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An evaluation of the integrity of
MySQL and Oracle database
management systems
By: Tonia S Stakemire
Supervised by: John Ebden
Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Department of Computer Science
Rhodes University
November 2000
In order for information in a database to be accurate, the integrity of the data needs to
be enforced. A Database Management System (DBMS) is available to ensure this.
This project evaluates the integrity of two DBMSs, namely Oracle and MySQL. By
testing these DBMSs, the results help to highlight the problems of each and allow for
improving current databases or selecting a new one.
Oracle is a commercial product with all the standard features such as an SQL interface
and user rights, as well as additional functionality such as stored procedures and rowlevel locking. While MySQL has the edge in terms of speed, it lacks certain advanced
features found in Oracle. This project compares the features of the two DBMSs, and
how these potentially contribute to the integrity of the data.
It was found that Oracle did not violate the integrity of the data, while on the other
hand MySQL did on several occasions. MySQL did not support check constraints,
triggers, foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking. For integrity enforcement
MySQL would not be the best choice and Oracle would be more suitable. Oracle is
also well suited to an E-commerce environment because it enforces integrity, has a
means to write business rules and is web orientated. MySQL, on the other hand, suits
an environment where the operations consist mainly of SELECT statements and
where speed is essential and therefore would be suitable for a search engine.
I would like to thank the following people for helping me throughout this year and for
their assistance with my project in particular:
My supervisor, John Ebden – For his guidance and motivation all through the year.
The Calnet lab – For many hours of entertainment and their assistance on many
The staff of the Computer Science Department - For all the support.
Patsi – For the great times during the year and for proof reading my thesis for me.
Peter – For his encouragement and beneficial suggestions throughout the year. Also
for proof reading my final document.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Aim .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Overview of Project ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Motivation ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Overview of Chapters .................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2:Background
2.1 Possible Criteria for Evaluating a DBMS .................................................................................... 4
2.2 Why Integrity is Used .................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Overview of Oracle ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Overview of MySQL ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3:Considerations and Design
3.1 Implementation considerations ..................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 External Influences ................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Operating System ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Software ................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.4 Sufficient Tests ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.5 Accurate Tests .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Features that MySQL Lacks which Influence the Experiment ................................................. 9
3.2.1 Transactions ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.2 Stored Procedures/Triggers ...................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Foreign Key .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Design of Experiment..................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Stage 1:Install and Setup DBMS .............................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 Stage 2: Modify Definitions and Create Database ................................................................... 11
3.3.3 Stage 3: Design Experiment ..................................................................................................... 11
3.3.4 Stage 4: Implement Tests ......................................................................................................... 12
3.3.5 Stage 5: Verifying Actions ....................................................................................................... 12
3.3.6 Stage 6: Analyse and Write-up Results .................................................................................... 12
3.4 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 4: Prerequisite for Implementation
4.1 Overview of Perl ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.1.1 DBI Modules and their functions ............................................................................................. 13
Table of Contents
4.2 Overview of PL/SQL ...................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Benefits of PL/SQL .................................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 5: Integrity Constraints
5.1 Different Types of Integrity .......................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Domain Constraints .................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.2 Entity Integrity ......................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.3 Referential Integrity ................................................................................................................. 17
5.1.4 Triggers .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Advantages of Integrity Constraints ............................................................................................ 17
5.2.1 Declarative Ease ....................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.2 Centralized rules ....................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.3 Maximum Application Development Productivity .................................................................. 18
5.2.4 Immediate User Feedback ........................................................................................................ 18
5.2.5 Superior Performance ............................................................................................................... 18
5.2.6 Flexibility ................................................................................................................................. 18
5.3 Domain Constraint Experiments .................................................................................................. 19
5.3.1 Data Type Tests and Results .................................................................................................... 20 String/Character Tests and Results .................................................................................... 20 Analysis of Error Messages (String Tests) ................................................................. 21 Analysis of Actions (String Tests) .............................................................................. 22 Integer Tests and Results ................................................................................................... 23 Analysis of Error Messages (Integer Tests) ................................................................ 24 Analysis of Actions (Integer Tests) ............................................................................ 25 Float Tests and Results ...................................................................................................... 26 Analysis of Error Messages (Float Tests) ................................................................... 27 Analysis of Actions (Float Tests)................................................................................ 27 Enumeration Data Type Tests and Results ........................................................................ 28 Analysis of Error Messages (Enumeration tests) ........................................................ 30 Analysis of Actions (Enumeration Tests) ................................................................... 31
5.3.2 Check Constraint tests and Results .......................................................................................... 32 Analysis of Error Messages (Check Constraints) .............................................................. 33 Analysis of Actions (Check Constraints) ........................................................................... 33
5.3.3 Not NULL Tests and Results ................................................................................................... 34 Analysis of Error Messages ............................................................................................... 35 Analysis of Actions ( Null Tests) ....................................................................................... 35
5.3.4 Overall Evaluation of the Domain Experiments ...................................................................... 36
5.4 Entity Integrity ............................................................................................................................... 37
5.4.1 Primary Key Tests and Results ................................................................................................ 37 Analysis of Error Message (Primary Key Tests) ............................................................... 39 Analysis of Action (Primary Key Tests) ............................................................................ 39
5.4.2 Unique Key Tests and Results ................................................................................................. 39 Analysis of Error Message (Unique Key Tests) ................................................................ 41 Analysis of Action (Unique Key Tests) ............................................................................. 41
Table of Contents
5.5 Referential Integrity ...................................................................................................................... 42
5.5.1 Foreign Key Tests and Results ................................................................................................. 43 Analysis of Error Message (Foreign Key Tests) ................................................................ 46 Analysis of Action Foreign Key Tests).............................................................................. 46
5.5.2 Example of Violation ............................................................................................................... 47
5.6 Triggers ........................................................................................................................................... 48
5.7 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 6: Transactions
6.1 Overview of Transactions .............................................................................................................. 51
6.1.1 Properties of Transactions ........................................................................................................ 51
6.1.2 SQL Transaction Statements ................................................................................................... 51
6.1.3 Operations and their Relevance ................................................................................................ 52
6.1.4 Transaction States .................................................................................................................... 52
6.1.5 Problems with Transactions ..................................................................................................... 53
6.1.6 Importance of Transactions ...................................................................................................... 54
6.2 Design of Experiment..................................................................................................................... 54
6.2.1 Differences in the Design ......................................................................................................... 54
6.2.2 Methods of Simulating a Crash ................................................................................................ 55
6.2.3 Atomicity Test .......................................................................................................................... 55
6.2.4 Consistency Test ...................................................................................................................... 57
6.3 Significant findings ........................................................................................................................ 58
6.4 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 7: Concurrency Control
7.1 Problems With Concurrency ........................................................................................................ 60
7.1.1 Lost Updates ............................................................................................................................. 60
7.1.2 Uncommitted Data ................................................................................................................... 61
7.1.3 Inconsistent Retrievals ............................................................................................................. 61
7.2 Issues Concerning Serialization .................................................................................................... 61
7.2.1 Conflict Serialization................................................................................................................ 61
7.2.2 View Serialization .................................................................................................................... 62
7.3 Different Lock Types and Granularity ........................................................................................ 62
7.3.1 Oracle’s Locking System ......................................................................................................... 63
7.3.2 MySQL’s Locking System ....................................................................................................... 63
7.4 Design of the Experiment .............................................................................................................. 64
7.5 Results and Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 65
7.6 Summary of Chapter ..................................................................................................................... 65
Table of Contents
Chapter 8: Conclusion
8.1 Evaluation of MySQL .................................................................................................................... 66
8.2 Evaluation of Oracle ...................................................................................................................... 67
8.3 Overall Evaluation of the Integrity .............................................................................................. 67
8.4 Suitable Environment for Each .................................................................................................... 68
8.4.1 Advantages of each DBMS ...................................................................................................... 68
8.4.2 Environment Suitable for MySQL ........................................................................................... 68
8.4.3 Environment Suitable for Oracle .............................................................................................. 69
8.5 Possible Future Extensions
8.5 1 Further research on this Project ................................................................................................ 69
8.5.2 Use Different DBMS with a Similar Projects .......................................................................... 69
8.5.3 Investigate Other Aspects of a DBMS ..................................................................................... 70
8.5.4 Attempt to Solve Problems Found with MySQL ..................................................................... 70
Appendix A
List of figures
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Diagram showing Market Share held by Oracle .................................... 6
Figure 2.2 Figure showing the results of the crash-me-test ..................................... 7
Figure 5.1 An Example of where MySQL violates integrity .................................. 22
Figure 5.2 An example where a string is entered in place of a number ................ 25
Figure 5.3 Example where data exceeds the maximum size of the number ......... 25
Figure 5.4 An example situation where integrity is violated .................................. 28
Figure 5.5 Example where the value is not in the list ............................................. 30
Figure 5.6 Example where it’s better not to have case sensitivity ......................... 31
Figure 5.7 A few examples where check constraints are necessary ...................... 34
Figure 5.8 Graph showing a comparison of the number of error messages ......... 37
Figure 5.9 Charts showing the results of the Entity integrity experiments .......... 41
Figure 5.9 Diagram showing how foreign keys link tables .................................... 43
Figure 5.10 Code showing the schema of a child entity .......................................... 43
Figure 5.11 Code to check no violation of the foreign key constraint ................... 44
Figure 5.12 Delete code to test cascade rule ............................................................ 44
Figure 5.13 Code to reveal changes after deleting .................................................. 44
Figure 5.14 Example of violation of foreign key when inserting ........................... 47
Figure 5.15 Example where foreign key constraint violated when deleting ......... 47
Figure 5.16 Example where foreign key constraint violated when deleting ......... 48
Figure 6.1 Figure showing the states of a transaction ............................................ 53
Figure 6.2 An example of a transaction that leads to deadlock ............................. 54
Figure 6.3 Code for the schema of the state table ................................................... 56
Figure 6.4 Code for the schema for the airport table ............................................. 56
List of figures
Figure 6.5 Code for the schema for the city table ................................................... 56
Figure 6.6 The procedure to handle an update of the state table .......................... 57
Figure 6.7 The procedure used when updating the airport table .......................... 58
List of tables
List of Tables
Table 5.1 Table showing the data types supported by MySQL and Oracle ......... 19
Table 5.2 Table showing the results of the string data type experiments ............. 21
Table 5.3 Table showing the results of the integer data type experiments ........... 24
Table 5.4 Table showing the results of the float data type experiments ............... 27
Table 5.5 Table showing the results of the enum data type experiments ............. 30
Table 5.6 Table showing the results of the check constraint experiments ............ 33
Table 5.7 Table showing the results of the null constraint experiment ................ 35
Table 5.8 Table showing the results of the primary key experiments................... 38
Table 5.9 Table showing the results of the unique key constraint experiment .... 40
Table 5.10 Table showing the rules for updating/deleting ..................................... 42
Table 5.11 Table showing the results of the foreign key experiments .................. 45
Table 7.1 Table showing possible situations and resulting conditions .................. 61
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1 Aim
The main aim of this project is to evaluate the integrity of two Relational Database
Management Systems (RDBMS), namely Oracle and MySQL. This evaluation will
highlight the problems of each DBMS, indicating how the integrity of the data could
be lost. The reason why this evaluation is beneficial is that it can assist a Database
Administrator (DBA) to make a decision about which DBMS fulfils their specific
requirements. The aim is not to prove which is superior as each DBMS has its
respective advantages, but to determine which is best employed depending on the
needs and circumstances of the application.
1.2 Overview of Project
This project is divided into three sections, which are integrity constraints, transactions
and concurrency control. The first of these sections, integrity constraints, investigates
domain constraints, entity integrity, referential integrity and triggers. The second
section tests transactions in a single user environment. Finally, a multi-user
environment is simulated so that concurrency control can be evaluated.
Integrity constraints can be placed on the data’s attributes to ensure that the data is
stored in a consistent and accurate manner. The first type of integrity constraint is the
domain constraint, where different data types, check constraints and null constraints
were tested. The second type of experiment was for the entity constraints. For these
tests primary keys and unique keys were evaluated. The third experiments tested
referential constraints, which evaluated foreign keys and demonstrated their
importance. Finally, triggers were tested in Oracle to illustrate how the integrity of the
data might be violated if they are not implemented.
Transactions are used where it is essential that a group of operations be performed as
a single task where all of them are executed or none. Because MySQL does not
support transactions these experiments had to be designed in a different manner. The
approach to these experiments was to use situations where transactions are necessary
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 1- Introduction
to demonstrate how they ensure integrity. This made it possible to prove that
transactions are necessary to maintain valid data.
With a multi-user environment where numerous users are accessing the database and
several transactions need to be executed concurrently, there is a problem with
upholding the isolation property. The isolation property enforces that data used by one
transaction cannot be accessed by a second transaction until the first one is complete.
To enforce the isolation property locks can be implemented. This experiment was
based around the fact that MySQL only implements table level locking while Oracle
also supports row level locking.
