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Ch. 27
Prelude to War (1933-1939)
A. Role of Hitler
1. Doctrine of Lebensraum
2. Russia’s Perceived Weaknesses
3. Racial Supremacy and Empire
B. “Diplomatic Revolution” (1933-1936)
1. Hitler’s “Peaceful” Goals
2. Repudiation of the Versailles Treaty
3. Occupation of the Rhineland
4. Alliance with Mussolini’s Italy
C. Path to War (1937-1939)
1. Annexation of Austria
2. Czechoslovakia and “Munich”
3. Invasion of Poland
Course of World War II
A. Victory and Stalemate (1939-1941)
1. Blitzkrieg and the British at Dunkirk
2. Fall of France and the Vichy Government
3. Winston Churchill
4. Battle of Britain
5. German Invasion of Russia
6. War in Asia
a. Japan in China
b. Pearl Harbor and America’s Entry into the War
B. Turning Point (1942-1943)
1. Germany’s Defeat at Stalingrad
2. Japan’s Defeat at Midway
C. Last Years of the War (1944-1945)
1. Allied Victories in North Africa and Italy
2. Allied Invasion of France on D-Day
3. Russian Victories in the East
4. Germany’s Surrender
5. Hiroshima and the Surrender of Japan
Nazi New Order
A. Nazi Empire
1. Conquest of “Inferior” Peoples
2. New Resources in the East
3. Use of Foreign Labor
B. Resistance Movements
1. Tito in Yugoslavia
2. DeGaulle’s Free French
3. Communists
4. Plot to Kill Hitler
C. Holocaust
1. Aryan Supremacy
2. Emigration: the Madagascar Plan
3. Final Solution
4. Concentration Camps: Experimentation and Death
5. Gypsies, Slavs, and Homosexuals
Home Front
A. Mobilization of Peoples
1. Planned Economy for Britain
2. Supercentralization in the Soviet Empire
3. Partial Mobilization of the American Economy
4. Late Total Mobilization of Germany
B. Frontline Civilians: Bombing of Cities
1. Attack Upon London
2. British Retaliation against German Cities
3. Bombing of Japan and Atomic Attack
Aftermath of the War: Emergence of the Cold War
A. Wartime Allied Conferences
1. Teheran and Percentages of Political Influence
2. Yalta and Roosevelt’s Ideal of Self-Determination
3. Potsdam and Growing Mistrust
4. Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech