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Swine Flu
As you are aware, health authorities worldwide are monitoring the spread of swine flu
that originated in Mexico. Panic isn’t helpful. In fact, even jumping on some of the
ballyhooed bandwagons may cause more harm than good. So, let’s sort this out calmly
and logically. Some of the information below is conventional medical wisdom and some
is natural medicine backed by science. Check out the links for ideas from the cutting
Snapshot: Any flu is certainly unpleasant and can be very serious if the victim is already
compromised in some way—for example, has another disease or is nutritionally deficient
or becomes dehydrated. This particular outbreak doesn’t seem as dangerous as it is being
portrayed and in fact may be less deadly than the annual flu. There are some common
sense avoidance procedures, but your very best bet for avoiding swine flu as well as other
diseases is to keep your immune system in top shape. Details follow.
Latest statistics, areas of outbreak, travel advisories: U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Google Swine Flu Map
How is the virus spread? By contact with infected pigs and by close contact with a
person who has the disease.
Symptoms: high fever (over 100◦), cough, runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, severe
headache, fatigue, possibly vomiting and diarrhea
Who is affected? Influenza is typically more serious in infants and the elderly. This
particular disease has been dangerous in young people—those who would not seem to be
at special risk. Many think the pollution in Mexico City damaged lungs there and made
citizens more vulnerable. Avoiding dehydration is also a big factor in survival.
Standard advice: The CDC and conventional medical authorities warn that we should
avoid crowds and close contact with sick people. Surgical masks may offer some
protection against spreading. We are also to wash our hands frequently; stay home if we
are sick and throw away tissues after use. There is nothing wrong with those cautions but
glaringly omitted is any advice on how to support your immune system.
Vaccines: The annual flu vaccine too often does not cover you for what goes around.
That is the case with the Mexican Swine Flu. As you can read in some of the opinion
pieces below, the immunizations for the 1976 swine flu outbreak caused 500 cases of
paralysis and 25 deaths—a much bigger problem than the epidemic itself. Listen to a
shocking interview on vaccines. And just for the record, it is now thought that the deaths
during the 1918 pandemic were not from the virus but from secondary bacteria infections
that could be effectively treated today. I have never had a flu shot nor the flu that I can
Drugs for the flu: Two anti-viral drugs are supposedly effective against this flu if you
use them quickly. Tamiflu is the best known. Its use is controversial because it only
shortens the duration a day or so and its side effects include all the symptoms of the flu
except fever. (So, if a well person took the drug they might feel like they have the flu—
such a deal!) Some psychiatric side effects are even more worrisome and may have
contributed to several deaths. A lot of smart people think that hysteria has been purposely
whipped up for the financial gain of companies making the vaccines and the anti-virals. If
I did have the flu, personally I wouldn’t accept the anti-viral drug risks because there are
effective and safer natural remedies such as homeopathics (listed below).
Your wonderful immune system: Many people exposed to the disease do not contract it
because they have strong immune systems and most who do contract the flu recover
quickly. Obviously you want to be in one of these two groups—not in the grim statistics
of those who perish due to weakened immunity.
Strengthen immune system function: The nice thing is you can do all of the items
below because they all work in different ways. In addition to being preventive, they
should also be in your survival kit for use in case illness strikes. (Put a printout of this
document in that kit too because it is hard to think straight when you are sick!)
Sleep – We repair and build strength when we sleep. Sleep deprivation is a stressor that
lowers immunity.
Adequate water – Drinking plenty of water helps all systems run more efficiently and
helps flush toxins. Adequate fluid intake also puts you in better shape to withstand the
dehydration that often accompanies the symptoms of the flu.
Diet – Real food such as vegetables build immune strength. Spices are also protective. It
is well documented that sugar reduces immunity for hours.
Good stomach acid level – Your stomach acid is your first line of defense against
pathogens. So, for goodness sake don’t block production of it with drugs. (If you have
heartburn, you should read my book: Natural Alternatives to Nexium, Maalox, Tagamet,
Prilosec and Other Acid-blockers.)
