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A&P 2 – Spring 2005
Test 3 – End of blood and Respiratory
Form A
Name ________________________
Lab _________
1. A thrombus is caused by:
a. fibrinogen that won’t turn into fibrin
b. platelets that won’t stop gathering in a broken blood vessel
c. vasoconstriction
d. lack of clotting factors
2. A abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells is called:
a. erythropenia
b. amenia
c. polycythemia
d. erythrocytosis
3. Which of the following ions function as a procagulant during blood clot formation?
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. calcium
d. chloride
4. Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis?
a. erythropoietin
b. hemorrhage
c. exercising more frequently
d. all of the above
5. The final stage of the clotting mechanism involves the conversion of:
a. calcium atoms to calcium ions
b. fibrinogen to fibrin
c. prothrombin to thrombin
d. thromboplastin to thrombin
6. The erythrocyte count increases when an individual goes from a low to a high altitude because:
a. the temperature is lower at higher altitudes
b. the temperature is higher at high altitudes
c. the concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is higher at higher altitudes
d. the concentration of oxygen and/or total atmospheric pressure is lower at high altitudes
7. Which pathway uses the coagulant “tissue factor”?
a. platelet plug
b. clotting factor “X”
c. intrinsic
d. extrinsic
8. Hemophilia is a disease associated with:
a. RBC ‘s
b. lymphatic system
c. increased WBC count
d. clotting factors
9. Which is not a type of anemia?
a. pernicious
b. athletes
c. sickle cell
d. fibrous
10. What is the name of a hemoglobin molecule when it has a H+ ion attached to it?
a. carboxyhemoglobin
b. hydroxcookiehemoglobin
c. oxyhemoglobin
d. deoxyhemoglobin
11. The overall exchange of gases between the atmosphere, blood, and cells is called:
a. inspiration
b. respiration
c. expiration
d. none of these
12. Carbon dioxide
a. moves from the systemic capillaries to the cells
b. bonds with hemoglobin stronger than oxygen does
c. combines with water to form carbonic acid in the erythrocyte
d. all the above are true
13. The exchange of gases between the blood and lungs is called:
a. external respiration
b. internal respiration
c. cellular respiration
d. perspiration
14. Of the following structures, the smallest in diameter is the:
a. primary bronchus
b. bronchioles
c. secondary bronchi
d. alveolar ducts
15. When the diaphragm lowers during breathing:
a. the thoracic cavity increases in volume
b. the thoracic cavity decreases in volume
c. the external intercostal muscles relax
d. the diaphragm is relaxed
16. Regarding the breathing process, which of the following is/are true?
a. the internal intercostal muscles contract in normal inspiration
b. when the lungs expand, the intraalveolar pressure decreases to something less than atmospheric
c. the diaphragm contracts and forces air out of the lungs during expiration
d. all of the above
17. The nose serves all the following functions except:
a. as a passageway for air movement
b. as the initiator of the cough reflex
c. warming and humidifying the air
d. cleaning the air
18. Most inspired particles, such as dust, fail to reach the lungs because of the:
a. ciliated mucous lining
b. abundant blood supply
c. stratified squamous lining
d. action of the epiglottis
19. If intraalveolar pressure is 762 mm Hg, what event will follow?
a. inhalation
b. exhalation
c. rest
d. checkmate
20. The alveolar PO is 104 mm Hg in the blood leaving the pulmonary capillaries.
Then, in a normal person, the PO is ____________ in blood leaving the cells of the body.
a. 40 mm Hg
b. 104 mm Hg
c. 160 mm Hg
d. 760 mm Hg
21. Where would you not find a chemoreceptor responsible for maintaining respiratory rate?
a. medulla
b. carotid body
c. aortic body
d. cerebellum
22. Which statement is true?
a. the lungs get bigger, and then air rushes in
b. air goes into the lungs, and then the lungs get bigger
c. your brain gets bigger, and then air rushes in
b. air goes into your brain, and then your brain gets bigger
23. The walls of the alveoli are composed of type I and type II cells. The function of type II is:
a. to secrete surfactant.
b. to trap dust and other debris.
c. to replace mucus in the alveoli.
d. to protect the lungs from bacterial invasion.
