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Spelling Contract:
Read the choices below to decide what activities you would like to complete. You may choose
any combination of activities as long as they add up to 100 points. Spelling Contracts are due
FRIDAY morning. You are required to put the activity name and point value on each activity you
turn in. Add the total points and circle them on the top page of this page. Papers and
handwriting need to be correct and neat when turned in.
**Some activities will require an adult to sign.**
*You can only complete each activity once each week.*
25 Point Activities
1. Rainbow Spelling: Write your words tracing over your words with 3 different colors.
2. Write your words in ABC order 3 times each.
3. Take a practice test with a parent and have them grade it. (Parent signature required on test).
Write any words you miss 3 times each on the back of the test.
4. Word Sort- Sort you words based on the spelling rule for the week.
Explain your sort.
5. Write your words in order from longest word to shortest word and
then shortest word to longest.
6. Letter Value Words- Write all spelling words down and use the chart
to write the value of each letter below it. Then add to find the sum.
EX: p a r k
50 Point Activities
1. Write complete sentences using all your words, underline the words, and include no more than
2 spelling words per sentence. These must be well detailed third grade sentences.
2. Cut letters (not words) from a magazine or newspaper and glue them on a paper to spell your
3. Definitions- Using a dictionary, look up your spelling words. Write the definition and page
number that each word was found on.
By signing this contract, you are agreeing to do work with your spelling words that equals 100 points.
Contract work is due EVERY FRIDAY without fail. If you are absent on Friday the contract will be
expected upon your return. You will need to keep a copy of the contract in your agenda and homework
folder for easy access. On Fridays, turn in your homework assignments along with this contract all
stapled together.
Student Signature