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An Analysis of the Inevitable Tragic Fate of Character
Macbeth (自动保存的)
英语 2 班
An Analysis of the Inevitable Tragic Fate of Character Macbeth
Abstract: From a beloved Scottish general to a ruthless killer of his own people,
the cause of Macbeth?s downfall is complex. This essay principally analyzes how the
factors that are both from the outside world, like three witches? prophecies and
unhealthy influence of Lady Macbeth and the inner world of Macbeth himself exert an
influence on the main character Macbeth. Although the allures from the outside world
to some extent may be responsible for his downfall, it is his tragic flaw that finally
leads him to an inevitable tragic fate. In this essay, influence from outside world
and Macbeth?s main tragic flaw- ambition, lusting for more power will be discussed,
but the main emphasis will be given to the latter.
本身的悲剧缺陷最终导致了自己悲剧的不可避免性。这篇文章将分析 外部因素以及麦克白的
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主要悲剧缺陷----野心即对权力的渴望, 后者将被着重讨论。
Factors from the outside world lead to Macbeth’s inevitable tragedy
On the one hand, Macbeth is a figure controlled by outside forces.
First, three witches? prophecies have a great influence on Macbeth. They foretell
that Macbeth will be promoted, then become king of Scottish and Banquo will become
the father of later kings. When the first prophecy that he will become Thane of Cawdor
proves true, the witches? prophecies have created a deep want for more power in Macbeth.
Tempted by the second one, he gets immersed in his thought about how to realize it.
Betrayal then occurs in his mind at this time and he is eager to become king. As a
result, the weird sisters? words clearly prompt him into action to kill Duncan.
However, according to the play, before Macbeth saw witches, it almost never occurs
Macbeth?s mind stimulates him to become king and without the witches? prediction he
might never have thought of murdering Duncan. After he becomes king, he fears that
the third prophecy may come true and Banquo may pose threat to his position as he
says “To be thus is nothing; But to be safety thus—Our fears in Banquo”.
(ActIII.1.76-77). He then contrives to murder him and his son. From his conversion
with three murders, we can see that his speech is becoming mean and his good nature
is being lost. "There the grown serpent lies. The worm that's fled Hah nature that
in time will venom breed, No teeth for the present. Get thee gone." (ActIII.4.92).
In Act III, Macbeth?s confidence has changed for losing his mind on the banquet, which
has made him afraid of losing everything. Then he comes to see witches who said
“Beware Macduff" (ActIV.1.113), "None of woman born Shall harm Macbeth", "Macbeth
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vanquishe be until
Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him." (ActIV.1.114). Since
both of these two events seem impossible, Macbeth feel
overconfident. Following witches? words, he kills Macduff?s wife and son. When his
army defected to join the English army, he feels consoled by the witches? prophesy.
It goes without saying that three witches have a great effect on Macbeth?s mind.
Considering his bravery mentioned at the beginning, he might have succeeded in his
final battle. However, due to the influence of three witches, his tragic destiny is
2. The Influence of Lady Macbeth
Second, Lady Macbeth is the driving force that encourages Macbeth to overcome his
cowardice and strong sense of guilt. She is very ambitious, as shown by her
immediate determination to make his husband become king when she reads his letter
benefit as well as her
husband. While reading the letter, she at once concludes that “the fastest way”
for Macbeth to become king is by murdering King Duncan. In scene 7 of the first act,
we see a hesitant, nervous
Macbeth with a calm and cruel lady Macbeth. She knows his husband well and thinks
he may be too kind and dare not kill Duncan. In fact, when he waffles about murdering
Duncan, it?s his ambitious wife who manipulates him by attacking his masculinity and
his love for her. As she taunts him, she says, "When you durst do it, then you were
a man"(Act1.7.42). “I have given suck, and know /How tender ?tis to love the babe
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that milks me:/ I would, while it was smiling in my face,/ Have pluck?d my nipple
from his boneless guns, /And dash?d the brains out, had I so sworn as you/
Have done to this.” (Act1.7.42) We can imagine Lady Macbeth?s cruelty when she utters
these words to her husband.
Macbeth is able to maintain her sanity and composure in public. When Macbeth sees
Banquo?s ghost on the banquet and loses his mind, she creates an excuse to explain
his odd behavior and rescues his husband from the frailty of his own conscience by
again questioning his manhood. When the situation grows worse, she takes charge once
more and promptly dismisses the lords from the feast. Under the influence of his wife,
Macbeth finally embarks on a road of no return and becomes bloody. In a word, Lady
Macbeth is a driving force behind her husband?s action. In fact, his strong sense
of guilt implies that he would not have realized his ambitions without Lady Macbeth
encouraging him.
Macbeth’s Tragic Flaw leads him to the inevitable tragedy
According to Aristotle, tragic flaw is inherent in the protagonist. Tragic flaws may
include some flaws, like jealousy and overwhelming pride and finally lead
th main character to
ruin. Though factors from the outside world play an important role in contributing
to Macbeth?s inevitable tragedy, his own error—tragic flaw finally leads him to his
fate. Macbeth?s tragic flaw is his “vaulting ambition”. Ambition is an earnest
desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame or wealth.
Throughout the play, what Macbeth longs for is more power. When the third witch greets
Macbeth with prophecy that he will become king, it creates an ambition in Macbeth
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that is unseen before this remark. He is filled with thoughts of betrayal
and is eager to become King. And the ambition in him pushes him towards taking action.
Actually, Macbeth has a mind of his own and acts according to his own free will. In
the play, Macbeth deliberates about murdering and puts his plans into action. About
the witches, they never say anything to him about murdering Duncan. In act I,
hears the weird sisters? prophesy, his thoughts immediately turns to “murder”.
Therefore, perhaps Macbeth has had a murderous ambition inside him long before and
three witches merely awaken it. "if chance will have me king, why chance may crown
me without my stir," (Act1.3.20) He realizes that his only path to the throne would
be to rid the kingdom of Duncan and his son. He shows a desire to do so, saying to
himself, "That is a stepOn which I must fall down or else o'erleap...Let not light
see my black and deep desires." (Act I.4.27). Although he already holds a high title,
Macbeth still lusts for more.
As to his fear and cowardice before murdering Duncan, it is common because no one
can feel calm before they kill someone who enjoys the biggest power in their country.
By mentioning this to audience, Shakespeare demonstrates us a man with blood and flesh.
necessary in a bid to secure his position of power. It also becomes easier and easier
for him to commit heinous crimes. In the third act, without the influence of his wife,
he carries out his plan to kill Banquo, refusing his intentions to her. After that,
without thinking twice, he murders Macduff?s family.
He gets bogged down in wrongdoings. “For mine own good, /All causes shall give way.
I am in blood, /Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, /Returning were as
tedious as go o'er.” (ActIII.4.99-100). By comparing his actions to wading through
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a bloody river, Macbeth suggests that once a man commits a murderous act for his own
gain, it is quite impossible to stop. Turning back would be “tedious.” His
selfishness and ambition make him a hated tyrant. Macbeth?s ambition ends up
controlling him, as symbolized in the "Dagger Soliloquy." In the play, his ambition
f him to murder
again and again to cover up his previous wrongdoings. As a result, his ambition leads
the throne to him, but also his final demise.
To sum up, Macbeth?s unavoidable tragic fate is partly due to the influence of three
witches? prophecies and his ruthless wife. However, along with the development of
the plot, Macbeth becomes a murderous tyrant forming a stark contrast with a kind
and respected general at the beginning of the play. While outside world does affect
him in some degree, it is his own flaw, dying for more power that gives rise to his
final demise. If he can resist the temptation of power, even under the influence of
the outside world, maybe he can still remain an upright and beloved general.
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5. 莫运平,李经山,麦克白悲剧性发微,武汉大学学报(人文科学版)2003 年 02 期
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