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Grade 5
Meet 2
Which of the following has the largest reciprocal: 1/5, 2/3, or 2/12?
Answer: _________________ (2 pts)
Order these fractions from least to greatest.
Answer: __________________(3 pts)
What does A equal to make this a true equation?
A  A + A = 306
Answer: __________________(4 pts)
Grace made chocolate chip cookies. Kelsey ate twenty-five percent of them right
away. Emma ate thirty percent of what was left. Forty-two cookies remain. How
many cookies did Grace make?
Answer: ___________ cookies (5 pts)
Two numbers have a ratio 3:8. Their sum is 44. What is the difference between
the two numbers?
Answer: __________________(6 pts)
Grade 5
Meet 2
1) Solve:
 # of sides
  # of sides
  # of sides   # of sides
  # of sides
  
  
  
  
 of a hexagon  of a pentagon   of a triangle   of an octagon   of a decagon 
Answer: _________________(2 pts)
If angle A measures 88 degrees, what is the measure of each angle B.
Answer: ________________degrees (3 pts)
A rectangular living room measures 12 feet by 10 feet. A carpet placed on the
floor leaves a border 2 feet wide all around it. What is the area of the border?
Answer: _________________ft2 (4 pts)
What is the length of the base of a triangle with a height of 22 cm and area of
Answer: ________________cm. (5 pts)
Rectangle ABCD contains 3 small congruent rectangles. If the smaller dimension
of each of the small rectangles is 4 units, what is the area of rectangle ABCD?
Answer: ________________sq. units (6 pts)
Grade 5
Meet 2
Sarah finally gets an allowance. She saves $3 in January, $6 in February, $12 in March,
$24 in April, and followed this savings pattern through to December. How much money
does she have in total at the end of 12 months?
Answer: $______________ (6 pts)
The basketball team shoots two field goals for every free throw. They only make 1/3 of
the shots attempted. If they make 13 free throw shots in a game, how many field goals
would they have made given their statistics?
Answer: ___________field goals (6 pts)
This morning, Abe received three text messages from John, ten from Isaiah, nine from
Matt, five from Amanda, and twenty-seven from Kiana. What is the probability that the
next text message Abe receives will be from Kiana assuming these proportions hold?
Answer: _______________(6 pts)
Becki, Jen, Wendy, and Julie each have a different number of nickels (103, 117, 150, and
136). The sum of the tens digit and the ones digit in the number of nickels Becki has is
odd. The tens digit in the number of nickels that Jen has is odd. Jen is not the one with
150 nickels. Wendy is not the one with 117 nickels. Jen does not have an odd number of
nickels. The sum of two digits in the number of nickels Wendy has is six. What is value
in dollars and cents of the nickels that Julie has?
Answer: $______________(6 pts)
The drama club needs to paint the steps shown below. They are made out of six cubes.
Each cube has a volume of 216 in3. They only need to paint the surfaces of the stairs that
can be seen from each side: left, right, top, front, and back. A can of spray paint covers
34 square inches. How many cans of paint do they need?
Answer: _______________cans (6 pts)
What does E equal where each letter represents a unique number to make this problem
Answer: _______________(6 pts)
Grade 5
Meet 2
1) 2/12
2/ ,9/
3 11
3) 17
4) 80
5) 20
1) 44
2) 44°
3) 72 ft2
4) 27cm
5) 96
1) 12,285
2) 26
3) ½
4) $5.85
5) 23
6) 5
The reciprocal of 1/5 is 5/1 or 5. The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2 or 1 ½ . The reciprocal of 2/12
is 12/2 or 6.
Using cross multiplication with two fractions at a time: 15 is less than 16 so 5/8 is less
than 2/3 and 22 is less than 27 so 2/3 is less than 9/11. Could also use decimal
equivalents: 0.8181…, 0.625, and 0.666…
17 * 17 + 17 = 306
Work backward: 70% of the remaining cookies was 42. 42/7=6 so 10% is 6 cookies.
Emma ate 30% or 18 cookies. 42 cookies + 18 cookies = 60 cookies. Kelsey ate 25% or
¼ of the original cookies so the 60 cookies represent ¾. 60/3=20. Each ¼ is 20 cookies
so 60+20=80 cookies.
Multiply 3 and 8 by the same number until you have two products whose sum is 44.
3x4=12 and 8x4=32 so 12+32=44. The difference between 32 and 12 is 20.
A hexagon has 6 sides, a pentagon has five sides, a triangle has three sides, an octagon
has 8 sides, and a decagon has 10 sides. 6 x 5 + 3 x 8 – 10 = 44
Angle A is supplementary to the unlabeled angle in the triangle, therefore, the unlabeled
angle would equal 92 because 92+88=180. That leaves 88 degrees for the two angle B's
because the sum of a triangle’s interior angles is 180. 88/2 = 44°.
You would have two rectangles of 12 feet by 2 feet for a total of 48 square feet. You
would also have two rectangles of 6 feet by 2 feet for a total of 24 square feet. 48+24=72
square feet. Alternatively, 12 x 10 – 8 x 6 = 120 – 48 = 72.
Work backwards: Since the formula for the area of a triangle is ½bh, then double the area
to 594. Next divide by the height, 594/22=27.
The small dimension of each of the rectangles is 4, the large dimension is 8. Each
rectangle has the area of 8 units x 4 units = 32 sq. units. Rectangle ABCD is 3 small
rectangles x 32 sq. units each = 96 sq. units.
The amount doubles each month so:
If they made 13 free throw shots and they only make 1/3 of their attempts, they would
have attempted 39 free throws. They attempt two field goals for each free throw so they
would have attempted 78 field goal attempts. They would then only make 1/3 of those 78
field goals for a total of 26 field goals.
Abe received 54 text messages: 3+10+9+5+27=54. 27 is half of 54 so the probability
would be ½.
The only number in which two digits can add to six is 150 so Wendy has 150 nickels.
Jen’s total must be even and the only even number left is 136. 103 and 117 are left.
Becki's number has a tens digit plus a ones digit that is odd. 0+3=3 which is odd, so
Becki must have 103 nickels. That leaves 117 nickels for Julie. 117x0.05=$5.85
There are 21 faces that need to be painted: 6 on the left, 6 on the right, 3 from the top, 3
from the front, and 3 from the back. If the volume of a cube is 216 cubic inches, each
side must be 6 inches as 6x6x6=216. The surface area for each face would then be 36
inches². 36x21 faces = 756 inches². Each can of spray paint covers 34 inches², so
756/34=22.235. Therefore, they will need 23 cans of spray paint.
25853 + 25853 = 51706