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(Courtesy Translation)
Summary of the Application Procedures for the National Administrative
Documents for Import Declaration of CEPA Goods
To facilitate the Macao exporter or producer to have a fundamental
understanding of the national administrative documents and the relevant application
procedures for goods exported to the Mainland under the CEPA, in accordance with
the provisions of the relevant regulations of the Mainland, this text gives an outline of
the specific documents, apart from the usual documents, for import declaration. The
information in this text is for reference only, the specific application procedures shall
be enforced with reference to the provisions of the regulations of the regulatory and
issuing entities of the Mainland.
The national administrative documents are used for customs clearance, and is a
measure by the Mainland for the administration of imports and exports trade. The
customs clearance for the CEPA goods also needs to comply with the relevant
regulations of the foreign trade policies of the Mainland. The China Customs
implements this measure according to the laws and regulations of the foreign trade.
Should the CEPA goods subject to the national administrative documents, the
importers must obtain the relevant administrative documents for customs clearance.
The major administrative documents of the CEPA goods are as follows :
Drug Import Note
Import Control for Psychotropic Drugs and Narcotic Drugs
Import and Export License for Drugs
Import License for the Import of Waste
Certificate for China Compulsory Product Certification
Import Permit for Endangered Species
Notice of Customs Clearance for Imported Goods
Automatic Import License
Automatic Import License (New and Used Mechanical and Electrical Products)
Import Permit Issued by the People's Bank of China
Issuance Permit for Audio and Video Products
Clearance Notification for Environmental Management on the Import of Toxic
Import of Agricultural Chemicals Registration Certificate
Veterinary Drug Import Note
Import License for Dual-Use Items and Technologies
Drug Import Note
The State Food and Drug Administration and General Administration of
Customs adopted the “Administrative Measures on Import of Pharmaceutical
Products” for the administration of pharmaceutical imports with a view to regulate the
record filing, customs declaration and inspection, and quality control of imported
drugs. Under these measures, pharmaceuticals must be imported via designated ports.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
According to the provisions stipulated by Article 36 of the “Regulations for
Implementation of the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of
China”, for importation of a drug, an application for registration shall be made
according to provisions of the drug regulatory department under the State
Council. A drug may only be imported after an “Import Drug License” is given
if it is produced by a foreign manufacturer, or a “Pharmaceutical Product
License” is given if it is produced by a manufacturer in Hong Kong, Macao or
Taiwan of China.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
After obtaining the “Import Drug License” or the “Pharmaceutical Product
License”, the applicant is required to apply the “Drug Import Note” from the
local drug regulatory department in the place where the port is located, specific
requirements are as follows :The applicant has to fill in the “Declaration and Inspection Form for
Pharmaceutical Imports”, and provide the original copy of the “Import Drug
License”(or the “Pharmaceutical Product License”) (original or copy), to the
local drug regulatory department in the place where the port is located together
with the following documents, in duplicate:
Copy of the “Import Drug License” or the “Pharmaceutical Product
License”(original or duplicate copy);
Copy of the “Drug Supply Certificate” and “Business License of
Enterprise Legal Person” of the applicant;
Copy of the certificate of origin;
Copy of the purchase contract;
Copy of the packing list, bill of freight and shipping invoice;
Copy of the certificate of analysis for the release of drugs by the
Inset sheet of the pharmaceutical products and samples of the packaging
and labels (not applicable to pharmaceutical raw materials and
intermediate preparations);
Copy of the latest “Drug Import Note”(not applicable for the first time of
For biological products regulated by the State Food and Drug
Administration, original copies of the production certification docket and
approval certificate issued by the regulatory agency for pharmaceutical
products in the country or region of production.