1.3 Motivation
There are many DBMSs available, making the selection process difficult. It is
therefore important to know when to use which DBMS and what problems might be
associated with the DBMS. Oracle and MySQL were selected because they are both
widely used, making it beneficial to find the problems of each. Another reason for
selecting these two DBMSs is that they come from very different backgrounds.
MySQL is from an open source background whereas Oracle is from a commercial
environment. This added an interesting additional aspect to the project.
This project will be useful in assisting a Database Administrator (DBA) to determine
the best to use by being aware of their respective advantages and downfalls. The
project will do this by highlighting the problems that occurred with each DBMS in
order to make the DBA aware of the potential problems. This project will also assist a
DBA select the DBMS that best fits their requirements. A section is included that
outlines the merits and faults of both DBMS and suggests a suitable environment for
1.4 Overview of Chapters
Chapter 2: - This chapter gives the background information necessary for the project.
It explains why integrity was chosen and introduces the DBMSs.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 3: -Considerations and design issues are discussed in this chapter. Then the
design of the experiment is stated step-by-step.
Chapter 4: - Technical information about Perl and PL/SQL is given to help the reader
understand the experiments better.
Chapter 5: - This chapter discusses the integrity constraint experiment, giving the
design of the experiments, their results and the evaluation.
Chapter 6: - Transactions are introduced in this chapter with examples of where
transactions are necessary.
Chapter 7: - This chapter investigates concurrency and the effect on integrity due to
its failure.
Chapter 8: -This chapter is the conclusion. It summarises the results of all the
experiments so that the strengths of each DBMS can be identified. It then suggests
suitable environments for each. In this chapter there are proposals for possible future
extensions, which include extensions to this project and other similar projects.
1.5 Summary of Chapter
This chapter gives the aim of the project and the motivation for it. It also has an
overview of the contents of each of the following chapters. The next chapter gives the
background for the project.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 2- Background
2.1 Possible Criteria for Evaluating a DBMS
The DBMS selection can be a complex process, which is dependant on what is required and
an element of personal preference. The choice is usually based on one of, or a combination of
the following criteria [Hansen, 1996: 432]:
Application requirements: This is dependent on who the user is and what their
information requirements are. For example a database with a search engine as its
front-end would need to support multiple users performing many select queries on it
and so it must be able to handle many queries simultaneously.
Maintaining data consistency: This includes integrity, security and recovery. An
example is a web-based database, which has a high security risk, therefore must be
secure. If the database needs to be available at all times then it is essential that the
recovery time be fast.
Response-Time requirements: The response time could be critical in certain cases,
especially in web-oriented database whereas it is less important under different
This project focused on the second of these criteria, evaluating the integrity of the DBMS.
Response-time is briefly discussed to add to the overview of MySQL.
2.2 Why Integrity is used
When a user accesses a database they expect to receive the accurate information. If the
database is corrupt and the integrity is violated this will no longer be possible. The integrity
control prevents this from happening by ensuring that the data is always valid. It achieves this
by not allowing users to enter incorrect information determined by field definitions.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 2- Background
The importance of integrity is highlighted by the definition of a Database Management
System (DBMS)[Online Dictionary, 2000]:
A database management system (DBMS) can be an extremely complex set of software
programs that controls the organisation, storage and retrieval of data (fields, records
and files) in a database. It also controls the security and integrity of the database. The
DBMS accepts requests for data from the application program and instructs the
operating system to transfer the appropriate data.
Although this is not the only concern when choosing a DBMS, it was chosen because it is one
of the most important issues. Others choices could have been: security, recoverability,
performance, cost, ease of use, scalability.
2.3 Overview of Oracle
Oracle is a commercial/proprietary database manufacture by Oracle Corporation, which is
widely used in the industry, especially for E-business.
From the Oracle web page [Oracle Homepage, 2000] the following is claimed:
Oracle Corporation is the world's largest supplier of database software. In fact, the
very latest independent research shows that Oracle now has more than twice the
market share of our closest competitor, IBM DB2.
Oracle is even more popular on the UNIX and Windows NT computers that dominate
the Internet. All 10 of the world's largest Web sites from to Yahoo use
Oracle. Sixty-five percent of the Fortune 100 use Oracle for e-business. The Oracle
database is the software that powers the Internet.
Form this extract from a chart by Dataquest in May 1999 it can be seen that Oracle is very
popular and holds a large percentage of the market share. The chart below is a replication of
the Dataquest chart, which clearly displays that Oracle has the majority of the market share
and is obviously extremely popular [Oracle Homepage, 2000].
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 2- Background
Database Market share- Linux
Figure 2.1 Diagram showing Market Share held by Oracle
Does this mean that it is always preferable to use Oracle? A lot of users and companies must
think so! But why use MySQL then?
2.4 Overview of MySQL
MySQL is an open source database that, although not as widely implemented as Oracle, is
still very popular. Open source means that anyone can use the database because it is available
to download off the Internet. It also means that the source code is available and can be
modified by the user. Being open source might influence its popularity since the open source
community is fairly large in size and supports open source products well. Furthermore the
popularity is probably increased by the fact that MySQL is free (if not used commercially). A
third reason why is might be widely used is that it has great performance. The performance
can be tested by the crash-me-test. These are benchmark tests that are installed with MySQL.
They test the performance of different operations performed on the database. The results of
the graph below show a few of the results. These results suggest that Oracle is slower than
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 2- Background
Chart Showing Benchmark Tests
Test Types
Figure 2.2 Figure showing the results of the crash-me-test
2.5 Summary of Chapter
This chapter helps the reader understand why this project was chosen. It starts off by
explaining what the possible criteria are to evaluate DBMS. There is an explanation of why
integrity is important and therefore why it is used as a point of comparison for this project.
The other choice that is justified in this chapter is the reason for using Oracle and MySQL.
The next chapter discusses the consideration made prior to the evaluation and some
implementation details.
and Design
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 3-Considerations and Design
Considerations and Design
If the results of the experiments are to be valid, it is essential that the experiments be
performed correctly. This chapter discusses the considerations that have made to ensure this.
It also looks at the important factors that influence the experiment. The final section outlines
the steps taken in designing the experiment.
3.1 Implementation Considerations
There are six issues that are considered when designing the experiments. These issues are
discussed in this section with a brief explanation of how each was handled.
3.1.1 External Influences
To improve the accuracy of the experiment, keeping the external variables constant as much
as possible will standardize it. The experiment was standardised by using: the same operating
systems, the same hardware, the same database design and the same data. Both database
servers are relational databases that use the same formal language (SQL) as their datadefinition and data-manipulation language. So as not to introduce unnecessary external
influences on the consistency of the database, a pre-designed database was used. The database
used was the MySQL ’test’ database just with a few minor adjustments. This database
consisted of 28 inter related tables with data to be inserted into each table. The amount of data
in each table varies from the largest table containing 2998 records to the smallest table
containing 7 entries. This database was then exported to Oracle so that the databases were
3.1.2 Operating System
The operating system that was used was Redhat Linux version 6.1. This choice was due to the
fact that databases are widely implemented on Unix systems and Linux is one of the most
common Unix orientated systems at present. To back this statement up it is stated below
[Chorafas, 1998:158]:
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 3-Considerations and Design
by the mid- 1990’s more than 75 percent of the Oracle DBMS business was coming
from Unix environment.
3.1.3 Software
The reason for choosing Oracle and MySQL was that both are extensively implemented in
industry at present, as stated previously. The version of Oracle used was 8.1.5 and the version
of MySQL was 3.22, which was the latest stable release.
3.1.4 Sufficient Tests
A substantial number of tests were performed to obtain accurate results. To achieve this, all
the experiments were run several times. Also, to ensure that the results were not due to
random chance the experiments were executed on many different tables with different data. It
was verified that the same result was obtained for each experiment.
3.1.5 Accurate Tests
It is important that the experiment tests the correct operation. Analysing the error messages
verifies this. If the error messages are from some other erroneous operations as opposed to the
task that was supposed to be tested then the experiment has to be altered. The main reasons
for having to alter the experiment was due to the ‘not null’ constraints and the foreign key
3.2 Features that MySQL Lacks which Influence the Experiment
It appears that MySQL achieves its speed at the expense of important features. This
influences the results in this project, which is why it is explained here. The functionality
missing from MySQL includes these features [MySQL Documentation, 2000]:
Sub –selects
Select into table
Stored procedures and triggers and ‘check’ assertions
Tonia Stakemire
Foreign keys
Chapter 3-Considerations and Design
Only those features that influence its integrity are discussed here.
3.2.1 Transactions
Transactions are a group of operations that must be performed on a database as a single
logical unit. Using the SQL COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, transactions can be
enforced. The commands achieve this by ensuring that unfinished updates or corrupted
activities are not committed in the database. The problem with MySQL is that it does not
implement either of these commands. This was because originally MySQL supported ‘atomic
operations’ as opposed to transactions because it offered better performance. More details
about transactions is given in chapter 6.
3.2.2 Stored Procedure/Triggers
A stored procedure is a set of SQL commands that can be compiled and stored in the server.
Once they are compiled clients do not need to keep re-issuing the entire query but can refer to
the stored procedure. This provides better performance because the query has to be parsed
only once and therefore less information needs to be sent between the server and the client. A
type of stored procedure is a trigger. A trigger is a statement that is executed automatically by
the system when a certain modification takes place. The experiments related to triggers are
discussed in chapter 5.
3.2.3 Foreign key
A foreign key is a set of attributes in a relation schema that forms a primary key for another
schema. Although the syntax for foreign keys is included in MySQL this is only for
compatibility. In MySQL the referential integrity is not actually maintained. In chapter 5,
assessments are performed on the database to highlight the effect of not having foreign key
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 3-Considerations and Design
3.3 Design of Experiment
Database integrity can be divided into three main sections: integrity constraints, concurrency
and transactions. Experiments were written for each of these aspects and the results were then
analysed. Finally a summary was made of the merits and faults of each of the DBMS. The
steps followed are outlined below.
3.3.1 Stage 1: Install and Setup DBMS
The first step was to install the software and setup the database correctly. To do this two
different user accounts had to be created in Linux so that each of the DBMS could be installed
separately. Accounts were then setup1 in each of these DBMS. These were minimal-privilege
accounts so that the applications were not executed with administration-level rights. This
minimizes security problems.
3.3.2 Stage 2: Modify Definitions and Create Database
As stated before the MySQL ‘test’ database was used and had to be adapted to suit the
experiments. Since it did not originally include any enumeration data types, foreign key
constraints, unique constraints, or check constraints, these had to be added. An ER-diagram
was constructed so that suitable positions could be found for these constraints. This enabled
the new schemas to be constructed. The new table schemas were then installed on both
MySQL and Oracle. Finally the data was inserted using Perl scripts.
3.3.3 Stage 3: Design the Experiment
The experiments were then designed for the three sections of integrity constraints,
transactions and concurrency. The first step in designing the experiment was to decide what
operations should be tested, e.g. foreign key constraints. When this was done the details of the
tests had to be decided like trying to alter an attribute that is referenced by a foreign key.
Instructions for creating accounts are in the appendix
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 3-Considerations and Design
3.3.4 Stage 4: Implement Tests
When the experiments were designed they had to be executed on many tables to get accurate
results. These experiments were implemented using Perl script and SQL commands. This was
quite a complex process because the existing data and table definitions had to be considered
to obtain the correct values to be used. When the values to be used were decided on, queries
had to be adapted to run on both DBMS. These queries were then run on the DBMS’s and the
results and error messages were sent to a file. The error messages were analysed and checked
for irregularities. If an unexpected error message was found then this has to be investigated.
The reason for this is that an error message is the only method of confirming that the
experiment ran correctly. The experiment then had to be corrected, to take this into account.
3.3.5 Stage 5: Verifying Actions
The actual changes made to the database were found by querying the database from the
DBMS command line. These were recorded for analysis.
3.3.6 Stage 6: Analyse Results
The results were analysed which lead to the conclusion where an evaluation was made of the
two DBMS and a suggestion was made for where each could be used.
3.4 Summary of Chapter
This chapter is about the considerations prior to the experiment and design of the project. It
covers the considerations that have to be made to ensure accurate results and how these
potential problems were handled in this project. The features that MySQL does not support
and influence integrity are listed. Finally the design of the experiment is then given in a stepby-step manner.
The next chapter gives the details of the integrity constraint tests and an evaluation of the
results found.
Prerequisite for
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 4- Prerequisite for Implementation
Prerequisite for Implementation
This section just gives an introduction into the software products before the experiments,
which implement them. Perl scripts were used for the integrity constraint tests, PL/SQL was
used for the transaction tests and both Perl and PL/SQL were used for concurrency tests.
4.1 Overview of Perl
Perl scripts are used with the Database Interface (DBI) module because they have built in
functions for connecting to a database and querying it. The definition of the DBI module is
[Perl Homepage, 2000]:
``The DBI is a database interface module for Perl. It defines a set of methods,
variables and conventions that provide a consistent database interface independent of
the actual database being used.''
The advantage of using scripts is that it is easy to run multiple queries consecutively or
simultaneously, simulating a multi user environment, which would be difficult to observe
otherwise. They can then be ported from MySQL to Oracle so that the tests are identical.
