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MCB2010 Lab Review Topics
Lab Introduction and Microscope (Ex1, Ex2)
Various parts of the light microcope; resolution,
working distance, refractive index.
General laboratory conduct and precautions;
Uses of different parts of the microscope;
calculation of total magnification; limit of
resolution of the light microscope;
purpose of immersion oil; correct
way to use, clean and store microscope.
Survey of micro-organisms (Ex 3)
Different shapes and arrangements of micro-organisms.
Algae and cyanobacteria
prokaryotes; Eukaryotes; primary producer;
heterocysts; akinetes; Chloroplast.
General characteristics of algae and cyanobacteria,
Differences between cyanobacteria and algae;
specific characterises of different groups of
algae, how do they differ from each other.
Filamentous and non-filamentous fungi, examples of
each; hyphae; mycelium; asexual spores;
conidiospores; sporangiospores, sporangium,
General characteristics of the fungi group. Asexual
Reproduction in filamentous and non-filamentous
fungi, hyphae, mycelium, Filamentous fungi,
Dimorphic fungi.
Primary consumer.
General characteristics of protozoans in general,
different groups of protozoans, characteristic of
each that differs from the others.
Antigen and antibody reactions.
Definitions: Antigen, soluble antigens, particulate antigens,
antibody, Anti –A, anti-B, anti-D. Agglutination
Blood types A, B, O and D; what antibody does each
type possess?
What antigens does each type possess?
Ex 5, 6, 7
Medium Handling and Aseptic techniques
Definitions: Aseptic techniques; colony; CFU; pellicle;
sediment; flocculent types of growth.
Use of inoculating loop and needle; correct ways
in handing agar tubes, broth tubes and agar
plates; use of agar slant, agar deep
(tube)and agar plates; Flaming of loops and
tubes; streaking of plate; correct way to
transfer micro-organism between different
Ex 8
Bacteria Motility
Brownian movements, what causes Brownian movement.
How is it different from true movement?
Bacterial movement by flagella, type of movement
observed under the microscope.
Ex 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
chromophore, auxochrome, acidic stains, basic
stains, simple stain, differential stain, negative
how simple stains work to stain bacteria, how
negative stains work, how different components of
the gram stain work, gram positive and gram negative
How to prepare bacteria smear for staining.
Steps in doing different types of staining, and why
if applicable.
Differential stains
Ziehl-Neelsen stain, Schaeffer-Fulton stain, capsule
stain, negative stain.
Steps in doing the acid-fast, endospore, capsule and
Negative stains.
What are specific reagents used? Differences
between each of the methods and between other
stains that you had handled. What do you expect to
see after successful completion of each of these
What would you expect to get if the stain is changed
in a particular instance? e.g. if you use basic
stain instead of an acidic stain in doing negative
Ex 14
Do you know how to do a proper gram stain in the lab?
Can you recognize the three common shapes and arrangements of
Bacteria under the microscope?
Can you perform a correct endospore and acid fast stain in the
Ex. 15, 16, 17
Bacterial growth curve, Antimicrobial susceptibility test
The Kirby-Bauer antibiotic sensitivity test? How is
it performed? What medium is being used? What is MIC?
Where can find it in the Kirby Bauer test? Phases of
the growth curve, Spectrophotometer, O.D. and
Transmission in Spectrophotometer. What is
antibiotics? What is antiseptics?
What is the zone of inhibition? How is it measured?
What is being measured? Why is there such a zone,
factors affecting the performance of the test. How is
bacterial susceptibility determined? What cause the
appearance of the different phases of the bacterial
growth curve? Principle of spectrophotometer
measurement, relationship between bacterial
concentration and spectrophotometer measurements.
Ex 18, 19, 21
Heat as method of microbial control
Psychrophiles, mesophiles, thermophiles, dry heat and
moist heat, pastuerization and autoclaving.
The use and examples of each type of heat for
microbial control, condition for each type of heat as
Microbial Control – Heat, UV radiation
Psychrophile, mesophile, thermophile, Dry heat, moist
heat, pasteurization, autoclave, ionizing,
non-ionizing radiations, thymine dimers, Dark repair,
pasturization temp and time requirements
autoclaving temp, pressure and time requirements
limitation of the various heating methods
differnces between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
and their effect on cells, examples of each type of
radiation. formation of thymine dimers. What is dark
repair, how does it work? Use of hemacytometer.
How to figure out dilution factors, how to express
numbers in the scientific way.
Ex 22A, 23, 24A
Water Analysis, sugar fermentation and exoenzymes
Fermentation; The three test for water analysis, EMB
agar, fermentation, exoenzyme, starch hydrolysis,
building block of starch, gelatin, Spirit Blue
Agar, casein hydrolysis
Why is water analysis necessary? What is the indicator
microbe for water analysis, why is it chosen? What
test is included in each of the three tests used in
water analysis?
What does it contain? How does it
differentiate different bacteria? What is the Lactose
broth tube? What are the ingredients in the lactose
broth tube, what is the use of each ingredient? How
do one test for fermentation and its products? What is
the use of EMB agar? How to test for starch, gelatin?
What is considered lipid hydrolysis positive? Casein
hydrolysis positive?
What are the building blocks for lipid? Casein?
Enzymes involved in hydrolysis?
Nitrate Reduction
The various pathway of nitrate reduction; what are the
products of each? How to test the various pathway of
nitrate reduction?
Steps involved and why?
IMViC tests
Understand: Indole test, Methyl Red test, VP test, citrate
utilisation test. What
is being tested, what is considered a positive test?
What make them
positive and why? What are the reagents used?
Catalase test
bacteria use
catalase, aerobic and aerobic bacteria
What are the products of aerobic respiration?
catalase? What reagents are used for the test? What is
a positive
Reagents used?
Selective and Differential Media
define: selective media; differential media, types of
hemolysis,characteristics of each type. Mannitol salt
agar, EMB agar
PEA agar, McConkey Agar
understand: how blood agar work as a differential media, what
does it
differentiate? Differences that you may expect
from the growth of
certain organisms in different media. What are the
agents and what / how are the differentiation
methods / agents
work in Mannitol salt and EMB agar.
Rapid identification method
enterotube rapid id system
use? How do you
how the enterotube id system work?
read and interpret results shown?
what is its