The official seal of the importer shall be affixed to the aforesaid copies. All
purchase contracts, packing lists, bills of freight and shipping invoices from the
place of origin to each place of transshipment shall be submitted simultaneously
for pharmaceutical imports that are transshipped through other countries or
Schedule of Approval Procedures
After receiving the “Declaration and Inspection Form for Pharmaceutical
Imports” and relevant documents from the applicant, the local drug regulatory
department in the place where the port is located shall review the documents
submitted. If there are not any irregularities, the local drug regulatory
department shall complete all the record filing formalities on the same day, and
issue the “Drug Import Note”. The drug importer shall, with the “Drug Import
Note”, complete the formalities for customs declaration and clearance. Within
two days from the completion of the declaration formalities in the Customs, the
drug importer is required to arrange the sampling and testing formalities in the
port drug testing institution, the local drug regulatory department in the place
where the port is located shall seal the medicaments after samples obtained. If
the samples pass the testing, the medicaments shall be unsealed and can be
Import Control for Psychotropic Drugs and Narcotic Drugs
According to the provisions of the “Drug Administration Law of the People’s
Republic of China”, the “Administrative Measures on Narcotic Drugs” and the
“Administrative Measures on Psychotropic Drugs” of the State Council, licensing
regime is adopted for the imports of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Under the
“Administrative Measures on Import of Pharmaceutical Products”, drugs must be
imported via designated ports.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
For the imports of psychotropic and narcotic substances, regardless of the form
of imports, and the purposes of use, the applicant is required to obtain the
“import license” from the State Food and Drug Administration before arranging
the import formalities with the Customs. The applicant is required to obtain the
“Import Drug License” or “Pharmaceutical Product License” before applying for
the “Import License” of psychotropic or narcotic substances. For the imports of
psychotropic or narcotic substances, the applicant is required to fill in the
application form together with the copy of the contract, for the approval of the
regulatory department.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
The applicant has to fill in the “Declaration and Inspection Form for
Pharmaceutical Imports”, and provide the original copy of the “import license”
for narcotic and psychotropic substances, to the local drug regulatory
department in the place where the port is located together with the following
documents, in duplicate:
(1) Copy of the “Import Drug License” or the “Pharmaceutical Product
License”(original or duplicate copy) and the “Import License” for narcotic
and psychotropic substances;
(2) Copy of the “Drug Supply Certificate” and “Business License of Enterprise
Legal Person” of the applicant;
(3) Copy of the certificate of origin;
(4) Copy of the purchase contract;
(5) Copy of the packing list, bill of freight and shipping invoice;
(6) Copy of the certificate of analysis for the release of drugs by the
(7) Inset sheet of the pharmaceutical products and samples of the packaging
and labels (not applicable to raw pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical
intermediate preparations);
(8) Copy of the latest “Inspection Report for the Pharmaceutical Imports”.
The official seal of the importer shall be affixed to the aforesaid copies. All
purchase contracts, packing lists, bills of freight and shipping invoices from the
place of origin to each place of transshipment shall be submitted simultaneously
for pharmaceutical imports that are transshipped through other countries or
Application and Approval Procedures
For the imports of narcotic and psychotropic substances, the local drug
regulatory department in the place where the port is located shall review all the
documents submitted, if there are not any irregularities, shall issue a “Notice of
Customs Inspection for Pharmaceutical Imports”, together with the copies of the
aforesaid documents, to the port drug testing institution where the testing is
conducted, but the “Drug Import Note” is not required. The port drug testing
institution shall obtain samples at the location as specified in the “Notice of
Customs Inspection for Pharmaceutical Imports”, the testing result shall be sent
to the local drug regulatory department in the place where the port is located. If
the samples pass the testing, the drugs can be imported.
Import and Export License for Drugs
In order to regulate the management of the imports and exports of anabolic
agents and peptide hormones, licensing regime is adopted for the imports and exports
of anabolic agents and peptide hormones in accordance with laws and regulations
such as “Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Customs
Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “Anti-Doping Regulation”.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
In accordance with the “Drug Administration Law” and its relevant
implementation regulations, the drug importer has to apply for the “Import Drug
License” (or the “Pharmaceutical Product License”) issued by the food and drug
regulatory department under the State Council for the imports of anabolic agents
and peptide hormones. The drug importer has to apply for the import and export
license from the State Food and Drug Administration.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
For the imports of anabolic agents and peptide hormones, the drug importer is
required to submit the following documents:
(1) Application form for the import of drugs;
(2) Copy of the purchase contract;
(3) Copy of the “Import Drug License” (or the “Pharmaceutical Product
License”) (original or duplicate copy);
(4) Copy of the “Drug Supply Certificate”, “Business License of Enterprise
Legal Person”, “License for Imports and Exports of the Enterprise” (or
“Registration form for External Trade Operator”), and copy of the
“Organization Code Certificate”. When drug manufacturer imports raw
pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical intermediate preparations for its own
production (including repackaging), copy of the “Drug Manufacturing
Certificate”, “Business License of Enterprise Legal Person” and the
“Organization Code Certificate” are required.