Another advantage of using Perl scripts is that it’s easy to recreate the table and insert the
original data. The benchmark scripts that were found on MySQL were adapted to create the
table and to connect to the database.
4.1.1 DBI Modules and their functions
The functions that these modules support are listed below, with a brief description of their
use DBI;
This statement is used by Perl to activate the interface that is used for the other functions.
Subsequently, multiple Oracle or MySQL database servers can be connected and numerous
queries can be sent to any of them via a simple object oriented interface. Two types of objects
are available: database handles and statement handles.
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Chapter 4- Prerequisite for Implementation
The initial database handle used is the statement:
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, undef, undef);
Perl returns a database handle to the connect method as shown above. A connection to the
database has now been made so that the database can be queried in many different ways.
If results need to be retrieved, a statement handle can be created as follows:
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE blah=’123’");
Another important statement handle was used to retrieve a row of data:
my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
Then to print a header with all the rows returned the following must be executed:
my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
my $numFields = $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
printf("%s%s", $$names[$i], $i ? "," : "");
print "\n";
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
printf("%s%s", $$ref[$i], $i ? "," : "");
print "\n";
This was used to retrieve and display the results when checking the foreign key constraints.
After this was done the operations were completed with the following statement:
Once connected to a database, SQL statements can be executed with the following statements:
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE foo");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, " . $dbh->quote("Tim") . ")");
Finally to disconnect from the database the following statement is executed:
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Chapter 4- Prerequisite for Implementation
4.2 Overview of PL/SQL
PL/SQL is an extension to SQL that Oracle has to allow users more functionality. As stated
on the Oracle Technology web page [OTN, 2000] this is what they say about PL/SQL:
With PL/SQL, you can use SQL statements to manipulate Oracle data and flow-ofcontrol statements to process the data. Moreover, you can declare constants and
variables, define procedures and functions, and trap runtime errors. Thus, PL/SQL
combines the data manipulating power of SQL with the data processing power of
procedural languages.
PL/SQL has a block structure, which starts with a BEGIN statement and ends with an END
statement. Inside this block there could be one or more transaction and a transaction can
extend over more than one block. For the experiments in this project each block encapsulates
one experiment and so may have a single transaction or many transactions within it.
4.2.1 Benefits of PL/SQL
With SQL only one statement can be executed at a time. PL/SQL enables the user to execute
several statements without passing control back to the user after each [Jones, 1997:181]. What
this means is that PL/SQL enables the use of procedures, which adds additional functionality
to the DBMS. An example of this extra functionality is triggers. Other complex applications
can also be written which is not possible without PL/SQL. These include stored procedures
and PL/SQL functions [Rob et al, 2000:150].
4.3 Summary of Chapter
The reason for giving some technical information prior to the discussion of the experiments is
to enhance the reader’s understanding. In this chapter a bit of information is given about Perl
and PL/SQL. The next chapter discusses the integrity constraint experiments and their results.
Integrity Constraints
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Integrity Constraints
An integrity constraint is a restriction applied to a set of data, used to minimise data
inconsistencies and errors when entering or updating data within the database [Hansen et al,
1996: 368]. These semantic restrictions and integrity constraints attempt to ensure that the
data within the database is always in a consistent state. An integrity constraint should be
enforced automatically by the DBMS but unfortunately very few do so.
5.1 Different Types of Integrity
The main aspects of integrity that will be considered for this project are:
Domain Constraints
Entity Constraints
Referential Integrity
5.1.1 Domain Constraints
The domain constraints are the most elementary of the integrity constraints and every new
item entered into the database must obey them. A domain constraint defines a domain, which
is the set of possible values that each attribute can have. The tests for these constraints include
inserting/replacing data with a different domain type from that specified, updating a value so
that it violates the domain constraint, and altering the data type. A non-standard data type is
the enumerated data type where a list of the valid entries is given. Only MySQL and not
Oracle support this data type. To solve this problem it was implemented on Oracle by using
‘check constraints’ to select the values in the domain.
5.1.2 Entity Integrity
Entity constraints consist of primary keys, which are the chosen minimal super keys, and
unique keys. Primary keys are a set of one or more attributes that taken collectively make it
possible to uniquely identify an entity in the entity set. On the other hand, unique keys are
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
used to disallow duplicates entries. They differ in that primary keys must be not null but
unique keys are allowed to be unless specified as not null.
5.1.3 Referential Integrity
Referential integrity is used to ensure that a value that appears in one relation for a given set
of attributes also appears for the same set of attributes in another relation [Silberschatz et al,
1997:195]. Foreign keys are used to enforce referential integrity. A foreign key is a set of
attributes in a relation schema that forms a primary key for another schema. Database
modifications can cause violations of the foreign key restriction. An example of this is where
an entry in the referencing table does not exist in the referenced table. This is called a
dangling tuple and is usually undesirable. To reduce the chances of dangling tuples, action
must be taken when updating or deleting data in the table. This is also investigated in the
5.1.4 Triggers
Triggers are not essential but they are useful to alert the user of a problem or to perform a
specified action automatically. The definition of a trigger is [Rob et al, 2000:150]:
A trigger is procedural SQL code that is automatically invoked by the RDBMS upon
the occurrence of a data manipulation event.
It is already known that MySQL does not support stored procedure, which means it does not
support triggers either. Therefore the experiment had to be designed differently to show why
triggers are useful and how the integrity can be violated if they are not implemented.
5.2 Advantages of Integrity Constraints
Integrity of the data is essential. Integrity constraints have many advantages over alternative
methods such as applications enforcing this. This section briefly describes several advantages
for using integrity constraints [OTN, 1999]. The main advantages of integrity constraints are:
- declarative ease, centralized rules, maximum application development productivity,
immediate user feedback, superior performance and flexibility.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
5.2.1 Declarative ease
It is easy to define and alter tables with integrity constraints because the SQL statements are
simple and the DBMS enforces their functioning. Without integrity constraints, extra program
code has to be written.
5.2.2 Centralized Rules
The rules are enforced no matter which database application accesses the data because
integrity constraints are associated with tables and therefore are stored in the data dictionary.
This means that the rules are centralized.
5.2.3 Maximum Application Development Productivity
If a business rule is modified then only the constraint has to be changed which cascades the
effect throughout the database.
5.2.4 Immediate User Feedback
Violations can be checked immediately as the integrity constraints are stored in the data
5.2.5 Superior Performance
The query optimiser can use these rules to understand more about the data. It then utilizes this
to improve the overall performance.
5.2.6 Flexibility
This is for both data loads and identification of violations of integrity. It is possible to disable
the integrity constraints while loading large amounts of data and then re-enabling it
afterwards to ensure new data abides by the rules. Note that this was not done as the original
data had to conform to the integrity constraints as well.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
5.3 Domain Constraint Experiments
The experiments for the domain constraints included testing the data type constraints, check
constraints and null/not null constraints. Oracle and MySQL support different data types.
Those used for the experiments are shown in the table below:
The data type is supported
The data type is not supported
Data type
Supported in Oracle
Supported in MySQL
Table 5.1 Table showing the data types supported by MySQL and Oracle
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
MySQL supports more data types than Oracle does, as can be seen above. This does not mean
that Oracle is missing some of the important data types as this is not the case. MySQL just has
more variation for certain data types, e.g. many different types of int data types. This is
advantageous since it gives the user more flexibility.
There are other data types that were not examined including: image data types (BLOB,
CLOB, tinyblob, longblob, blob), various date data types and binary data types such as raw
and bfile. These data types were not examined for several reasons. The reasons included the
fact that the original database did not have data of these types, these types of data take a lot of
space to store, there are a lot of issue when looking at the integrity of these types of data
therefore this would be a whole project in itself. It is recommended that these data types be
investigated in future studies (chapter 8.6).
5.3.1 Data Type Tests and Results
The data type experiments are divided into five sections as follows: string, integer, float,
enumeration and check constraint. For each of these experiments the error messages as well as
the actions were evaluated. The reason why the error messages are given is that they verify
that the correct operations were tested. There were many tests performed but the following
results only show the most significant findings in order to highlight the main problems. String/Character Tests and Results
The significant experiments for the character data types (the attribute is specified to be a char)
were performed as follows:
INSERT statement: The values tested were a number with/without a decimal, and a
string with more characters than specified.
The UPDATE command: The tests included changing the values to char, a number
with/without a decimal, and too many characters.
The ALTER command: The data types were modified to an integer and float.
Below is the list of MySQL’s and Oracle’s error messages:
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01401: inserted value too large
for column (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at ./insert_integrity_test
line 54.
2. ErrM2: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01439: column to be modified
must be empty to change datatype (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./alter_table_test line 51.
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-00907: missing right
parenthesis (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at ./alter_table line 51
4. ErrM4: You have and error with query 4: Duplicate entry 'COACH
Below is a table displaying the error messages and the actions resulting from these
Value used for
Action by
Action by
Message by
Message by
Insert Int
Inserted Int
Inserted Int
Insert Float
Inserted Float
Inserted Float
Insert more Chars
Inserted up to
Not Inserted
Update to Int
Updated to Int
Updated to Int
Update to Float
Updated Float
Updated Float
Update to more
Updated up to
Not Updated
Alter to Int
Set all to 0
Not Altered
Alter to Float
Not Altered
Not Altered
Table 5.2 Table showing the results of the string data type experiments
These results are analysed in terms of error messages and actions. Analysis of Error Messages (String Tests)
It is evident from the table that there are only a few significant differences between the results
for MySQL and Oracle. The results show that MySQL permitted all actions except altering
the data type of the column to a float. The reason for this error message was that on altering
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
the data type there was subsequently a duplicate value. It was not because of the obvious
reason that there was a restriction on changing the data type. Oracle, on the other hand, had
the same error message because it does not allow a data type to be altered when there is data
in that column.
Oracle also had an error message when too many characters were inserted. This meant that
Oracle prevented a string with more characters than that allowed from being placed into the
table either for an insert or an update. Below is an example of where this restriction is
beneficial to demonstrate how integrity can be violated:
An attribute specified to be an employee code is three characters
long. The user accidentally mistypes the entry and appends an
additional character to the code entry. If this insertion is permitted,
the incorrect code will be inserted in the database. If there is no
warning the user will not be aware of the error. There will thus be an
incorrect value in the table without the user knowing.
Figure 5.1 An Example of Where MySQL Violates Integrity
If a situation similar to this example occurs, it is evident that the integrity of the database has
been violated. MySQL would allow this situation to occur and so could lose the integrity of
its data. Oracle handles the situation differently from MySQL. The integrity would not be lost
in Oracle because it does not allow values with additional characters be inserted into the
database. Analysis of Actions (String Tests)
There were two important differences between the actions of MySQL and Oracle, as
mentioned in the previous section. The first is when the inserted value had more characters or
more numbers than the column’s defined length. The action that MySQL performed when this
happened was to insert the value up to the length permitted, truncating any additional input.
The reason why this could be a problem is that any value with more than the specified number
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
of characters is not likely to be valid. Oracle, on the other hand, did not have this problem
because whenever the value was longer than specified it prevented the action. An example of
this is given above in figure 5.1.
When there was an attempt to alter the data type of a column, it was only performed by
MySQL. The problem with allowing this action is that data is lost. The reason for this is that
when the column’s data type has been altered the data in that column can no longer remain
the same. MySQL handles this by setting all the values to the default for the new data type.
This means that the original data is lost. Oracle handles the situation differently. It does not
permit any data type to be altered while there is data in the table. The downside to this is that
it is not very flexible. A DBA might not mind losing the data in which case Oracle would be
too restrictive. Integer Tests and Results
The following experiment for attributes specified as integers were performed using these
INSERT command: The values were int, a string, a number with decimal places, and a
number larger than the maximum for the data type.
The UPDATE command: The values were a number with decimal places, and a string.
The ALTER command: A column was altered to char and float.
Tests were run on several different integer types, which varied slightly for each DBMS
because MySQL supports more integer data types. Below are the error messages for MySQL
and Oracle:
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01722: invalid number (DBD
ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at ./insert_integrity_test line 54.
2. ErrM2: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-00001: unique constraint
(TONIA.SYS_C0011410) violated (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./update_integrity_test line 53.
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01439: column to be modified
must be empty to change datatype (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./alter_table_test line 51.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
4. ErrM4: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-00907: missing right
parenthesis (DBD ERROR: OCIS
5. ErrM5: You have and error with query 1: Duplicate entry 'AIR CANADA'
for key 2
Below is the table of results and a list of the error messages. In the table ‘d.p.’ stands for
decimal place.
Tests run
Message by
Action by
Message by
Action by
Insert Float
Rounded off
Rounded off
Insert large no.
Inserted Value
Not Inserted
Insert String
Inserted 0
Not Inserted
Insert char
Inserted 0
Not Inserted
Update to String
Not Inserted
Update to Float
Not Inserted
Alter to Char
Not Changed
Not Inserted
Alter to Float
Added d.p.
Not Inserted
Table 5.3 Table showing the results of the integer data type experiments Analysis of Error Messages (Integer Tests)
The table shows many errors messages for Oracle and a couple for MySQL. This indicates
that there are noteworthy differences between their restrictions. One of these differences
occurred when inserting strings into the integer column. For this action Oracle issues an error
message while MySQL does not restrict the action. An example of where this would not
desirable is as follows:
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Assume an integer attribute is designated to be used for a person’s
age. If a user enters the age in words instead of digits then the stored
value is a string instead of a number. When the DBA subsequently
attempts to find all the people older than a certain age, even if this
person is over that age it will not be returned in the query results.
Invalid data exists in the database
Figure 5.2 An example where a string is entered in place of a number
Because MySQL allowed this without warning the user there might be invalid data in the
table if a similar situation occurs. Oracle on the other hand will not allow the value to be
inserted in the first place so this situation will not occur.
The other significant difference was when a number larger than the maximum value was
inserted into the database. A situation where this would be undesirable is shown below in
figure 5.4. Analysis of Actions (Integer Tests)
There was a problem when a number larger than the data type’s maximum was inserted. This
tests the results when a number larger than the data type’s defined capacity was inserted. With
MySQL, the wrong value was inserted and no error message was given. MySQL inserted the
value 2147483647 instead of 80000000000. Oracle did not permit this action at all. An
example of where this situation could be detrimental is given below:
A scientist is inserting data for experiments they have performed.
Some of the experiments have very large values for their results. One
of these values exceeds the maximum value that the numerical data
type can store. When this value is inserted, if no error message is
given and an invalid number is inserted then the integrity has been
Figure 5.3 Example where data exceeds the maximum size of the number
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
As stated above, MySQL inserted an incorrect value. It appears that the reason for this is that
when MySQL reaches the maximum value, it overflows. This means that it loops around and
starts from the initial value again. Instead of warning the user that the data value is too big, it
inserts an incorrect value. Because there was no warning, the user would be unaware of an
error. This means that calculations using this value will give incorrect results.
In both DBMS the float values are rounded off. That means that if the decimal part was
greater than .5 it was rounded up to the next whole number else it remained at the same whole
number. Therefore the reason for error messages when updating was that there were duplicate
values because the float was rounded off (or because the string was inserted as a 0). Again it
was not possible to alter the table with data already in it. This is explained earlier in section Float Tests and Results
The experiments were performed on float data types using the following commands:
INSERT command: The value was a number without decimal places, a string, and a
number with more decimal places than specified.
The UPDATE command: This was used to change the values to entries of the data type
of a number without a decimal as well as with too many decimal places, and a string.
The ALTER command: Changed the column data type to int and char.
There were no error messages for MySQL and so for Oracle were:
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01722: invalid number (DBD
ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at ./insert_integrity_test line 54.
2. ErrM2: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
./insert_integrity_test line 54.
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01439: column to be modified
must be empty to change datatype (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./alter_table_test line 51.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
The next table show the results from the test performed on attributes specified as floats.
Tests run
Message by
Action by
Message by
Action by
Insert Integer
Added d.p.
Inserted Int
Insert String
Inserted 0.00
Not inserted
Insert more d.p.
Rounded Off
Rounded up
Insert char
Inserted 0.00
Not Inserted
Update String
Updated to 0.0
Not Inserted
Update Int
Updated Int
Inserted Int
Update to more
Rounded Off
Rounded Off
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
decimal places
Alter to Int
Values to Int
Alter to Char
Not Changed
Table 5.4 Table showing the results of the float data type experiments Analysis of Error Messages (Float Tests)
The findings for this experiment were similar to those of the previous experiments. There
were no error messages for MySQL whereas for Oracle there were. One of these occurred
when a string was inserted or was the update value. The other was when altering the data
type. It was also found that both DBMS permitted a value with more decimal places to be
inserted. Analysis of Actions (Float Tests)
The action that caused the most significant problems was inserting or updating a string
because MySQL just inserted a default value whereas Oracle gave an error message. An
example of how this could cause a problem is given below:
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
A user enters the values in the incorrect columns and so inserts their
name where they should insert their weight. If this is allowed without
an error message then there is incorrect data in the table. The
dietician then wants to know the average weight of the people to
determine whether they are eating correctly. The incorrect entries will
be included in this average and so the result will not be accurate
Figure 5.4 An example situation where integrity is violated
MySQL might suffer from a problem similar to the situation stated above. The reason for this
is that MySQL inserted the default2 value when the data was a string. Oracle did not have the
same problem, as it did not permit the action.
For both DBMS the values are rounded off if they have too many decimal places, e.g. 10.999
became 11.00. This is the similar to what happened for the integer values. Finally when
attempting to alter the table Oracle restricted the action while MySQL did not. For MySQL if
it was altered to int, all the values were rounded to int. Here only minimal data was lost,
which is not too big a problem. This means that MySQL is more flexible than Oracle in this
case. However when the data type was changed to char the situation was slightly different
because none of the data was changed, as it was no longer in the domain. Enumeration Data Type Tests and Results
The enum test was not really an accurate comparison because only MySQL supports
enumeration data types whereas Oracle has to use ‘check constraints’. This still worked
though because an enumeration data type restricts the data entered to be in a list and ‘check
constraints’ enforces that.
The default value for float is 0.00 correct to the number of decimal places
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
The experiments were performed using the following commands:
INSERT command: The values were an empty string, null, omitted, a value not in the
enum type with a default set and not set, a value spelt wrong and a value in a different
case (to check if the DBMS is case sensitive).
The UPDATE command: Was used to change the entries to a value not in the enum list
and null.
The ALTER command: A column was changed to have an enum data type (which was
not previously) where all the values do and do not match those in the table.
The next table shows the results of the tests performed on attributes of the data type enum.
Examples of the error messages were as follows:
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-02290: check constraint
(TONIA.SYS_C0011257) violated (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./insert_integrity_test line 54.
2. ErrM2: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL
OCIStmtExecute) at ./insert_integrity_test line 54.
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01439: column to be modified
must be empty to change datatype (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./alter_table_test line 51.
In the table the symbol  represents a blank.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Tests run
Message by
Action by
Message by
Action by
Insert “  “
Insert “ “
Not Inserted
Omit Insert (df)
Insert Default
Insert Default
Omit Insert (no df)
Insert 1st Entry
Insert 
Insert Not in Enum
Insert 
Not Inserted
Spelt Wrong
Insert 
Not Inserted
Different case
Inserts fine
Not Inserted
Update not in enum
Update to 
Not Updated
Alter Enum (in)
No Change
Alter Enum (not in)
Inserted “ “
Not Altered
Table 5.5 Table showing the results of the enum data type experiments Analysis of Error Messages (Enumeration Tests)
‘Check constraints’ were stricter than the enumeration types. This is shown by the fact that
MySQL did not have any error messages while Oracle did. One of the instances where Oracle
issued an error message when MySQL did not was when an empty string was inserted. This
supports the idea that ‘check constraints’ are stricter.
When a value was not in the list, MySQL, once again, did not issue an error message. This is
unsuitable because it meant that MySQL did not notify the user that the value was not in the
enumeration data type. An example of a situation where this could cause a problem is given
A user is entering the towns that people live. In a rush they misspell
some of the towns when entering the data. When they try to calculate
the population for each town the results will not be accurate. This is
because some people will not be registered in any town since the town
name was misspelt.
Figure 5.5 Example where the value is not in the list
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
For MySQL the integrity would have been broken in this situation, however, for Oracle it
would not have because it restricted the action.
Another case where only Oracle gives an error message is when changing a data type into an
enumeration data type. If all the values are in the list then it executed correctly for both
DBMS. However if the list did not include all the data already inserted in the table then only
Oracle issued an error message. This means that MySQL violated the integrity of the database
in this instance. Analysis of Actions (Enumeration Tests)
As stated before Oracle enforced these constraints better than MySQL. An example of this is
where MySQL allowed an empty string to be inserted whereas Oracle did not. In this case
MySQL actually inserted a blank, which is not in the list and therefore should not be allowed.
A similar situation occurred when the value was omitted. However for this test Oracle
inserted a blank but MySQL did not. MySQL handled this situation more appropriately by
inserting the default value instead. This was a more desirable action because it did not violate
the integrity.
For MySQL it was found that when a value was not in the list, the default3 value was inserted.
A specific instance of this was where the entry was the same but in a different case. Oracle
viewed the value as invalid while MySQL did not. This was because Oracle is case sensitive
while MySQL is not. Both have distinct advantages and disadvantages. MySQL is more
flexible than Oracle whereas Oracle can enforce rules more strictly. Below is an example of
when it is better not to have case sensitivity:
The column needs either the value ‘yes’/’no’. If the user types these in
lower case or upper case or mixed it should not make a difference. If
the DBMS were case sensitive all the possible values would have to be
included in the enumeration list.
Figure 5.6 Example where it’s better not to have case sensitivity
If a default is not specified then the first value in the list was used.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
For MySQL this would not be a problem since all variations will have the same meaning.
However for Oracle either the definition will have to list every option possible or the user
will be given an error message and will have to type it in the correct case. If there is an error
message the user might not know why since they might not consider the case sensitivity.
Although this is not an integrity issue as such MySQL is often more suitable due to its
5.3.2 Check Constraint tests and Results
It was found that check constraints could only be used on a single table and on a single
column. The experiments were performed using the following commands:
< or > tests: These tests included inserting a value larger or smaller than allowed.
Also the values were updated to values that were < or >.
Both entries may not be 0: The values were both 0’s, null and 0, omitted and 0 or both
Where one value must be greater than the other: The value was bigger or the values
were the same.
The next table show the results of the test performed on attributes with ‘check constraints’.
There was only one error message as follows:
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-02290: check constraint
(TONIA.SYS_C0011257) violated (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./insert_integrity_test line 54.
 Represents a blank
Tonia Stakemire
Tests run
Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Message by
Action by
Message by
Action by
Insert > or <
Inserted Value
Not Inserted
Insert Both 0
2 * Inserted 0.0
Not Inserted
Insert 0 & NULL
Inserted NULL
Insert 0 &
“ “
Insert 0 & Omit
2 * Inserted 0.0
Insert 0 &
“ “
Insert Omit Both
2 * Inserted 0.0
Inserted 
If one > other
Inserted Value
Not Inserted
Insert = value
Inserted Value
Not Inserted
Update >
Inserted Value
Not Updated
Update <
Inserted Value
Not Updated
Table 5.6 Table showing the results of the check constraint experiments Analysis of Error Messages (Check Constraints)
The most significant finding was that MySQL did not support ‘check constraint’ at all. It
implements the syntax but does not enforce the rules. This was shown by the fact that there
were no errors messages for MySQL. In contrast Oracle enforced ‘check constraint‘
effectively and would not allow a value to violate the constraint to be entered. The only
situation that might a problem for Oracle occurs where it is specified that either one of two
values is not 0.0. In this situation Oracle allowed one of the values to be null or left blank.
This is not an ideal action, as the DBA may have wanted at least one of the entries to have a
value. Analysis of Actions (Check Constraints)
The difference between the actions was that MySQL did not support check constraints at all
whereas Oracle did. Examples are given to demonstrate why it is important that ‘check
constraints’ are implemented:
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
There are many cases where constraints are needed. The start time of
an experiment cannot be later than the end time. When entering the
day of the week it should not be possible to enter anything greater than
7 as this is the upper limit. When a passenger buys a ticket they have
to either book one way or both ways, it should not be possible to leave
both blank.
Figure 5.7 A few examples where check constraints are necessary
Another difference was found when one of the values was omitted or null. Oracle left the
values blank while MySQL inserted 0.00s. This actually violated the constraint that both
values cannot be 0.00.
5.3.3 Not NULL Tests and Results
In both the documentation for MySQL and Oracle it states that in SQL, a null represents a
missing, unknown, or inapplicable column value and it equates neither to zero nor to a blank.
Therefore null is used when a value is not known or an attribute does not have a value. The
experiments were performed on the not NULL constraint using the following commands:
INSERT command: The values were an empty string, null and omitted.
The UPDATE command: Was used to change the values to an empty string and null.
The ALTER command: Changed a column type from ‘not null’ to ‘null’ and also
altered a column to ‘not null’ which was not previously so.
Finally the table below shows the results of the tests performed on attributes with the ‘not
null’ constraint. The error messages were as shown below:
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
./insert_integrity_test line 54.
2. ErrM2: You have and error with query 3: ORA-01407: cannot update
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01449: column contains NULL
values; cannot alterto NOT NULL (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./alter_table_test line 51.
4. ErrM4: You have and error with query 5: Column 'rank' cannot be null
Tests run
Message by
Action by
Message by
Action by
Insert NULL
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Insert “ “
Inserted 
Not Inserted
Omit Insert
Inserted 
Not Inserted
Update to NULL
Updated 
Not Updated
Update to “ “
Updated 0.0
Not Updated
Alter to NULL
Not Altered
Add not NULL
None or
(Not) Altered
Table 5.7 Table showing the results of the not null constraint experiments Analysis of Error Messages
The only restriction the MySQL enforced was that null was not inserted. Oracle enforced this
as well as not allowing the value to be omitted or an empty string. Which one of these
restrictions is correct depends on how strictly the DBA wants to implement this constraint.
Depending on the definition of null and what is desired, this could be considered to be
violating the integrity constraint. Analysis of Actions (Null Tests)
In Oracle when specified ‘not null’ is specified a valid value must be inserted in that field.
MySQL on the other hand only enforces that the value is not null. Sometimes a user will not
want anything but a valid entry to be entered in that field in which case Oracle is more
suitable. Otherwise if the only values that cannot be entered are null values then MySQL is
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
For Oracle the difference between a null value and an empty string is not differentiated.
However the value is still viewed as a null value by the system, it is just not displayed as
such. From the definition given earlier, it is hard to distinguish whether it is important that a
blank and a null value should be shown as different values.
5.3.4 Overall Evaluation of the Domain Experiments
It was found that Oracle enforced integrity better than MySQL. This is because MySQL
violated the integrity constraint on several occasions. One of these is when there is a
restriction on the number of characters, which MySQL permits a user to insert more. A
serious integrity violation was found with the integer data type. This was based on the fact
that every integer data type has a maximum value that it can hold. When a number larger than
specified was used MySQL inserted an invalid number instead of the original value.
MySQL implements a data type called enumeration, yet it does not restrict the user in the
manner it should. This deceives the DBA since they assume it is enforcing rules that it is not.
It was known before hand that MySQL did not support ‘check constraints’ hence these
experiments simply confirmed that.
MySQL was found to be more flexible in certain circumstances. An example of this is the fact
that MySQL uses the default when an incorrect insertion is approved. This included the use of
the first value in the list for enum when the value was omitted. It is also not case sensitive
which is often more suitable. Another situation is where it allowed the value to be omitted or
set to “ “ when it is specified to be ‘not null’.
To get an overall idea of the results a chart of the error messages was constructed. The heights
of the two bars indicate how many times an error message was given by Oracle and MySQL.
The difference between the bars shows the number of times that MySQL violated the
integrity. Below is this graph showing an overview of this experiment:
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Comparision of restrictions of MySQL and
Number Of
Data Types
Figure 5.8 Graph showing a comparison of the number of error messages
5.4 Entity Integrity
The entity integrity experiments investigated the integrity on the data of the primary key
constraints and the unique key constraints.
5.4.1 Primary Key Tests and Results
To test the primary key, tests were performed as follows:
INSERT command: There were tests for both tables with single and composite primary
keys with the values which included inserting a null, an empty string, omitting the
primary key value and a duplicate value in the place of a primary key.
The UPDATE command: The tests were to update a single key an empty string or a
duplicate value, to update a table with a composite key to an empty string and a
duplicate value.
The ALTER command: The tests include dropping the primary key for a table and
adding new primary keys to a table.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
The table below shows the error messages and actions for the primary key.
SK: Represents the test being performed on a table with a single key
CK: Represents the test being performed on a table with a composite key
The error messages found were as follows:
1. ErrM1: You have and error with query 1: Column
‘aircraft_code' cannot be null
2. ErrM2: You have and error with query 1: Duplicate entry ''
for key 1
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert
ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at ./primary_key_test line 56.
4. ErrM4: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-00001: unique
constraint (TONIA.SYS_C006733) violated (DBD ERROR:
OCIStmtExecute) at ./primary_key_test line 56.
5. ErrM5: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01449: column contains
NULL values; cannot alterto NOT NULL (DBD ERROR:
OCIStmtExecute) at ./alter_table_test line 51.
Test performed
SK- Insert NULL
SK –Insert “ “
SK- Omitted
SK –Insert Duplicate
CK –Part “ “
CK - Part omitted
CK- Part duplicate
CK – All “ “
CK – All omitted
CK–All duplicate
SK – Update to “ “
SK – Update to Dup
CK – Update to “ “
CK – Update to Dup
Drop Primary Key
Add Primary Key
None or
None or
Not Inserted
Insert 
1:Insert 
2:Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Inserted 
Insert Default
Inserted Fine
Inserted Fine
Inserted Fine
Not Inserted
Inserted Fine
Not Updated
Updated Fine
Not Updated
Added/ Not
Oracle Error
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Inserted Fine
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Updated
Not Updated
Not Updated
Not Updated
Dropped PK
Not added
Table 5.8 Table showing the results of the primary key experiments
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints Analysis of Error Message (Primary Key Tests)
Neither DBMS violated the most important restriction for primary keys, which is that a
primary key cannot have the same value as another entry. This can be seen by the fact that an
error message was given when inserting or updating to a duplicate value. When only part of
the key became the same an error message was not given, which is correct. This means that
neither DBMS violated the integrity of the data.
However, from the table it can be seen that Oracle enforced the primary key constraint more
strictly than MySQL does. An example of this is when the value for the primary key was left
out for an insert or update. Oracle did not allow this while MySQL did, as long as it did not
mean that there was consequently a duplicate entry. The other case where Oracle was stricter
was when inserting an empty string. Similar results were found for the composite key. Oracle
was stricter than MySQL because it did not allow an empty string or the value to be omitted
for part or the entire primary key. MySQL on the other hand did allow this. This was not
essentially a violation of the integrity because the primary keys were still unique and it was
possible to differentiate between them. Analysis of Action (Primary Key Tests)
Both MySQL and Oracle strictly enforced that no duplicate entries were ever in the table.
MySQL allowed an empty string and an omitted value to be inserted and the action was to
insert a blank. This did not violate the integrity of the database and the primary key constraint
was upheld. MySQL also allowed a primary key to be added when there was data in the table,
which Oracle did not permit.
5.4.2 Unique Key Tests and Results
The unique key tests were as follows:
Insert or update a value to null, “ “(empty string), omitted and a duplicate value. The alter
tests were adding a unique key constraint when data already existed in the table and dropping
a unique key constraint.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Sometimes it is desirable only to have a value in the table once, which makes the candidate
key and is where the ‘unique constraint’ is utilized. The next experiments were to test the
‘unique constraint’ and the error messages found were as follows:
1. ErrM1: You have and error with query 1: Duplicate entry 'AIR CANADA'
for key 2
2. ErrM2: You have and error with query 4: Column 'city_name' cannot be
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-00001: unique constraint
(TONIA.AIRLINE_INDEX) violated (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./insert_integrity_test line 54.
4. ErrM4: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
./insert_integrity_test line 54.
5. ErrM5: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-02442: Cannot drop nonexistent
unique key (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at ./alter_table_test line 51.
Test Performed
MySQL Error
Oracle Error
Insert NULL
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Insert “ “
Value Inserted
Not Inserted
Omit in Insert
Value Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Not Inserted
Inserted Fine
Inserted Fine
Update NULL
Not Updated
Not Updated
Update to “ “
Inserted 
Not Updated
Omit in Update
Inserted 
Not Updated
Not Updated
Not Updated
Dropped key
ErrM5 or none
(not) Altered
Insert Duplicate
Duplicate but
different case
Update to duplicate
Drop unique key
Table 5.9 Table showing the results of the unique key constraint experiments
When there is a unique constraint, neither Oracle nor MySQL will insert a duplicate entry.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints Analysis of Error Message (Unique Key Tests)
The most important operation in this test was whether the DBMS would allow a duplicate
value. Neither permitted an update or insert of a duplicate value, which shows that neither
violated the integrity. However, only MySQL gave an error message when a duplicate entry
when a different case was inserted. This was discussed previously for the enumeration tests;
MySQL was not case sensitive whereas Oracle was. There was also an error messages for
both DBMS when a unique constraint was added and there was already duplicate entries in
those columns. As found for the primary key experiments, Oracle had extra constraints. These
occurred when an empty string or no values were inserted. Analysis of Action (Unique Key Tests)
There were no significant findings here since neither DBMS violated the constraint. Oracle
enforced an extra restriction that was not always necessary. This was consistent with the
findings that Oracle is stricter while MySQL is more flexible.
5.4.3 Overall Evaluation of Entity Integrity
The graph below gives a general overview of the results:
Graph Showing the Entity Contraint Results
Number of
Single key
unique key
Constraints Tested
Figure 5.9 Chart showing the results of the Entity integrity experiments
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
This graph was constructed in the same manner as the one for the domain constraints. As can
be seen from the chart there were only slight differences for the single primary keys. On the
other hand the result for the composite key and the unique key have differences due to the fact
that Oracle was more restrictive than MySQL. However, for the composite primary keys and
the unique key constraints, neither DBMS violated the integrity of the database. MySQL
allowed empty strings and the value to be omitted for part of the primary key and unique
keys, which caused this variation.
5.5 Referential Integrity
These are more complex than domain constraints but just as important. Foreign keys have
extra rules to specify what should be done on updating and deleting. The different actions that
can be performed when a foreign key constraint has been broken include:
This does not allow the action at all when trying to update or delete
Set to NULL
All associated dependent data is set to NULL when updated or deleted
Set to
All associated dependent data is set to the default value when updated
or deleted
When updated, all associated dependent data is updated accordingly.
When deleted, all associated dependent data is deleted accordingly
No action / Similar to restrict except that it checks at the end of the statement or
not specified
transaction if the constraint is deferred.
Table 5.10 Table showing the rules for updating/deleting
MySQL supports the syntax for all of these, however it did not actually enforce foreign key
constraints. Oracle, on the other hand, enforced only no action on update and no action,
cascade and set to NULL on delete. These were the only rules tested. The default for Oracle
was no action otherwise one of the other operations must be specified.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Below is a diagram that demonstrates how foreign keys work:
airport Service
Child table/Referencing
Parent table/Referenced
Figure 5.9 Diagram showing how foreign keys link tables
5.5.1 Foreign Key Tests and Results
The foreign key tests were a little more complicated and had to include a script to ensure that
if there was a foreign key constraint that every entry in the child table did actually exist in the
parent table. This was run before and after the tests to confirm that this constraint was not
violated. An example of this is for the table with this foreign key constraint shown below:
["flight_code integer(8)",
"fare_class char(3) NOT NULL",
"PRIMARY KEY (flight_code, fare_class)",
"FOREIGN KEY (flight_code) REFERENCES flight"]);
Figure 5.10 Code showing the schema of a child entity
The easiest way to test this on Oracle was using sub queries as follows:
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
$query[0]= "select flight_class.flight_code
from flight_class
where not exists(
select flight.flight_code
from flight)";
Figure 5.11 Code to check no violation of the foreign key constraint
Scripts were also written to reveal the relationship between the tables. These were also run
prior and subsequent to the tests to establish any changes that occurred. An example of the
code for performing a delete test was:
$query[0]= "delete
from fare
where restrict_code='AP/68'";
Figure 5.12 Delete code to test cascade rule
The test to show if any difference were found was as follows:
$query[0]= "select distinct flight_fare.fare_code
from flight_fare, fare
where flight_fare.fare_code=fare.fare_code
and fare.restrict_code='AP/68'";
Figure 5.13 Code to reveal changes after deleting
For each of these rules as stated above the following tests were performed:
On the table with child attribute:
Insert a value that does not exist in the parent table.
Update a value to a value that does not exist in the parent table
On the table with the parent attribute:
Delete where rule is set NULL
Delete where rule is cascade
Delete where rule is not specified
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Update where rule is not specified
The column was dropped
The results for the foreign key tests are shown in the table below. The symbols used in the
table are as follows:
ChildT – this is performed on the child table (dependent on another tables attribute) that is
the referencing table. If not specified then the test is performed on the parent table.
Rules specified for updating and deleting:
NA – No action specified for update or delete
Cascade – Cascade on delete
SN – Set Null on delete
The error message were as follows:
1. ErrM1: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-02291: integrity constraint
(TONIA.SYS_C0012416)violated - parent key not found (DBD ERROR:
2. ErrM2: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-02292: integrity constraint
(TONIA.SYS_C0012416)violated - child record found (DBD ERROR:
OCIStmtExecute) at ./foreign_key_testline 52.
3. ErrM3: DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-02273: this unique/primary key
is referenced by some foreign keys (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) at
./alter_table_test line 51.
Test performed
MySQL Error
MySQL Action
Oracle Error
Oracle Action
Insert ChildT
Value Inserted
Nothing Inserted
Update ChildT
Value updated
Nothing Updated
Update NA
Value Updated
Nothing Updated
Delete NA
Value Deleted
Nothing Updated
Delete Cascade
Value Deleted
Cascaded deleted
Delete SN
Value Deleted
None or ErrM2
Nothing/set Null
Drop Referenced
Nothing Altered
Table 5.11 Table showing the results of the foreign key experiments
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Although it was known beforehand that foreign key restraints are not upheld in MySQL, the
focus of this experiment was to demonstrate how important they are. As seen by the results
there were dangling tuples. A dangling tuple is an entry that exists in the child table but not in
the parent table. This lead to problems because the data might not be accessible when
executing queries and consequently incorrect results are returned. Analysis of Error Message (Foreign Key tests)
The lack of error messages for MySQL clearly shows that MySQL did not support
transactions. Oracle restricted everything except for when trying to delete and the rule was set
as cascade and sometimes when it was set NULL. All other actions were not permitted. Analysis of Action (Foreign Key Tests)
In this section the incorrect actions will be outlined and in the next section specific results and
their problem will be given. The resulting action is more important for these experiments than
the error messages. This is because if the appropriate action is not taken, the database is left in
an inconsistent state and integrity is violated. The reason for the integrity being violated is
that dangling tuples are created. For each of the tables code was run before and afterwards to
check that there were no dangling tuples. A dangling tuple exists if a query references another
table’s column and all the entries in that table do not already exist in the parent entity table.
The code in figure 5.11 for Oracle or figure 5.12 for MySQL checked that dangling tuples did
not exist by returning an empty set.
When a value was inserted into the child column (the column that references another column)
that does not exist in the parent table, MySQL inserted the value without an error message
while Oracle did not permit the action. Allowing this violates the integrity and so the MySQL
database was no longer consistent. For MySQL there were also violations for all of the delete
and update operations after executing the queries, not before. Oracle had no violations. The
values that were returned were dangling tuples. This meant that MySQL allowed queries to be
executed that left the database in an inconsistent state, violating the integrity.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
Finally to check whether Oracle had performed the operation correctly, where permitted, the
code in figure 5.13 was executed. The original results and the results after executing the code
were compared so that the changes could be seen. Oracle altered the table correctly but
MySQL did not as it set the appropriate values to null or deleted the values that were linked.
5.5.2 Example of Violation
Flight_class references flight by the column flight_code and therefore an insert into
flight_class was used for one of the insert examples.
All the possible values for flight_code in the flight table were found.
Then a new value was inserted into the flight_class table, which was
not in the list of values returned before.
Figure 5.14 Example of violation of foreign key when inserting
Oracle did not allow this insert while MySQL did. Therefore there was a value in the
flight_class table that violated the integrity, as it was a dangling tuple.
Tests were performed that specified the action to be cascade, set NULL or not stated. The
syntax for MySQL supports all of these however the result was the same because the syntax
does not perform any action. The steps taken in performing this test were as follows:
A parent table city was selected and deleted from. This table is
referenced by airport_service as shown in figure 5.9. An entry was
then deleted from the table. This should cause an action in the child
table, according to the specified rule. The results of this action were
then tested.
Figure 5.15 Example where foreign key constraint violated when deleting
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
If the rule was not specified, the only time Oracle allowed the delete was when the entry was
not in the child entity. When the rule was ‘set null’, Oracle permitted the action as long as the
corresponding column allowed null values. Oracle set the appropriate values to null as
specified, while MySQL left the values unchanged. If the rule was the cascade rule then it was
always permitted. This resulted in the value being deleted in all the children tables for Oracle
but not MySQL.
When updating, a similar method to the delete experiments was used as shown below:
A parent table airport was selected and updated. This table is
referenced by airport_service as shown in figure 5.9. An entry was
then updated in the table. This should cause a reaction in the child
table according to the specified rule if this constraint is upheld.
Figure 5.16 Example where foreign key constraint violated when deleting
Oracle did not permit any of the actions whereas MySQL allowed all of them. This meant that
MySQL violated the integrity because there were dangling tuples.
5.6 Triggers
A trigger is a statement that is executed automatically by the DBMS when certain
modifications are made to the database. Triggers are a type of stored procedure that is parsed
once and invoked every time a user performs a certain action. It is already known that
MySQL does not support stored procedures. This includes triggers because they are a type of
stored procedure. MySQL does not plan to support triggers in the future. This is shown by
their claim in their to-do list [MySQL Homepage, 2000]:
Stored procedures. This is currently not regarded to be very important as stored
procedures are not very standardized yet. Another problem is that true stored procedures
make it much harder for the optimizer and in many cases the result is slower than before.
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Chapter 5- Integrity Constraints
As stated here stored procedures slow down the processing of the data. Another problem is
that they can cause unexpected results if they fire off other triggers causing a cascading effect.
Nevertheless they are valuable as they add extra functionality so that certain critical actions
happen implicitly. However, the standard SQL-92 does not include triggers so they can be
thought of as an advanced feature.
Oracle supports triggers, which are written in PL/SQL, Java or C. These types of triggers
Row Triggers and Statement Trigger
AFTER and BEFORE Triggers
Triggers on System Events and User Events
Triggers are a non standard feature which do not necessarily need to be implemented. They
add extra functionality and allow the DBA to restrict more actions or to automatically update
the database. This feature was not investigated in any detail because it is not a standard
feature (to see code for triggers the related code for this project can be viewed).
5.7 Summary of Chapter
Oracle enforces all of the integrity constraints. It was found though, that Oracle does not
support the enumeration data type so this had to be implemented using ‘check constraints’.
MySQL on the other hand does not support ‘check constraints’, foreign keys and triggers.
MySQL violated the integrity on several occasions. The next chapter discusses transactions.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
If a collection of several operations on a database must be performed as a single unit then
these are considered to be a transaction. This might be a single SQL statement or several
statements that must be executed consecutively and the operations may involve I/O activities
or CPU activities or both. In this chapter a single user environment is simulated whereas the
next chapter investigates a multi-user environment. A transaction begins with the first
executable statement and ends with a commit statement or the termination of the transaction.
On the MySQL web page [MySQL Homepage, 2000] they state that they can get around the
problem of transactions as follows:
MySQL, in almost all cases, allows you to solve for potential problems by including
simple checks before updates and by running simple scripts that check the databases
for inconsistencies and automatically repair or warn if such occurs. Note that just by
using the MySQL log or even adding one extra log, one can normally fix tables
perfectly with no data integrity loss.
This is not investigated in this project but could be further explored in future projects. These
tests are simply to demonstrate how important transactions are. There are different views
about MySQL not supporting transactions. MySQL states:
Moreover, fatal transactional updates can be rewritten to be atomic. In fact, we will
go so far as to say that all integrity problems that transactions solve can be done with
or atomic updates, ensuring that you never will get an automatic abort
from the database, which is a common problem with transactional databases.
But on the Openacs page they argue:
Furthermore, the MySQL manual claims that MySQL will soon implement "atomic
operations" through the use of table locks, but without rollback. This is a blatant
misuse of the term "atomic," which implies that either none or all operations will
complete. A hardware or power failure in the middle of a set of statements will break
the atomicity of the block if there is no rollback capability.
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Chapter 6- Transactions
6.1 Overview of Transactions
6.1.1 Properties of Transactions
To ensure integrity, the database must not violate the following properties:
Atomicity: All of a transaction is executed or none of it.
Consistency: Concurrent transaction are treated as though they were executed serially,
especially in a multi user environment
Isolation: Each transaction is unaware that other transactions are executing
concurrently because both may not access the same data consecutively
Durability: After a transaction completes successfully, the changes it has made to the
database persist, even if there are system failures
This is supported by Openacs [Openacs, 2000] as stated:
An enterprise-level system will never compromise certain features for speed. The
ACID properties of an RDBMS are an absolute necessity for any critical data. Critical
web sites that run on non-ACID-compliant systems are asking for trouble.
For these experiments a single user environment is used which already ensures that isolation
and durability is not violated therefore only atomicity and consistency will be analysed here.
6.1.2 SQL Transaction Statements
A SQL statement is COMMIT or COMMIT WORK, which both perform the same operation. By
default on Oracle, the autocommit option is turned off as shown by the command show
This means that it does not commit until it reaches a commit statement. When
a commit statement is reached the changes are made permanent and the transaction is ended.
Comments can be added to the commit statement so that the user will understand what is
going on.
Another important SQL statement related to transactions is ROLLBACK or ROLLBACK WORK. If
a rollback statement is reached all the alterations are aborted and the database will be in the
same state as it was before the transaction. If a failure causes and abnormal abortion then this
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
should be equivalent to a rollback statement and none of the changes should be permitted. The
work command can be used with this although it does not add any extra functionality. A
specific savepoint can also be specified so that only part of the transaction rolls back.
The command SAVEPOINT can be used to subdivide a transaction by marking certain parts of
the transaction. This can then be used when there is an error to rollback to a point, which is
marked instead of rolling back the whole transaction.
The command SET TRANSACTION can also be used but this will not be implemented in these
experiments. It is used when the transaction consists of read only operations.
Oracle supports statement level rollbacks where if there is a problem after as single statement,
this statement can be rolled back.
6.1.3 Operations and their Relevance
There are two operations, namely:
Read(X) where data is transferred from the database to a buffer
Write(X) where data is transferred from the buffer to the database
The read operation can be thought of as a select statement and will not be used for these
experiments. The write operations can be thought of as any update or modification to the data
and therefore will be tested here as updates are used. Write operations also include inserts and
6.1.4 Transactions States
There are 5 basic transaction states, which are related as shown in the diagram below:
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
Figure 6.1 Figure showing the states of a transaction
Initially the transaction is in an active state and its stays in this state while executing. It is
partially committed after the final statement and will only be properly committed after a
successful completion. The case that causes inconsistencies is the failed state, which leads to
the aborted state. The transaction goes into a failed state when it can no longer execute as
planned and then the transaction must be rolled back to the state prior to the transaction.
6.1.5 Problems with Transactions
The problem with transactions is that either all of the transaction must be performed or none
of it executes which means that inconsistencies may be introduced when there is a failure
during a transaction.
Deadlock is another problem, which occurs when one transaction accesses the same schema
object as another one and both are waiting for the other to release the same resource. This
could happen when two transactions try to update the same row but the other already locked
it. The code below shows an example where deadlock occurred:
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
SQL> create procedure ua(name in char) as
2 state char(3);
3 begin
4 update airport
5 set country_name=name;
6 select state_code into state
7 from city
8 where name=country_name;
9 update airport
10 set state_code=state
11 where country_name=name;
12 commit;
13 end;
14 /
Procedure created.
Figure 6.2 An example of a transaction that leads to deadlock
It created successfully but it hung and neither of the updates was executed. Oracle breaks the
deadlock by signalling an error to the last participating transaction.
6.1.6 Importance of Transactions
It is essential that when data in a database is changed that it is done so in a consistent manner
and transactions help ensure this. This is however dependant on the transaction being
designed correctly and logically. As stated by Openacs [Openacs, 2000]:
Rollback is not just a convenient feature, it is a critical basis for solid data storage.
This highlights the importance of transactions.
6.2 Design of Experiment
This experiment was designed differently from the previous experiments. This is because
MySQL does not support transactions.
6.2.1 Differences in the Design
The design of the transaction experiments differ from those previously used for Integrity
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
The main differences are:
Only implemented on Oracle.
Perl scripts not used but PL/SQL blocks and procedures used instead.
Aim was not to compare but to identify the application of transactions.
Investigated specific examples as opposed to general cases.
MySQL does not support transactions at present and therefore it is not possible to evaluate the
implementation of them. Instead an investigation will be done into the use of transactions on
Oracle to outline why transactions are so important. The best way to illustrate their relevance
was to demonstrate with example situations. As stated above these experiments were not done
using Perl because they do not need to be ported and it was therefore more efficient to
implement them directly on Oracle.
6.2.2 Methods of Simulating a Crash
It is important to establish that Oracle enforced transactions properly. The only way to do this
was to simulate a crash and then the results were checked. Three methods were used to
simulate a crash. The first was to use a method that Oracle enabled. Here a specific comment
was inserted into the procedure, which forced the transaction to abort. This function is present
in Oracle for this exact purpose. The second method did not directly simulate a crash but still
assisted in the testing of Oracle’s transactions. With this approach an incorrect statement was
placed inside the procedure, causing it to fail and abort. With both these methods it was
known when the transaction would abort by the position of the command or the incorrect
statement. Finally, the terminal was closed during the execution of the procedure to simulate a
random crash. This was the best method since it was random, which was more realistic.
Oracle enforced atomicity and consistency in all cases.
6.2.3 Atomicity Test
This experiment tested the property that ensures that all of the statements in the transaction
are implemented or none of them. For this example the following tables were used:
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
["state_code char(2) primary key",
"state_name char(25) NOT NULL",
"country_name char(25) default 'SA'"]);
Figure 6.3 Code of the schema of the state table
This is the table that was initially updated by the user when they wanted to alter the
state_code or country_name. After this UPDATE statement was executed the state_code or
country_name needed to be updated in the airport and city tables. The tables, which also
needed to be updated, are shown below.
["airport_code char(3) NOT NULL primary key",
"airport_name char(40) NOT NULL",
"location char(36) NOT NULL",
"state_code char(2)",
"country_name char(25) default 'SA' ",
"time_zone_code char(3) default 'EST'"]);
Figure 6.4 Code for the schema for the airport table
This table has the attributes state_code and country_name, which must be updated as well.
The code for the schema of the other table affected is shown below:
["city_code char(4) primary key",
"city_name char(25) NOT NULL unique",
"state_code char(2) NOT NULL",
"country_name char(25) default 'SA'",
"time_zone_code char(3) default 'EST'"]);
Figure 6.5 Code for the schema for the city table
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
When a user updated country_name in the state table, the equivalent value for country_name
in the other two tables (airport and city) also had to be updated. The code used to ensure
that all of the tables were updated is as follows:
SQL> create procedure update_state
(name in char) as
2 state1 char(3);
3 begin
4 update state
5 set country_name=name;
6 select state_code into state1
7 from state
8 where country_name=name;
9 update airport
10 set country_name=name
11 where state_code=state1;
12 update airport
13 set country_name=name
14 where state_code=state1;
15 commit;
16 end;
17 /
Procedure created.
Figure 6.6 The procedure to handle an update of the state table
6.2.4 Consistency Test
The consistency is the property where if a certain condition exists, it must always exist even
after execution of statements. The example used for this uses the same tables as the atomicity
tests did except this time either the airport or the city table was updated not the state
table. For every state_code in the state table there is a specific country_name associated with
it and this state_code/country_name combination must be kept in the airport and city
tables for the database to be in a consistent state.
When the state_code in the airport table was changed, it was checked that the new
state_code exited in the state table. This is similar to foreign key references except that the
parent entity attribute is not a primary key. If the state_code did not exist then the transaction
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
was rolled back and aborted otherwise a SAVEPOINT was used to mark that this part of the
transaction was complete. Subsequently, it was checked that the new value for the state_code
was still a code in the same country otherwise the country_name was updated to the new
name. This was achieved by querying the state table again to find what the country_name
was for the new state_code. If it was no longer in the same country then the country_name
was updated to the correct value. Only after all the updates can be partially committed can the
transaction be finally completed. The code to implement this was as follows:
SQL> create procedure update_airport
(name in char, code in char) as
2 state2 char(3), name2 char(25);
3 begin
4 select country_name into name2
5 from state
6 where country_name = name
4 update airport
5 set country_name=name2;
6 savepoint;
7 select state_code into state2
8 from state
9 where country_name=name;
11 update city
12 set state_code=state
13 where country_name=name;
14 commit;
15 end;
16 /
Procedure created.
Figure 6.7 The procedure used when updating the airport table
6.3 Significant findings
This experiment was subdivided into two sections. First of all, by simulating a crash it was
proved that Oracle handled transactions correctly. If the transaction had not completed then it
was rolled back and no changes were made otherwise the whole transaction was committed.
Secondly it was shown that transactions are important. To do this it was demonstrated that
atomicity will be violated if transaction are not supported. If the crash occurred after only part
of the transaction had executed then it was necessary to rollback. For MySQL rollback is not
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 6- Transactions
implemented therefore the database would have performed part of the transaction only.
Depending on when the crash occurred, only the state table or the state table and airport
table would have been updated. This violates the atomicity test.
A similar result was found for the consistency test. If there were a crash in the middle of the
transaction, then only part of the update would have been executed. The database may no
longer be in a consistent state because the country_name/state_code pair in the airport table
might not be consistent with that of the state table.
6.4 Summary of Chapter
This chapter shows that it is important that transactions are support. If they are not then a
method must be implemented to ensure that atomicity and consistency are not violated when
updating tables. The next chapter investigates a multi-user environment and looks at
concurrency control.
Concurrency Control
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Chapter 7- Concurrency
Concurrency Control
A DBMS should not limit the system to executing a single transaction at a time, but allow
multiple transactions to run concurrently. The benefits of allowing concurrency are:
Increase in Throughput
Reduction in Average Response Time
The problem with permitting updates of data concurrently is that there is a risk of violating
the ACID properties.
The order of execution of multiple transactions is known as schedules and influences the
implementation issues of the transactions. The DBMS must have a concurrency-control
system to determine the schedule instead of leaving it up to the operating system, which could
allow inconsistencies to be introduced. When unrelated data is being accessed for reads or
writes concurrently there is no problem. However if more than one transaction access the
same data concurrently, the order of the transactions will affect the results and so this must be
controlled. The DBA should not have to worry about this, as an internal scheduler should
automatically decide the order of the transactions and execute them accordingly. Serialization
(which is defined in section 7.2) must not be violated.
7.1 Problems With Concurrency
There are three main problems that can occur if concurrency is not managed properly. These
are lost updates, uncommitted data and inconsistent retrievals [Rob et al, 2000].
7.1.1 Lost Updates
Assume two transactions, T1 and T2, need to concurrently update the same filed and each
update transactions consist of a read followed by a write operation. If T2 reads the value of
field before T1 has written the value, the initial value will not be correct. This is because it
will not be using the updated value from T1 but the original value prior to the update. The
update will therefore be lost as its altered value is written over straight away without ever
being used.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 7- Concurrency
7.1.2 Uncommitted Data
This violates the isolation property. To illustrate this, again an example is given with two
concurrent update transactions T1 and T2. If the situation occurs where T1 writes its value
without committing it and T2 then reads that value. However T1 subsequently rolls back,
which causes a problem because both transactions are supposed to be rolled back. In this case
the result T2 will be committed as if the rollback never occurred.
7.1.3 Inconsistent Retrievals
This occurs if a transaction reads data from the table concurrently with an update transaction.
Depending on whether the updated value or the original value is read, the results will differ
and could be inaccurate.
7.2 Issues Concerning Serialization
The schedule is the order of the execution of the instructions for one or more transactions. In
the previous chapter the different types of operations were given, read and write, which will
now be used to describe serialization. There are two main types of serialization, conflict
serialization and view serialization [Silberschatz et al, 1997].
7.2.1 Conflict Serialization
This is dependant on whether two transactions access the same data or different data. If the
same data is accessed then the order of the transactions may matter. There are four situations
that could occur. If there are two transactions, T1 and T2 with instructions I1 and I2
respectively then the table below describes the four possible situations:
Transaction 1 Transaction 2
Order does not matter
Depending on which comes first, the
result will change. Order matters.
Same as above
The transactions will not be affected
but the final result will be different
Table 7.1 Table showing possible situations and resulting conditions
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Chapter 7- Concurrency
The first of these cases would not be a problem because the order does not matter whereas the
other three situations could be in conflict. Conflict occurs where different operations access
the same data and there is a write operation.
If the order of a schedule can be turned into a different schedule by a number of swaps of nonconflicting instructions then these schedules are said to be conflict equivalent. A schedule is
conflict serializable if it is conflict equivalent to a serial schedule.
7.2.2 View Serialization
This is similar to conflict serializable but it is less strict. Every conflict-serializable schedule
is view serializable but the reverse is not always true. It is also based on the read and write
operations only. The three conditions necessary for view equivalence are:
1. If a transaction T1 reads the initial value of the data in the original schedule, then in
the view equivalent schedule T1 must also read that same initial value.
2. If a transaction T1 read a value produced by T2 in the original schedule, then in the
view equivalent schedule T1 must still read the value produced by T2.
3. The transaction that performs the final write must not change for view equivalence.
7.3 Different Lock Types and Granularity
Generally the lock manager automatically controls the locking procedures, however the DBA
can override the default settings if necessary. Depending on how much of the data is at risk of
being corrupt, there are different levels of locking as well as different restrictions. These
levels or granularities of locking can be database, table, row or field. At the top level,
database locking prevents transaction T2 from accessing the database until the lock is released
by T1. This restriction enforces the integrity well but is unsuitable for a multi-user
environment and therefore it not tested in this project. The next level down is table level
locking where a whole table is locked preventing access to the data by another transaction.
This level of lock is tested even though it is still not very efficient. The next level is row level
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Chapter 7- Concurrency
locking, where only a single row is locked. Finally, field level locking is where the same row
can be accessed as long as the same field is not being accessed concurrently.
The different nature of locks are either set to restrict access altogether, which is known as an
exclusive lock, or a shared lock. A shared lock can only be implemented when performing a
read operation and no exclusive lock is already held. An exclusive lock is when writing to a
database and so no other transaction should be allowed access at all.
7.3.1 Oracle’s Locking System
The different specifications that Oracle supports are either share or exclusive.
As stated in the Oracle documentation [OTN, 2000]:
You need never explicitly lock a resource, because default locking mechanisms
protect table data and structures. However, you can request data locks on tables
or rows when it is to your advantage to override default locking. You can choose
from several modes of locking such as row share and exclusive.
The experiments will look at overriding the default and trying different locking types. The
7.3.2 MySQL’s Locking System
MySQL supports table level locking and row level locking is not yet implemented although it
is in their TODO list. In the MySQL documentation it is stated:
All tables that are locked by the current thread are automatically unlocked when
the thread issues another LOCK TABLES, or when the connection to the server is
closed. If a thread obtains a READ lock on a table, that thread (and all other
threads) can only read from the table. If a thread obtains a WRITE lock on a table,
then only the thread holding the lock can READ from or WRITE to the table.
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Chapter 7- Concurrency
MySQL supports two types of locks, a read lock and a write lock as stated above. There is a
read local and a read where read local differs form the plain read in that it allows non
conflicting statements to be executed while the lock is held. Read locks will wait for write
locks as they have a higher priority so that the updating is finished as soon as possible. For
MySQL they have used the atomic concept to handle multiple queries and so locking should
not be necessary as each update thread is atomic so cannot interfere with another SQL
7.4 Design of the Experiment
To simulate a multi-user environment, Perl scripts were used again as they have a convenient
command – the fork command. Using this command each of the DBMS was tested separately
for because they support different types of locking commands. Many queries were executed
concurrently and various clashes for resources were simulated. Afterwards, each of the ACID
properties was tested with table level locks only. The reason for only using this type of lock is
because this experiment only uses a single database therefore it would not be beneficial to
tests database-level locks. Field locks were not tested either as neither system supports them.
Row level locks are only supported by Oracle therefore they could not be tested on MySQL.
This however could be tested in a future project, especially as NuSphere [NuSphere, 2000] is
implementing row-level locking in MySQL.
The first tests were done not implementing a lock type to investigate how the system handles
locking itself. The table-level locks were then tested to see if there were any differences. Each
of the transactions consisted of a single statement.
Multiple queries were run concurrently and tested the following:
Writing to separate tables
Writing to the same table but different rows
Reading and writing concurrently the same row but a different field
Writing to the same row but a different field concurrently
Reading the same row and field at the time that it is being written to
Writing to the same row and field in a single table concurrently
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Chapter 7- Concurrency
Where there were writing operations in the experiment the results were tested to check if there
was any uncommitted data or lost updates. Where there were read operations the results were
tested for inconsistent retrievals. All of the results were tested for atomicity, consistency,
isolation and durability.
7.5 Results and Evaluation
It was found that both systems handled concurrency correctly. All of the updates were
performed correctly and left the database in a consistent manner. There was no difference
between the actions where the lock type was specified or the scheduler decided the lock type
used. This implied that both DBMS implement a suitable locking mechanism. For Oracle it
was not known whether this was table-level locking or row-level locking. Both types of locks
enforce integrity but the advantage of row-level locking is that it has better performance.
These tests were not extensive. Therefore more in-depth experiments might reveal integrity
violations. It is already known that MySQL does not support multiple statement transactions
therefore this might have caused problems if it was tested. This could be tested further in a
future project.
7.6 Summary of Chapter
This chapter evaluated the concurrency control of the DBMSs. No violation of the integrity
was found. The final chapter is the conclusion to this project.
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 8- Conclusion
This chapter summarises the findings and suggests suitable environments for each
DBMS. Some future extensions are also recommended at the end of this chapter.
8.1 Evaluation of MySQL
It was found that there were situations where MySQL did not enforce the integrity of
its data. This was because there are features that MySQL does not support which are
important to maintain the integrity of the database. The significant findings were:
For the domain experiments the significant findings were:
It permitted more characters than specified to be inserted
It did not disallow the insertion of a number larger than the maximum value
It did not enforce the enumeration constraint properly
It did not enforce ‘check constraints’ at all
It allowed data types to be altered while data was already in the table
The integrity of the database was not violated for the ‘not null’ constraint although
it was found that MySQL was less restrictive than Oracle.
For the entity integrity experiments the significant findings were:
There were no significant findings for either the primary key or unique key
constraints. MySQL was less restrictive than Oracle but it was not found to violate
the integrity.
For the referential integrity constraints the significant findings were:
It did not enforce foreign key constraints at all when inserting data in a
referencing column
It did not perform the correct operations when updating referenced or
referencing columns
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 8- Conclusion
It did not perform the correct operations when deleting referenced or
referencing columns
It was known before hand that MySQL does not yet support transactions. These
experiments were therefore only performed on Oracle to highlight where transactions
are essential. The aim of this section was to outline the problems that may arise with
MySQL not supporting transactions so that the DBA is made aware of them. It only
investigated a single user environment and showed that both atomicity and
consistency could be violated with MySQL.
The final experiment investigated concurrency control. MySQL supports table-level
locking only. Only concurrent transactions comprising of single queries were
evaluated and therefore limited results were found. As stated in chapter 7, a more
extensive evaluation in this direction could be carried out.
8.2 Evaluation of Oracle
Oracle was found to support all the features except the enumeration data type. This
was easily implemented using ‘check constraints’ though. Oracle had additional
functionality as well such as stored procedures which enables a DBA create complex
applications. Oracle was also found not to violate the integrity. This is a situation that
every DBA would find ideal because it is advantageous to have a DBMS that enforces
8.3 Overall Evaluation of the Integrity
From the experiments performed in this project it was found that Oracle did not
violate the integrity at all whereas MySQL did on several occasions. This suggests
that Oracle enforces integrity much better than MySQL does. Oracle supports all the
integrity constraints, transactions and concurrency control and does not appear to
allow the violation of the integrity of the database at all. In depth experiments would
have to be performed to obtain conclusive results. If it is essential that integrity be
enforced then Oracle appears to be the suitable choice of DBMS while MySQL is not
so suitable.
