Download What are Fungi? Fungi are that have cell walls. Fungi are that feed

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What are Fungi?
Fungi are ____________________ that have cell walls. Fungi are
________________ that feed by absorbing their food. Fungi use
___________________ to reproduce. Fungi like to grow in warm and
________________ places like damp tree bark and bathroom tiles.
Fungi can be ____________________ (having one cell) or multi-cellular
(having many cells). Fungi cells have cell ______________ like plants,
except yeasts. Fungi cells are arranged in _____________________.
These _____________________ are the branching, thread like tubes of
the fungi that supply energy to the cells. The structure of the hyphae
changes the physical appearance of the fungi.
Fungi grow the hyphae into a ____________ source. Then the fungus draws
the nutrients out of the food source through the hyphae.
Reproduction in Fungi
Fungi usually reproduce by making ______________________. A
protective coat covering the spores allows them to be carried by
__________________ and _____________ to new growth sites.
Fungi produce spores in reproductive structures called
____________________________. These vary from species to species
of fungus.
Most fungi reproduce both sexually and ____________________ (without
contact with another cell of fungus). Unicellular yeast cells reproduce
through a process called _________________. In sexual reproduction of
fungi, the hyphae grow ______________ and genetic material is
Fungi are ____________________________ by the appearance of their
reproductive structures. See page ______________ for a diagram.
The Role of Fungi in Nature
Fungi play important roles as _________________________ and
recyclers on Earth. Many fungi provide ________________________ for
people. Some cause disease and some fungi help to fight
Fungi are used in _______________. They help break down dead
materials and this process helps to create new material for plants and
animals to use. Compost heaps use fungi to help decompose wastes.
Fungi are also used to make ____________ such as bread, yogurts,
and cheeses. Mushrooms are a ________________ that people use in
salads and as a pizza topping.
Penicillin is an antibiotic that was created from a fungus. This was
discovered by _______________________ in 1928. Yet, there are
dangerous diseases that can come from fungus. Corn smut and
___________________ are two fungi that can destroy food crops.
Some fungi work in a symbiotic relationship with plants and animals.
Fungus that grows on a plant’s ____________ can actually help the plant
Lichens are organism colonies that can grow fungus,
_______________________, and/or bacteria. Lichens are called
_________________ organisms because they grow in areas after
________________________________, fires, or rock slides occur.
Lichens are also sensitive to