(5) If the holder of the “Import Drug License” (or the “Pharmaceutical Product
License”) appoints another company to export its pharmaceutical products,
letter of authorization is required.
The official seal of the importer shall be affixed to the aforesaid copies.
For the imports of anabolic agents and peptide hormones for educational and
scientific research, the drug importer is required to submit the following
(1) Application form for the import of drugs;
(2) Copy of the purchase contract;
(3) Permit of the unit qualified for engaging in use of drugs, the basis for
calculating the quantity needed, and a letter from the unit engaging in use
of drugs guaranteeing the proper use and management of the drugs;
(4) the approval document for the relevant scientific research project or the
approval document from the relevant regulatory department;
(5) If the unit engaging in use of drugs appoints another importer to import the
drugs, copy of the appointment contract, copy of the “Business License of
Enterprise Legal Person”, “License for Imports and Exports of the
Enterprise” (or “Registration form for External Trade Operator”), and the
“Organization Code Certificate” of the importer are also required.
The official seal of the importer shall be affixed to the aforesaid copies.
Application and Approval Procedures
The State Food and Drug Administration shall make a decision about the drug
import application within fifteen working days after receiving it. If approved,
the “import license” for the drugs shall be issued, otherwise, written explanation
for the rejection shall be provided. The importer shall present the “import
license” issued by the State Food and Drug Administration to the customs port
where the drugs are allowed for import to arrange customs declaration, and the
customs shall release the goods. For the imports of anabolic agents and peptide
hormones, the “Drug Import Note” is not required.
Import License for the Import of Waste
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
(1) The waste for imports must be listed in the “Catalogue of Imports of Waste
under State Control”.
(2) The imports of waste and its manufacturing processes must be in
compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
(3) The unit for exploitation of the waste must comply with the approved
business scope and environmental protection requirement as set out in its
business license, and must obtain the “Authorization in relation to
Environmental Protection for Construction Project”, and possess the
capacity to process and transform the imported waste and ability to take
preventive measures against infection.
(4) The waste importer must conform to the importing business scope as per its
business license and authorization given by the foreign trade department.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) The qualification certificate of imports of the waste importer;
(2) Copy of the business license of the importer and the unit of exploiting the
(3) Copy of the valid tax registration certificate;
(4) Copy of the purchase contract;
(5) “Environmental Risk Evaluation Report of Waste Imports” prepared by a
competent institute which is certified by the State Environmental
Protection Administration to conduct environmental risk evaluation;
(6) Duly completed “Application Form for Waste Imports”.
Schedule of Approval Procedures
(1) The enterprise requesting the imports of waste has to submit the
application to the environmental protection department where the
enterprise is established. The environmental protection department shall
conduct the data verification and site survey, and produce the preliminary
evaluation opinion, and this procedure usually takes ten working days.
(2) After the preliminary evaluation, the enterprise requesting the imports of
waste is required to present the “Environmental Risk Evaluation Report of
Waste Imports” and the “Application Form for Waste Imports” endorsed
with preliminary opinion by the environmental protection department at the
level of a city, to provincial environmental protection department. The
provincial environmental protection department shall review the
application materials, endorse the evaluation opinion and send the
materials to the State Environmental Protection Administration, within ten
working days (for Guangdong Province).
(3) The provincial environmental protection department shall collect unitarily
all the “Import License for the Import of Waste” approved by the State
Environmental Protection Administration, archive the duplicates and notify
the applicants to collect the import licenses.
Certificate for China Compulsory Product Certification
The certification for China compulsory products is a regime of quality
evaluation in accordance with the regulations, with a view to protect the safety of the
consumers and animals and plants, and to protect the environment and national
security. Under this regime, the products must comply with the state standards and the
technological regulations. The certification for compulsory products, which requires
products listed in the “Catalogue of Products Subject to Compulsory Product
Certification System” to be duly certified. For product listed in the catalogue, without
the certificate issued by authorized certification agency and without the compulsory
certification mark applied properly, is not allowed for imports and uses for
commercial purposes.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
In accordance with the provisions of article 13 of the “Administrative Rules on
Compulsory Product Certification”, producer, vendor and importer can apply for
the certificate from the China Quality Certificate Centre.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) The identification document of the applicant;
(2) The assembly diagram, the electrical schematic diagram, the circuit
(3) List of major components and/or major raw materials;
(4) Other necessary explanatory documents;
(5) If the applicant is the vendor or importer, copy of the contract between the
producer and the vendor or between the producer and the importer is
(6) If the applicant appoints an agent to handle the application of product
certification, the applicant has to conclude a contract with the agent
regarding matters such as certification, examination, inspection and
follow-up, etc. The agent is required to submit copies of the letter of
authorization, contract of authorization, and other relevant contracts to the
designated certification agency. Interested parties can consult the “Rules
for the implementation of Compulsory Product Certification” for the
specific documents required for a particular product.
