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Bucks County Technical High School
Mr. Johnston
Social Studies – Global Studies 9th
Final Review Sheet 2014-2015
Please fill in the information for each review topic.
Chapter 2, Section 1 Patterns of Early Civilizations
What technologies did early people develop? (pg28)
What are the chief characteristics (5) of a civilization? (pg28-30)
How did cultural diffusion influence early civilization? (pg30)
What major civilizations thrived in the year 1300? (pg30-32)
Chapter 2, Section 2 Shaping the Industrial World
What technological changes helped European nations expand?
What was the Industrial Revolution?
How did the Agricultural Revolution contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
Identify the effects of industrialization.
What European Nation had the largest Empire? What continents did the nation have its holdings?
Define Imperialism.
Which areas of the world were affected because of Imperialism?
Why did Europeans want to colonize the above mentioned areas?
Define westernization.
Define nationalism.
What role did nationalism play in the imperialistic movement?
Chapter 2, Section 3 The Developing World
Define the following words:
Cash crop
Population density
Explain the three main goals of developing (modernization) nations and why are they important.
Political Stability
Economic Diversity
Education and Services
Describe the types of economic (loans and debts) hardships that developing nations face.
How does underdevelopment and population explosions contribute to widespread poverty?
Refer to the map on page 39, in which areas of the world are most developing nations located?
Chapter 2, Section 4 Growing Interdependence
What role has the United Nations played with developing (modernization) nations? How does the UN and other organizations promote
international cooperation?
Explain why each Issue is of Global Concern
Drug Trade
The Environment
World Financial Markets
Human Rights
Chapter 4, Section 3 The Slave Trade and Guided Notes
Define each
Exploring the Coast of Africa
Why and how did the Portuguese (and other Europeans) explore and trade with Africa?
Trade in Human Beings
Why was there a need for Slaves?
Why did Europeans think the Africans would make great slave labor in the Caribbean and Central American Colonies?
What role did Coastal Africans play in the slave trade?
What role did the tribal Africans in the interior play in the slave trade?
What was Middle Passage? Be able to describe the conditions of the Slave Ships.
Slave Triangle Trade – illustrate it and be able to describe the triangle trade. (do it here for review) (pg93-94)
Why did Europeans not need slaves?
Ending of the Slave Trade – What nation outlawed slavery first then tried to convince others to ban it.
What was the Slave trade like in East Africa?
*** From Power Point Guide Notes – Slavery in Africa***
Before European Slavery
What were the 4 reasons why Africans became a slave to other Africans or Muslims?
How did Africans treat there Slaves? (remember there is important stuff here)
Chapter 4, Section 4 Age of European Imperialism and Graphic Organizers
European Motives
Be able to explain or identify what Europeans motives were.
Economic Motives
Raw Materials
New Markets
Political Motives (3 motives)
Religious Motives (1 Major Reason)
What European Nations fought for control of Africa?
Berlin Conference – describe what happened and why it was unfair for the African nations
African Resistance
Be able to summarize or identify how the Africans resisted Europeans and why the ultimately lost.
South Africa, the Boers, the Zulus, and Diamonds and Gold – explain how all of these are linked and related
Chapter 4, Section 5 Effects of European Rule and Graphic Organizers
What is Direct Rule? What European nations practiced direct rule of their African Colonies?
What is Indirect Rule? What European nation practiced indirect rule and why?
What Technological improvements did the Europeans bring to their African holdings?
What Heath improvements did the Europeans bring to their African holdings?
What Educational improvements did the Europeans bring to their African holdings?
How did money impact the African economy?
How did colonial rule affect African agriculture?
How did Africans that were western-educated view their own culture?
Chapter 5, Section 1 Winning Independence
Guerrilla Warfare
What is Nationalism?
What weakened the European powers and their iron grasp on the African colonial holdings?
How and what methods did Africans win their independence?
Describe three effects of colonial rule?
World Issues
Why is Africa faced with some many of the World’s Problem or Global Issues more so than any other continent or nation?
Define the word Genocide
What are the main causes/reasons of Genocide in the world?
What was the Holocaust?
What general methods are used in Genocide?
How has the world and/or the UN reacted to Genocide throughout history?
Define the word Famine
What are the main causes/reasons of Famine in the world?
List the world infamous (most famous) famines?
How has the World and/or the UN reacted to Famine throughout history?
Define the words Conflict and Warfare
What are the main causes/reasons of Conflict/Warfare in the world?
What is a Conflict or Blood Diamond?
How has the World and/or the UN reacted to Conflict/Warfare throughout history?
Define the word Disease
What are the main causes/reasons of Disease in the world?
What was a Pandemic?
What is AIDS?
How has the World and/or the UN reacted to Pandemics throughout history?
Define the word Racism (Human Rights)
What are the main causes/reasons for Racism in the world?
What is Apartheid?
How has the world and/or the UN reacted to Racism throughout history?
Define Human Rights
Women’s Rights - Why are women discriminated against in many cultures?
In what countries are women denied basic human rights?
What would be the penalties for many women who challenge the system?
* Make sure to study your Guided Notes from the Slavery to Colonialism to Imperialism to World Issues Units *