24. Put the following tubes in order from largest diameter to smallest diameter. Then pick the answer that is
third in line.
tertiary bronchi, trachea, primary bronchi, secondary bronchi
a. tertiary bronchi
b. trachea
c. primary bronchi,
d. secondary bronchi
25. The pleural membranes are vital to the lungs because:
a. they contain cilia that protect the lungs
b. they control the blood flow into and out of the lungs
c. they maintain the proper temperature of the lungs
d. they produce a lubrication allowing the lungs to glide past the thoracic wall during breathing
26. Intrapulmonic pressure is:
a. the pressure within the pleural cavity
b. the pressure within the alveoli of the lungs
c. a constant in a healthy adult
d. the difference between atmospheric pressure and respiratory pressure
27. The statement, “in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of
gases in the mixture” paraphrases:
a. Henry’s law
b. Boyle’s law
c. Dalton’s law
d. Katie’s law
28. Which of the following would decrease diffusion of a gas across the alveolar/pulmonary capillary
a. an increase in thickness of the membrane
b. an increase in surface area of the membrane
c. an increase in the pressure difference across the membrane
d. all of the above would decrease the diffusion of a gas
29. The most powerful respiratory stimulus for breathing in a healthy person is:
a. loss of oxygen is tissues
b. increase of carbon dioxide
c. increase in RBC count
d. nitrogen levels in the air
30. Nerve impulses from _________controls normal respiration.
a. the dorsal respiratory group
b. the ventral respiratory group
c. the pons
d. the goblet cells
31. Atmospheric PO2 is _________ alveolar PO2 and atmospheric PCO2 ___________alveolar PCO2
a. greater than: greater than
b. greater than: less than
c. less than: greater than
d. less than: less than
32. Oxygen levels _______ in the lungs and _______ at the cells of the body.
a. don’t change: increase
b. increase: don’t change
c. increase: decrease
d. decrease: increase
33. In the chloride shift, Cl- moves into red blood cells in exchange for:
a. H+
b. HCO3c. H2CO3
d. HbO2
34. Which of the following is related to the amount of CO2 in the blood:
a. hyperventilation
b. apnea
c. asthma
d. cystic fibrosis
35. Blockage of blood flow from heart failure or emboli in blood vessels is:
a. anemic hypoxia
b. ischemic hypoxia
c. histoxic hypoxia
d. hypoxia hypoxia
36. Which of the following correctly describes how CO2 is transported?
a. 20% of CO2 is carried dissolved directly into the plasma
b. 7% of CO2 is carried in the form of carbaminohemoglobin
c. 70% of CO2 is transported on bicarbonate ion
d. carbonic anhydrase is responsible for bonding CO2 to hemoglobin
37. The flap-like structure that prevents solids and liquids from entering into the trachea is called the:
a. oropharynx
b. epiglottis
c. larynx
d. thyroid cartilage
38. Select the correct statement about the pharynx.
a. the adenoids are located in the laryngopharynx
b. the auditory tube drains into the nasopharynx
c. the oropharynx is superior to the nasopharynx
d. the palatine tonsils are embedded in the lateral walls of the nasopharynx
39. The oropharynx does not include:
a. fauces.
b. palatine tonsils
c. nares
d. pharyngeal tonsils
40. A person who has a tidal volume of 400 ml, a vital capacity of 3000 ml, and a residual volume of 120ml
will have a total lung capacity of:
a. 3000 ml
b. 3120 ml
c. 3400 ml
d. 3520 ml
41. The amount of air that can be inspired above the tidal volume is called:
a. reserve air
b. expiratory reserve
c. inspiratory reserve
d. vital capacity
42. What is vital capacity given the following data?
IRV=3,500 ERV=2,000 TV=700
a. 3,000 ml
b. 5,500 ml
c. 6,200 ml
d. 7,200 ml
43. In premature newborns, what substance is not being produced in normal quantities thus causing respiratory
distress syndrome to occur?
a. water
b. mucus
c. carbon dioxide
d. surfactant
44. What percentage of hemoglobin molecules are unloading their oxygen in an individual involved with
"moderate" exercise thus demonstrating the reserve capacity of hemoglobin?
a. 100%
b. 75%
c. 50% d. 25%
45. In the plasma, the quantity of oxygen in solution is:
a. only about 1%
b. about equal to the oxygen combined with hemoglobin
c. greater than the oxygen combined with hemoglobin
d. there is no oxygen dissolved in the plasma
46. On which surface of each lung is the hilus located?
a. costal
b. lateral
c. superior
d. medial
47. Which of these is always less than 760mm Hg in a healthy individual?
a. atmospheric pressure
b. intrapulmonary pressure
c. intrapleural pressure
d. intraventricular pressure
50. Phagocytic cells in the alveolar wall are called __________.
a. lymphocytes
b. macrophages
c. basophils
d. phagocytes