Schedule of Approval Procedures
In accordance with the provisions of article 15 of the “Administrative Rules on
Compulsory Product Certification”, the certification agency is responsible for the
reception of applications. According to the provisions of the regulations, the
agency has to arrange testing, factory inspection and samples examination, etc. If
there are not any irregularities, the agency shall issue the certificate. Under
normal circumstances, the certification agency shall make a decision of approval
or disapproval of the application and notify the applicant within ninety days after
receiving it.
Import Permit for Endangered Species
In accordance with the provisions of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China
on the Protection of Wildlife” and relevant regulations, import permit must be
obtained from the Endangered Species Import and Export Management Office or its
delegation for the import of species of wildlife and the products thereof under first
and second class protection listed in the “List of Wildlife under Special State
Protection”, and for the import of animals, animal products, plants and plants products
listed in appendices I, II and III of the “Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
(1) In case of imports for commercial purposes, the unit must be authorized for
(2) In case of imports for non-commercial purposes, the unit must possess
qualification approved by relevant department to engage in domesticating
and breeding (cultivating), scientific research, culture exchange and
educational promotions of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora;
(3) Unit or person not authorized for imports can appoint another unit, which
is authorized for imports, to apply for the import permit, and authorization
agreement duly signed by both parties must be attached.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) Application report for the imports of wild animals and plants (submit
written application detailing the importing country or region, species,
quantity, origin, purposes of use, etc., to the Forestry Administration of
(2) Application form of wild animals, plants and products thereof of the
People’s Republic of China (unit or individual has to submit application
form for imports of wild animals, plants and their products thereof, the
information must be true, without any omission and must be typed.);
(3) Contract or agreement of imports;
(4) The importer must submit the export (re-export) license issued by the
competent government department of the exporting country, certificate of
origin, or any other documents indicating the approval for exports
(re-exports) issued by the competent government department of the
exporting country;
(5) Documents issued by the Customs;
(6) Ingredients table of the Chinese-style medicaments, and the packaging
materials containing explanations.
Schedule of Approval Procedures
The authority shall make a decision of approval or disapproval of the application
within fifteen working days after receiving it. If approved, to submit the
application for examination and approval to the State Forestry Administration
and Endangered Species Import and Export Management Office.
Notice of Customs Clearance for Imported Goods
In accordance with the provisions of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China
on Import and Export Commodity Inspection”, “Law of the People’s Republic of
China on Animal and Plant Quarantine” and “Law of the People’s Republic of China
on Food Hygiene” and relevant laws and regulations, the authority of quality
supervision, inspection and quarantine shall issue “Customs Clearance for Imports
Certificate” for import commodity listed in “List of Import and Export Commodities
Subject to Inspection by the Commodity Inspection Authorities”. The Customs will
inspect and release the goods against the “Notice of Customs Clearance for Imported
Goods” issued by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authority at the port of
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
The consignee or the consigner can apply for inspection, or can appoint an agent
to arrange. If the imports and exports of goods require express treatment, the
consignee or the consigner must appoint an agent with express entry-exit
services to arrange the formalities.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) Declaration of inspection for imports certificate;
(2) Contracts of imports;
(3) Commercial invoice;
(4) Bill of lading / bill of freight;
(5) Packing list;
(6) Other documents as required by relevant regulations
Automatic Import License
With a view to effectively monitor the import of specific types of goods and to
regulate the management of automatic import licensing, the Ministry of Commerce
has authorized the Quota & License Administrative Bureau, the cabinets of the
commissioners of the Ministry of Commerce, the administrations of foreign trade at
the level of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central
Government, to be responsible for the management of goods under the automatic
import licensing and to issue the “Automatic Import License”.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
For goods subject to automatic import licensing administration, the consignee
(including the importer and user) is required to apply for automatic import
license from the local or respective issuing authorities, and to arrange customs
declaration formalities with automatic import license.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) Qualification certificate of the consignee to engage in import and export of
goods, registration documents
foreign-invested enterprise;
(2) Application form for the automatic import license;
(3) Contract of goods imports;
(4) If the goods are imported through an agent, it is required to submit the
agreement of authorization (original);
(5) If the goods imported are subject to special provisions of the uses and final
users, it is required to submit documents specifying that the uses and final
users are in compliance with the national regulations;
(6) Other documents required to be submitted as listed in the “Catalogue”;
(7) Other documents required to be submitted by the Ministry of Commerce
Schedule of Approval Procedures
The issuing authority has to issue the “Automatic Import License” within ten
working days after receiving the correct and completed application.
