Download The World at War - Dr. Jeffery B Cook Professor of History

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The World at War
I. European Conflict to World War
A. Japanese attack
Transformed the nature of the conflict
Pearl Harbor
Four days later
Hitler declares war on the US
Solved a problem for FDR
Hitler’s commanders
America was not an imposing power
Army, the Marines, Air Force, Navy
Japan also attacked
British, French, and Dutch colonial possessions
The globe was at war
B. The tide turns: 1942-1943
Sometimes tempting
Failure of the Germans in 1941 and 1942
Not the case
Spring in 1942
Germans launch a new offensive
Drive into the Caucasus
Very successful
The Germans and Japanese
Fear grew in the Allied camp
German-Japanese linkup
Invasion of French North Africa
Germans were defeated
Political implications in France
Allied invasion of Sicily 1943
Then mainland Italy
Italy surrendered
Mussolini was deposed
Fighting in Italy
Battle of Stalingrad
Great struggle
Grizzly combat
German 6th army
The bitter end
II. The Allied Assault on Fortress Europe
A. The Allied Air Offensive
Royal Air Force and US 8th Air Force
Strategic bombing
Serious departure
Systematic attack
Bombing cities
Raids were conducted at night
Royal Air Force
Daylight precision bombing
Bomb site
B. The D-Day Invasion: June 6, 1944
Turning point in the west
Largest invasion in history
Dwight David Eisenhower
After Normandy
Bitter fighting
On to Paris
The Germans
Combat troops from the East
Last counteroffensive
Came very close
Battle of the Bulge
End in defeat
The Allies began the push into Germany
C. The Russian offensive
June 1944
Major offensive
Toward the Bunker
Growing conviction
American forces should take Berlin
Eisenhower refuses
April 1945
Street by street
Hitler commits suicide
III. The Costs of War
A. The Dead
55 million people
B. European cities
Paris and Rome had been spared
London, Berlin, and Dresden
Refugees flooded the West
C. The Cold War
The most destructive war was at an end
Two great powers stood facing one another