany?
Germany invaded Poland
Why did the United States need to mobilize for war?
The armed forces were not ready for war
What did US factories mostly produce during World War II?
airplanes, tanks, and other war supplies
What did the Navajo code talkers create?
a secret code that the Japanese could not understand.
Who was the dictator of Germany ?
Adolf Hitler
What was the murder of more than 12 million Europeans in concentration camps during
World War II called and what was the largest group of people murdered?
The Holocaust, over 6million Jews were murdered
What were the three major countries that were part of the Axis Powers?
Italy, Germany and Japan
What four major countries made up the Allied Powers?
Great Britain, France, Russia and the United States
What was the name of the process of the Allies capturing back island after island in the
Pacific as they advanced toward Japan?
Island Hopping
What do we call the day that Japanese Emperor Hirohito surrendered Japan to the Allies?
V-J Day
What was the name of the operation for when the Allies worked together in the largest
water to land invasion in history? Who commanded the forces?
D-Day, Dwight D Eisenhower
What was the name of the day when Germany surrendered to the Allies on May 8, 1945
marking the end of the war in Europe?
V-E Day
Which two large groups of people did the United States force to relocate to internment
camps during WW II?
Japanese and Italian Americans
How many soldiers fought in World War II?
What was required of Americans at home to support the war effort.?
What was the nickname given to many women who worked in factory jobs that only men
held before the war?
Rosie the Riveter
Who were the group of African – American pilots who flew successful missions over
Italy ?
The Tuskegee Airmen
Which US president ordered that the atomic bomb be dropped on two Japanese cities?
Harry S Truman
Which two Japanese cities were atomic bombs dropped on?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
Winston Churchill
Who was the dictator of Italy?
Benito Mussolini
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?
Joseph Stalin
Who was the Prime Minister of Japan?
Hideki Tojo
What was the name of Hitlers political party who believed in fascism?
The Nazi’s
Who was the only US president elected 4 times?
Why did Japan choose to bomb Pearl Harbor?
Most of the US fleet was located here and Japan could destroy it a in surprise
Describe the Home Front in America.
The Army mobilized. Factories switched to making war goods. Women and
African Americans went to work in the factories. Sugar, butter, coffee, meat, gasoline
and other supplies were rationed. People watched newsreels. Patriotic songs were
popular. Japanese and Italian Americans were put into internment camps. People
planted victory gardens. People bought war bonds to raise money for the war.
What led to World War II?
The rise of powerful dictators in Germany, Italy, and Japan led to World War II.
Germany invaded Poland. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Name the three major fronts where WW II was fought.
North Africa, Europe and the Pacific
Unit 6 Social Studies Study Guide: World War II
Know the definitions to the following terms:
concentration camp
internment camp
Be able to answer the following questions.
When did the United States entered World War II?
What caused Japan to finally surrender?
Why did dictators rise to power after the Great Depression?
When did the Allies declared war on Germany?
Why did the United States need to mobilize for war?
What did US factories mostly produce during World War II?
What did the Navajo code talkers create?
Who was the dictator of Germany ?
What was the murder of more than 12 million Europeans in concentration camps during
World War II called and what was the largest group of people murdered?
What were the three major countries that were part of the Axis Powers?
What four major countries made up the Allied Powers?
What was the name of the process of the Allies capturing back island after island in the
Pacific as they advanced toward Japan?
What do we call the day that Japanese Emperor Hirohito surrendered Japan to the Allies?
What was the name of the operation for when the Allies worked together in the largest
water to land invasion in history? Who commanded the forces?
What was the name of the day when Germany surrendered to the Allies on May 8, 1945
marking the end of the war in Europe?
Which two large groups of people did the United States force to relocate to internment
camps during WW II?
How many soldiers fought in World War II?
What was required of Americans at home to support the war effort.?
What was the nickname given to many women who worked in factory jobs that only men
held before the war?
Who were the group of African – American pilots who flew successful missions over
Italy ?
Which US president ordered that the atomic bomb be dropped on two Japanese cities?
Which two Japanese cities were atomic bombs dropped on?
Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
Who was the dictator of Italy?
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?
Who was the Prime Minister of Japan?
What was the name of Hitler’s political party who believed in fascism?
Who was the only US president elected 4 times?
Why did Japan choose to bomb Pearl Harbor?
Describe the Home Front in America.
What led to World War II?
Name the three major fronts where WW II was fought.