Automatic Import License (New and Used Mechanical and Electrical Products)
In accordance with the decree n° 10, 2001 “Administrative Measures on the
Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products” of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Cooperation, the General Administration of Customs and the General
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the “Rules for
the Implementation of Automatic Import Licensing Administration of Mechanical and
Electrical Products”, with regard to the import of mechanical and electrical products
subject to automatic import licensing administration, the importer must, prior to
handling customs declaration formalities with customs, apply from the Ministry of
Commerce or the local responsible department for foreign trade and economics or the
departmental mechanical and electrical products office for an “Automatic Import
The applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
The Legal Person of the Peoples’ Republic of China or the importer who plans to
import the mechanical and electrical products into the Mainland.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) Application form for the import of mechanical and electrical products;
(2) Copy of the legal document issued by the competent administrative unit
specifying the approved business scope of the importer;
(3) Other supplementary documents.
Under the following circumstances, relevant documents mentioned below are
(1) For the imported mechanical and electrical products under investment
projects, is required to provide the project approval document issued by the
competent investment project management authority, or registration
(2) For the imported mechanical and electrical products which are purchased
by the way of international competitive bidding, is required to provide the
“Notification of the Evaluation Result of the International Bidding” issued
by competent international bidding management authority.
Schedule of Approval Procedures
When the local foreign trade and economics department or the office in charge of
mechanical and electrical products receives the complete application form for the
import of mechanical and electrical products, automatic import license must be
issued within ten working days.
Import Permit Issued by the People's Bank of China
With a view to regulate the import of gold and the products thereof, to maintain
the market stability and to prevent the loss of foreign exchange, the import of gold
and silver is managed unitarily by the People’s Bank of China. Without exception,
units cannot import gold and silver without permission by the People’s Bank of China,
and infringement will be penalized according to the provisions of article 11 of the
“Rules of Administrative Penalties for the Implementation of the Customs Law of the
People’s Republic of China”, a penalty of less than the value of the goods will be
imposed, and the duties should be paid.
Issuance Permit for Audio and Video Products
The audio and video product import entities shall apply to the General
Administration of Press and Publication for content examination when importing
finished audio and video products, audio and video products used for publication and
information network dissemination and for other purposes from aboard, from the
Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, the Special Administrative Region of
Macao and the Taiwan area of China. The General Administration of Press and
Publication shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the import
of audio and video products of the whole country.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
In accordance with the “Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video
Products”, the import of audio and video products shall be managed by the audio
and video product operating entities designated by the General Administration of
Press and Publication, no entity or individual may engage in the imports of audio
and video products without the designation of the General Administration of
Press and Publication.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
1) One who wishes to import the audio and video products used for publication
or for information network dissemination shall file an application with the
General Administration of Press and Publication and submit the following
documents and materials:
(1) Application form for examination of the imported audio (video)
(2) Draft of the copyright trade agreement (versions in Chinese and
foreign languages), certificate of the original copyright, authorization
letter of copyright and the certification of registration issued by the
copyright certification agencies of the State;
(3) Sample of the program (the media can be CD, VCD or DVD);
Other materials needed for the content examination.
2) One who wishes to import finished audio and video products shall file an
application with the General Administration of Press and Publication and
submit the following documents and materials:
(1) Application form for examination of the imported audio (video)
(2) Draft of the import agreement;
Sample of the program, lyrics in Chinese and foreign languages;
Other materials needed for the content examination.
The above materials and sample of the program, in duplicate, need to be
submitted to the Division of audio and video and electronic publications of the
Publishing Management Department of the General Administration of Press and
Schedule of Approval Procedures
The General Administration of Press and Publication has set up an evaluation
committee, composed of several experts, to be responsible for content
examination of the import of audio and video products. Under this evaluation
committee, an office was set up to handle the submission of application
documents and samples by the importing unit, and to coordinate content
examination by the experts. The General Administration of Press and Publication,
based on the opinions of the experts, shall make the decision on whether to
approve or not within 30 days from receiving the application. For those approved,
“Issuance permit for audio and video products” shall be granted; for those not
approved, “Notification of examination for audio and video products” shall be
granted and the reasons shall be explained.
Clearance Notification for Environmental Management on the Import of Toxic
In accordance with the “Regulations for Environmental Management on the
First Import of Chemicals and the Import and Export of Toxic Chemicals”, the
Ministry of Environmental Protection shall implement unified environmental
supervision and management on the import and export of toxic chemicals included in
the "List of Toxic Chemicals Banned or Severely Restricted in the People's Republic
of China"
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
Whenever foreign business concerns or their agents export to China, or domestic
businesses import from abroad, industrial chemicals included in the "List of
Toxic Chemicals Banned or Severely Restricted in the People's Republic of
China", they must apply in advance to the Ministry of Environmental Protection
for registration of environmental management on import of toxic chemicals. The
“Registration Certificate for Environmental Management on the Import of
Chemicals” and the “Clearance Notification for Environmental Management on
the Import of Toxic Chemicals” shall be issued to them upon approval. The
clearance notification is issued each time for each import/export of chemicals in
the List. Each Clearance Notification can only be used for Customs declaration
once within it's valid date.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
1) For the approval of the “Registration Certificate for Environmental
Management on the Import of Toxic Chemicals”
The applicant has to submit the following documents to the Chemical
Registration Centre of Ministry of Environmental Protection:
(1) Application form (including: name of the unit for application, address,
chemical name in Chinese and English, the American Chemical
Abstracts No., customs code, importing quantity, exporting country
(region), purpose of import, etc.);
Original contract.
The Chemical Registration Centre of Ministry of Environmental Protection,
after receiving the application, will conduct preliminary evaluation whether the
applicant complies with relevant environmental protection standard or not, and
for chemicals that are in the list of international convention whether comply
with the provisions of the conventions. The Chemical Registration Centre will
forward the documents that passed through the preliminary evaluation to the
Ministry of Environmental Protection. The Ministry shall make the decision on
whether to approve or not, and shall inform the Chemical Registration Centre of
the decision. The Chemical Registration Centre shall inform the applicant of the
decision in writing.
2) For the approval of the “Clearance Notification for Environmental
Management on the Import of Toxic Chemicals”
The applicant has to submit the following documents to the Chemical
Registration Centre of Ministry of Environmental Protection:
(1) Application form (including: name of the unit for application, address,
chemical name in Chinese and English, the American Chemical
Abstracts No., customs code, importing quantity, exporting country
(region), purpose of import, method of supply, mode of domestic
transport, port of discharge, etc.);
Copy of the import registration of the foreign trader
Qualification certificate;
Contract of import;
Details of the flow of import.
The Chemical Registration Centre of the Ministry of Environmental Protection
will conduct preliminary evaluation whether the applicant, the quantity of
import and the unit that utilizes the chemicals comply with relevant
environmental protection standard or not, and for chemicals that are in the list of
international conventions whether comply with the provisions of the
conventions. The Chemical Registration Centre will forward the documents that
passed through the preliminary evaluation to the Ministry of Environmental
Protection. The Ministry shall make the decision on whether to approve or not,
and shall inform the Chemical Registration Centre of the decision. The
Chemical Registration Centre shall inform the applicant of the decision in
Schedule of Approval Procedures
The period of approval for the “Registration Certificate for Environmental
Management on the Import of Toxic Chemicals” is 30 working days, and for the
“Clearance Notification for Environmental Management on the Import of Toxic
Chemicals” is 20 working days.