Colostrum is the supplement nature provides for newborns. Infants need a lot of help
since they’ve never been exposed to pathogens before and have no acquired immunity. It
makes perfect sense to me to give our immune systems this kind of boost when exposed
to a new virus.
Vitamin D – This hormone-like vitamin is made by our skin but most of us do not get
enough sun exposure, especially through the winter. (Do you really think it is a
coincidence that it’s known as the “colds and flu season”?) Several experts say that if you
take high doses (e.g. 50,000 units a day and even more for 3 days from the onset of
symptoms) you can nip viral infections in the bud.
Good bacteria in the digestive tract are an important, even crucial line of defense. They
kill bad bugs and build strength by improving digestion and absorption of nutrients,
detoxification and much more. Read about them under “Digestion” at this link.
Omega 3 fats like those in fish oil are renowned for their benefit to health of the heart,
brain and eyes, but its benefit to the immune system has also been shown in a large
number of studies. If you take Cod Liver Oil, you get the benefit of vitamin A and
vitamin D at the same time. I chose Nordic Naturals as a sponsor for my show because I
think they make the finest product.
Garlic – When the plague hit in the middle ages people protected themselves with garlic.
Now there are many studies showing how aged garlic improves the immune system. Our
sponsor Kyolic is the only source of aged garlic. I think the liquid is the most economical
(aging takes away the garlic flavor and smell as well as creating new beneficial
substances). It is available through one of our other sponsors,
Elderberry extract – Not only is this extract proven of benefit in overcoming viruses, it
tastes yummy. I prefer Sambucol because it has the most research and history of use.
Olive leaf extract – This is another plant used for centuries because it relieved infectious
disease symptoms. Modern science shows that one of the actions is against viruses. Read
Dr. Ron Hoffman’s interesting write-up.
Oscillococcinum - Research has demonstrated that this natural medicine reduces the
duration and severity of flu symptoms. It is easy to take and handy to have with you.
Vitamin A – A is especially important for health of the mucous membranes where the
virus takes up residence. At the first sign of any illness I start large doses, e.g. 75,000
units the first day and reduce over a week to a normal 5,000. (Any danger from high
doses of A is only if you stay on that level for a long period of time but don’t try this
remedy if you are pregnant.)
Vitamin C – Seems everyone knows about this one but often they take too little. Most
people can tolerate 500 mg buffered C per waking hour the first day. If you get a loose
stool, back off.
Magnesium – Magnesium is critical to immune function and hundreds of other reactions
in the body. Most people are low in magnesium. If you feel achy, soak in a warm Epsom
salts bath. Not only is it soothing, you will also absorb magnesium through your skin.
Topical magnesium spray is a good way to routinely get more without risking diarrhea.
Iodine – This mineral used to be known as the universal medicine and treated infections
before antibiotics were discovered. It is still used to sanitize surfaces in hospitals. The
Japanese obtain a huge amount of iodine since they eat sea vegetables. We do not get as
much iodine as we did years ago when it was an ingredient in bread. Worse yet, bromides
in bread and fluoride in water compete with the iodine we do get. Be careful, the liquid in
the first aid shelves is only for topical use. Iodoral is a high potency dietary supplement
available from among others. See the Mark Sircus article link
Zinc – Another mineral well known to improve immune function. It is hard to build up
your body stores in a hurry with tablets when you see the flu on the news, but the zinc
lozenges do seem to deliver the zinc in a way that is helpful quickly. Your health food
store should have several choices—ask which one tastes best. But don’t go to sleep with
one in your mouth because you will have trouble getting rid of the metallic taste.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Thoughts on concerns about vaccines.
Bill Sardi - Health journalist with a great overview.
Mark Sircus, OMD Commentary Among other things he discusses the importance of
iodine and magnesium.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz In this video he states his case that there are profit motives behind
the hyping of the threat.