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Ch. 6-7 Study Guide; US History
Chapter 6: Launching the Nation
Section 1: Washington Leads a New Nation
George Washington
Martha Washington
Judiciary Act of 1789
Electoral College
What were some precedents set by George Washington?
Section 2: Hamilton and National Finances
Alexander Hamilton
National Debt
Bank of the U.S.
Thomas Jefferson
loose construction
strict construction
Describe was Hamilton’s 3 part Economic Plan?
Why was the US capitol moved to Washington DC?
Compare Jefferson and Hamilton’s ideas about government.
Section 3 Challenges for the new Nation:
French Revolution
Neutrality Proclamation Privateers
Pinckney’s Treaty
Little Turtle
Treaty of Greenville
Jay’s Treaty
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Whiskey Rebellion
What were some early challenges for the United States during Washington’s presidency?
-Supporting the French or British/Fighting with Native Americans/ Whiskey Reb.
What advice did Washington offer in his “Farewell Address”?
Section 4: John Adam’s Presidency
Political Parties Federalist Party Democratic-Republican Party
XYZ Affair
Alien and Sedition Act
Kentucky/Virginia resolution
What happened in the election of 1796?
Briefly describe the XYZ Affair and its significance.
Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts so controvercial?
Chapter 7: The Jefferson Era
Section 1 Jefferson Becomes President
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Marbury v. Madison
John Marshall
judicial review
Why was the election of 1800 so controversial? Who won? What change to the
Constitution was made following the election?
How were Jefferson’s ideas different from his predecessors?
How did Marbury v Madison create Judicial Review?
Section 2: The Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase
Meriwether Lewis
Zebulon Pike
William Clask
How did the US acquire the Louisiana territory?
Describe the expeditions of Lewis and Clark and Zebulon Pike
Section 3: The Coming of War
USS Constitution
The Embargo Act
Non-Intercourse Act
Battle of Tippecanoe
War Hawks
James Madison
What problems existed between whites and Native Americans in the West? (Tippecanoe)
Secton 4 The War of 1812
Oliver Hazard Perry
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
Hartford Convention
What are the causes of the War of 1812?
Who were some of the military leaders for the United States?
What were some significant events from the war?
What were the results of the war?