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Chapter 8- Conclusion
8.4 Suitable Environment for each DBMS
Below is a list of the advantages of each of the DBMS that was found in this project.
8.4.1 Advantages of each DBMS
The advantages of MySQL are:
Free (if not used commercially)
Fast (from the benchmark results and using it in this project)
Less restrictive e.g. not case sensitive
Easy to use e.g. easier to install
Code is available and so can be altered
The advantages of Oracle are:
Enforces integrity
Supports additional integrity constraints e.g. check constraints
Supports transactions
Has additional locking mechanisms e.g. row level locks
Has extra functionality e.g. PL/SQL
Has a good support system e.g. online documentation system
8.4.2 Environment Suitable for MySQL
Because MySQL is fast but does not enforce integrity efficiently an environment
where the queries consist mainly of insert operations and not updates will be more
suitable. An example of this would be where the database is used for a search engine.
If a transactions orientated environment is required then there will most likely be a
problem with a multi-user system as MySQL locks the entire table to try to enforce
atomicity. It is not advisable to use MySQL in a transaction orientated environment
unless it is implemented on a stable system as in the case of a crash it is not known
what the state of the system will be afterwards. Using the situations stated above there
a crash would not leave the database in an inconsistent state as only selects are being
performed, whereas updates might due to transactions not being supported. Also if
this situation were used there would not be much of a problem because concurrency
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 8- Conclusion
control is not needed where select statements are being executed as these are only
read operations. If it is a simple, easy to use free database that is required then
MySQL is definitely a suitable option to choose for the database to be used.
8.4 3 Environment Suitable for Oracle
Oracle has additional functionality and enforces integrity well. Oracle is well suited to
an e-commerce database where integrity is essential. It is designed to be a weborientated database, which makes it even more applicable for this type of
environment. It is slower than MySQL, which could cause a bit of a problem but
Internet users are used to delays. It is well suited to business environment as it has
extra functionality with PL/SQL and so it is easy to implement business rules.
8.5 Possible Future Extensions
Below is a list of five possible extensions to this project. Two of them are an
extension to this project and the other two are similar projects.
8.5.1 Further Research on This Project
Different data types could be investigated. One of these, which are becoming
increasingly important, is multi-media data. Further research into concurrency control
could be attempted. Only single query transactions were tested for this experiment
was used and so multiple query transactions could have been tested. This includes
investigating time stamps protocols. A bigger database could be used. This project
only investigates integrity violations at a high level. More complex experiments could
be designed.
8.5.2 Use Different DBMS with a Similar Project
There are many different DBMS out there so any of them could be selected. There is a
lot of discussion presently as to which out of MySQL and PostGres is superior. They
are both open source DBMS, aimed at similar market DBMS, and so this would make
Tonia Stakemire
Chapter 8- Conclusion
and interesting project. Another platform could affect the results although it should
8.5.3 Investigate Other Aspects of a DBMS
There are many other aspects other than integrity that can be investigated. These
include: scalability, recovery system, security, and performance, just to name a few.
8.5.4 Attempt to Solve Problems Found with MySQL
Unfortunately due to a time constraint it was not possible to attempt this. It would be
very interesting to attempt to solve the problems found with the integrity of MySQL
in particular. There are many methods of working around the problems. These can be
implemented and then a comparison of their ease of implementation, efficiency and
how effective they are can be made. An example would be testing whether tablelocking works for ensuring integrity with transactions, as suggested on the MySQL
homepage. Recently there have been discussions at NuSphere4 [NuSphere, 2000]
about designing software to solve row–level locking for MySQL. It might be
interesting how efficiently this works and how much it slows down the system.
Supporters of open source software
[Rob et al, 2000]
Rob, P. and Cornel, C., Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management,
Thomson Learning - Course Technology, 2000.
[Silberschatz et al, 1997]
Silberschatz, A., Korth, and H.F., Sudarshan, S., Database System Concepts, McGraw
– Hill Companies, 1997.
[Wall et al, 1996]
Wall, L., Christiansen, T., and Schwartz,R.L., Programming Perl, O’Reilly &
Associates, Inc, 1996.
[Wall et al, 1990]
Wall, L., Christiansen, T., and Schwartz,R.L., Programming Perl- Unix
Programming, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc, 1990.
[Koch et al, 1997]
Koch,G. and Loney,K., Oracle 8: The Complete Reference, Osborne/McGraw-Hill,
[Hansen et al, 1996]
Hansen, G.W., and Hansen, J. V., Database Management and Design, Prentice Hall,
[Jones et al, 1997]
Jones, J. and Monk, S., Databases in Theory and Practice, International Thomson
Computer Press, 1997
[Dorsey et al,1997]
Dorsey, P., and Koletzke, P., Oracle: Designer/2000 Handbook, Osborne/McGrawHill, 1997
[Chorafas, 1998]
Chorafas,D.N., Transaction Management: Managing Complex transactions and
Sharing Distributed Database, St.Martin’s Press, Inc., 1998.
[Post, 1999]
Post, G.V., Database Management Systems: Designing and Building Business
Application, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999
Online References:
[Oracle Homepage, 2000]
The Oracle Homepage, Oracle Corporation,, 2000
[OTN, 1999]
The Oracle Technology Network, Oracle Corporation, Documentation,, 1999
[MySQL Homepage, 2000]
The MySQL Homepage, MySQL AB, Documentation,, 1995 - 2000
[Perl Homepage, 2000]
The Perl Homepage, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Documentation,,
1998 - 2000
[Earthweb, 2000]
Earthweb, Inc., “Cross-platform Perl/CGI tips and tricks”,, 2000
[Greatbridge, 2000]
Greatbridge, “Open Source Database Routs Competition in New Benchmark Tests”, 2000
[NuSphere, 2000]
NuSphere Corporation, “NuSphere to Contribute Row-Level Locking to MySQL™
Database”,, 2000
[Openacs, 2000]
Adida, B., Open ACS, “Why not MySQL”,, 2000
[Devshed, 2000]
Widenius, M., “MySQL Developer Contests PostgreSQL Benchmarks”, 2000
[Symbolstone, 2000]
Bunce, T., “DBI”,, 2000
Appendix A
Perl Scripts
Subroutines to create the tables:
# An array of all the table names
@tables =
(\@aircraft, \@airline, \@airport,
\@city, \@airport_service, \@class_of_service,
\@compound_class, \@connection, \@day_name, \@dual_carrier,
\@connect_leg, \@flight_day,\@food_service,\@time_interval,
\@flight_class, \@restrict_class, \@state, \@stop,\@time_zone,
\@transport, \@ground_service);
#------------SUBROUTINE TO QUERY THE DATABASE-----------------------sub insert_into_table
my(@query)= @_;
my(@results, $num);
foreach $query( @query)
print "Query $num: $query \n ";
$results = $dbh->do($query) || warn "You have and error
with query $num: $DBI::errstr \n\n";
sub insert_data
print "Inserting data\n";
for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
my $array_ref = $tables[$ti];
my @table = @$array_ref;
my $insert_start = "insert into $table_name values (";
open(DATA, "$pwd/data/${table_name}.txt") || die "Can't open
text file: $pwd/data/${table_name}.txt\n";
next unless ( $_ =~ /\w/ );
# skip blank lines
my $command = $insert_start . $_ . ")";
$command =~ s/\'\'/\' \'/g if ($opt_server =~ /empress/i ||
$opt_server =~ /oracle/i);
print "$command\n" if ($opt_debug);
$command =~ s/\\'/\'\'/g if ($double_quotes);
$sth = $dbh->do($command) or die "Got error: $DBI::errstr when
executing '$command'\n";
List of all the Domain tests:
Examples where integrity was violated:
Character tests:
Example 1
["city_code char(4) primary key",
"city_name char(25) NOT NULL unique",
"state_code char(2) NOT NULL",
"country_name char(25) default 'SA'",
"time_zone_code char(3) default 'EST'"]);
#more chars than required
$query[4]="insert into city(city_code, city_name, state_code)
values('YYYY', 'Cape', 'UCLA')";
Example 2
["airport_code char(3) NOT NULL primary key",
"airport_name char(40) NOT NULL",
"location char(36) NOT NULL",
"state_code char(2)",
"country_name char(25) default 'SA' ",
"time_zone_code char(3) default 'EST'"]);
#too many char
$query[10]="update connection
set from_airport='ABCDEFG'
where connect_code='305280'";
Example 3
(see the table definition for airport above)
$query[7]="update connection
set from_airport='1.2'
where departure_time='1000'";
Integer Tests:
Example 1
Significant column for test: "flight_code integer(8) primary key",
#bigger than integer
$query[4]="insert into flight(flight_code, flight_days, from_airport,
to_airport, departure_time, arrival_time, airline_code,
flight_number,class_string, aircraft_code, dual_carrier,
values(80000000000, '1234567', 'SFO', 'PHI',333,500,'A4','Y','FBHKY',
'YY', 'Y', 45)";
Example 2
Significant column for test: "pay_load integer",
$query[1]="insert into aircraft(aircraft_code, engines,aircraft_type,
Float Test:
Example 1
["fare_code char(8) primary key",
"from_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
"to_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
"fare_class char(3) NOT NULL",
"fare_airline char(2)",
"restrict_code char(5) ",
"one_way_cost float(7,2) DEFAULT '0.00'",
"rnd_trip_cost float(8,2)",
"FOREIGN KEY (fare_class) REFERENCES compound_class",
"FOREIGN KEY (restrict_code) REFERENCES restriction",
"CHECK(one_way_cost>0 or rnd_trip_cost>0)"]);
#float test
$query[3]="update fare
set one_way_cost='HELLO'
where fare_code='7100018'";
Enumeration Tests:
Example 1
Significant column for test: "economy char(3) NOT NULL check( economy='YES'
or economy='NO')",
#is it case sensitive
$query[4]="insert into compound_class(fare_class,base_class,
class_type, premium, economy,discounted, night, season_fare)
values('A3','Y', 'COACH', 'Y', 'yes', 'NO', 'NO','LOW')";
Example 2
["restrict_code char(5) primary key",
"application char(80) NOT NULL",
"no_discounts char(80) DEFAULT 'NO-ONE'",
"reserve_ticket smallint(3) NOT NULL",
"stopovers char(2) check(stopovers='Y' or
"return_min smallint(3)",
"return_max smallint(3)",
"CHECK(return_max >= return_min)"]);
#no value assigned for the enum type - what is the default
$query[0]="insert into restriction(restrict_code, application,
values('AP/15', 'How far', 1)";
Example 3
Significant column for test: "class_type char(20) NOT NULL check(
class_type='FIRST' or class_type='COACH' or class_type='BUSINESS' or
class_type='THRIFT' or class_type='STANDARD' or class_type=
#spelt wrong - letter missing
$query[3]="insert into compound_class(fare_class, base_class,
class_type, premium, economy, discounted, night, season_fare)
values('A1','Y','BUSINES', 'NO', 'YES','NO', 'NO','LOW')";
Example 4
(see column above in example 3)
#enum tests
#not in enum
$query[0]="update compound_class
set class_type='LAST'
where fare_class='CHW'";
Check Constraint Tests:
Example 1
["city_code char(4) ",
"airport_code char(3)",
"miles_distant number(5,2) CHECK (miles_distant > 0.00)",
"direction char(3) check(direction='N' or direction='S'or
direction='E' or direction='W' or direction='NE'or
direction='SW' or direction='SE' or direction='NW')",
"minutes_distant smallint NOT NULL CHECK (minutes_distant
between 0 and 360)",
"primary key(city_code, airport_code)",
"foreign key (city_code) references city on delete cascade",
"foreign key (airport_code) references airport"]); "]);
#miles >=0 so will try negative
$query[0]="insert into airport_service(city_code, airport_code,
miles_distant, minutes_distant)
values('AABB','AAB', '-1', 23)";
Example 2
["period char(20) NOT NULL",
"begin_time smallint NOT NULL",
"end_time smallint NOT NULL",
"PRIMARY KEY (period, begin_time)",
"CHECK (end_time > begin_time)"]);
#begin_time > end_time
$query[7]="insert into time_interval(period, begin_time, end_time)
values('midnight',1500, 100)";
Example 3
(see float test example 1)
#leave both blank
$query[6]="insert into fare(fare_code, from_airport, to_airport,
values('7001003', 'PHI', 'SFO', 'YN')";
Not Null Tests:
Example 1
["state_code char(2) primary key",
"state_name char(25) NOT NULL",
"country_name char(25) default 'SA'"]);
#insert empty string
$query[2]="insert into state(state_code, state_name)
values('T',' ')";
Example 2
(see example above for table definition)
$query[5]="insert into state(state_code, country_name)
values('AT', 'SA')";
Example 3
Significant column for test: "wing_span float(6,2) NOT NULL",
$query[2]="update aircraft
set wing_span=' '
where aircraft_code='763'";