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GG302: Economic Geography
Instructor: Dr. William Osei
Meeting Times: Thursday: 6-10 p.m.
Course Description
The course will provide a study of factors influencing the spatial distribution of economic
activities. Special attention is given in industrial location, patterns of international trade,
and resource use and conservation. Various socio-economic and spatial models are used
to examine the location and functions of economic activities at the primary, secondary,
tertiary, and quaternary (services) levels. The role of population, transportation,
communications, and urbanization in the world economy are emphasized. Also central to
the course are the effects of technological innovations, global and regional economic and
political structures, and resources and the environment on economic development
patterns over space and time. Linkages of international trade in the global village, and
issues related to global development provide a conclusion to the course.
Required Course Text
Stutz, F.P., de Souza, A.R. (1998) The World Economy Third Edition New York:
Macmillan College Publishing
Berry, Conkling, Ray (1997) The Global Economy in Transition
Dicken, Peter. Global Shift (1998) Transforming the World Economy, 3rd Edition
Dicken, Peter and Peter E. Lloyd (1990) Location in Space: Theoretical Perspective in
Ecoonomics Geography, 3rd edition
Hanink, Dean (1994) The International Economy: A Geographical Perspective
Shaffer, R. (1989) Community Economics: Economic Structure and Change in Small
Additional readings will be provided
Various useful texts and journals of economic geography are in your library. Also
note various electronic sources.
Suggested Course Evaluation
Class exercises
Two Unit Quizzes
Project Essay
Final Exams
Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction: Globalization of the World Economy: An Introduction
A Background: The Geographic perspective
o The Field of geography
o Trends in Economic Geography
o Human-Environmental Relations
o Some Fundamental Concepts of Space and Location
o Spatial Interaction
o Geographic Research in Aid of Development
o Summary and Plan
o Concept; Basis; Processes; Spatial expressions of Globalization
o Globalization of Environmental Challenges
o Core-Periphery Models and Globalization
o The Balance: A discussion of Globalization
Unit 2: Economic Geographies, Political Economics, and World View
World Development Problems; Disparities
The four Questions of the World Economy
o The Factors of Production
Political Economies
o Capitalistic Economies
o Mixed Economics Systems
o The Traditional Economy
What Should be Produced?
o Production Possibilities Curve
Future Versus Present Economic Growth
Competing Mind-sets in the World Economy
o The Conservative Perspective
o The Liberal Perspective
o The Radical Perspective
Unit Three: Population and the World Economy
Population Distribution
Factors Influencing Population Distribution
o Urbanization
Population Growth Over Time and Space
Population Processes
o Fertility and Mortality
o Migration
Population Structure
Demographic Characteristics
o Educational Attainment
o Labor Force Participation
o Income
Economic Growth and Economic Development
o Economic Development as a Source of Population Change
o Impact of Population Growth Rates on Economic Development
o Impact of Population Size on Economic Development
o Impact of Age Structure on Economic Development
o The Application of Demographic Insights to Regional Economics and
Environmental Change
Unit Four: Resources and Environment
Resources and Population
o Carrying Capacity and Overpopulation
o Optimum Population and the Quality of Life
Types of Resources and their Limits
o Resources and Reserves
o Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
o Limits of Natural Resources
Food Resources
o Nutritional Quality of Life
o Causes of the Food Problem
o Increase Food Production
o Creating New Food Supplies and Sources
Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
o Depletion Curve and Depletion Rate Estimates
o Location of projected Reserves of Key Minerals
o Importation of Key Minerals to the United States
o Ocean Mineral Resources
Environmental Impact of Mineral extraction
o Production and Consumption; Energy Policy
o Alternative Energy Options
Environmental Challenges
o From a Growth-Oriented to a Balance-Oriented Life-Style
Unit Five: Transportation and Communications in World Economy
Transport Costs in the World Economy
o General Properties of Transport Costs
o Commodity Variations in Transport Costs
o Commodity Variations in Transport Rats
o Freight Rate Variations and Traffic Characteristics
o Regimes for International Transportation
o Transport and Location
Routes and Networks
Flows in Networks
Improved Transport Facilities
Transportation of Nuclear Wastes
Transportation in World Cities
Personal Mobility in the United States
Communications Improvements
Computer Networks and Multinational Firms
Unit Six: World agricultural and Rural Land Use
Transforming Environments through Agriculture
Factors Affecting Rural Land Use
Site Characteristics
World Cultural Preference and Perception Systems of Production
Relative Location of Farms
o Von Thunen’s Model
o Von Thunen’s Model and Reality