Import of Agricultural Chemicals Registration Certificate
In accordance with the “Regulations on the Control of Agricultural Chemicals”
and to implement the “Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for
Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade” by the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and United Nations Environment
Program, the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Customs
decided to implement registration certificate management for the import and export of
agricultural chemicals into and out the Mainland. The Agricultural Chemicals
Import/Export Registration Certificate will be issued by the appraisal institution of
agricultural chemicals under the Ministry of Agriculture.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
Prior to the application of the Agricultural Chemicals Import/Export Registration
Certificate and in accordance with the “Administrative Measures of Registration
Certificate for Import/Export of Agricultural Chemicals (Interim)”, the enterprise
has to submit the “Registration Form for Agricultural Chemicals Import/Export
Enterprise” to the appraisal institution of agricultural chemicals for filing. And
the relevant agricultural chemicals should have the registration certificate.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
Enterprise has to submit the application to the appraisal institution of agricultural
chemicals, filing materials and application materials are needed for the first time
of application, and only application materials are needed for every subsequent
1) Filing materials (for the first time of application)
Registration Form for Import/Export Enterprise;
Copy, with enterprise’s official seal, of the “Qualification Certificate of
the Import/Export Enterprise of the PRC” or “Approval Certificate for
Foreign-invested Commercial Enterprise” or “Filing and Registration
Form of Foreign Trade Operators”;
Copy, with enterprise’s official seal, of the Business License;
Company profile, with enterprise’s official seal.
2) Application Materials
Application form for Import of Agricultural Chemicals Registration
Copy of the import contract, and the registration certificate of the
agricultural chemical.
Schedule of Approval Procedures
The appraisal institution of agricultural chemicals shall complete the evaluation
and issue the certificate within 3 working days from the date it receives all the
application materials.
Veterinary Drug Import Note
For the purpose of strengthening the administration of veterinary drugs, ensuring
the quality of such drugs, preventing and controlling animal diseases, promoting the
development of relevant industry, the Mainland China has implemented supervision
and administration for the import and export of veterinary drugs.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
Where a veterinary drug is to be exported to China for the first time, the
representative office established by the exporter within the territory of China or
the agency within the territory of China authorized by it shall apply to the
administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council (Ministry
of Agriculture) for registration. To import a veterinary drug that has obtained the
Registration Certificate of Veterinary Drugs in China, the agency within the
territory of China shall apply to the administrative department for veterinary
medicine of the State Council (Ministry of Agriculture at provincial level) where
the port of entry is located for a “Veterinary Drug Import Note”.
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) Application form for import of veterinary drug;
(2) Copy of the “Veterinary Drug Distribution License” of the applicant;
(3) Copy of the “Registration Certificate of Import Veterinary Drugs” of the
import product;
(4) Copy of the “Business License” of the importing unit.
Schedule of Approval Procedures
For Guangdong Province, 20 working days.
Import License for Dual-Use Items and Technologies
For the supervision and management of the trade of sensitive items and
technologies, such as nuclear, missile, precursors and chemicals used in production of
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and biological products, the import and
export examination and approval mechanism has been formulated for dual-use items
and technologies (i.e. sensitive items and technologies, precursor chemicals). In
accordance with the relevant import and export control regulations, enterprises should
obtain approval before engaging in the import and export operations of dual-use items
and technologies.
The applicant must fulfill the following conditions:
Currently under the import and export examination and approval mechanism for
dual-use items and technologies, items that require import license are precursor
chemicals. Prior to applying for the import license for precursor chemicals,
enterprises should complete the formalities of filing and registration of foreign
trade operators, and for Foreign-invested Commercial Enterprise established and
permitted in accordance with relevant regulations, should complete the approval
or registration formalities for production, purchase and distribution of precursor
The applicant must submit the following documents:
(1) “Application Form for the Import of Precursor Chemicals” with authorized
signature and official seal (original);
(2) Copy of the “Filing and Registration Form of Foreign Trade Operators”;
(3) Copy of the Business License;
(4) Certificates of approval or registration for production, distribution and
purchase of precursor chemicals;
(5) Copy of the import contract or agreement;
(6) Copy of the identification document of the applicant.
Enterprise can submit the electronic application form through the “administration
platform of import and export of dual-use items and technologies” of the website
of Ministry of Commerce, after verification by the provincial competent
departments of commerce where the enterprise is located that the documents are
correct, the enterprise can submit the paper documents. The provincial competent
departments of commerce is in charge of the verification of the paper documents
submitted, the verified documents will be forwarded to the Ministry of
Commerce. Upon receiving the application, the Ministry of Commerce will
conduct the examination and approval, the approval import note of dual-use
items and technologies will be issued for those approved. Upon presentation of
the approval import note to the local issuing authority, the enterprise can obtain
the “Import License for Dual-Use Items and Technologies” for customs
Schedule of Approval Procedures
Committed time schedule is 20 working days.