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Spring 2008 Final Exam Study Guide for Am/Az History
Imperialism and WWI
1. Which factors stimulated U.S. imperialism?
2. Explain the Open Door Policy. How did it benefit American interests?
3. describe the anti-imperialist feelings from the Gilded Era up to WWI?
4. Explain the causes of the Spanish-American-Cuban War.
5. Outline the provisions for the Treaty of Paris, 1889 and which lands the United States acquired.
6. List the reasons that U.S. senators opposed America joining the League of Nations.
7. Explain isolationism and how it impacted American involvement in WWI.
8. Define the Sedition Act of 1918and which component of the constitution it violated.
9. Which causes led America to shift from Neutrality to Involvement in WWI?
10. Explain Teddy Roosevelt’s Policy Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick.
11. Who rejected Wilson’s Fourteen Point Peace Plan?
The Twenties
12. Define the Harlem Renaissance.What was the Scopes “Monkey” Trial?
13. Explain the reasons prohibition failed.
14. Why did the public react negatively to organized labor during the 1920s?
15. Who were the flappers? Describe some characteristics.
16. What led to increased American prosperity and rapid economic growth during the 1920s?
17. Which factors increased Americans’ standard of living during the 1920s?
18. What was the impact of installment plans?
19. Explain America’s increased entertainment options and technology during the 1920s?
20. In what ways did the KKK expand its membership in the 1920s?
21. Where was the Dust Bowl? What led to it? Where did people go?
22. What were Hoovervilles and why were they named after him?
The Great Depression and New Deal- The Thirties
23. What caused some of the New Deal programs to be cancelled? Which branch of government was least
receptive of these programs?
24. What was President Hoover’s approach to handling the Great Depression?
25. What led to the Stock Market Crash known as Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929)?
26. Explain the following New Deal policies: Social Security Act, Civilian Conservation Corps, Tennessee
Valley Authority, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Agricultural Adjustment Act. What made
the Social Security Act unique?
27. How did President Roosevelt communicate directly with the American people?
28. During FDR’s first term, what happened to the New Deal deficit spending?
29. Explain what the FDIC did?
30. List the Three R’s in the New Deal’s approach to combating the Great Depression.
31. What is the legacy of the New Deal on the role of the federal government?
World War II
32. What was the key event that shifted the United States from neutrality to involvement in WWII?
33. What was the immediate result of the D-Day invasion?
34. Who were the Navajo Code Talkers and how did they contribute to the war effort?
35. Which nationalities (racial groups) were targeted for investigation and internment during WWII?
36. In what ways did minority groups and women benefit from WWII?
37. In what ways did Americans support the war effort on the home front?
38. Explain the purpose of the Manhattan Project.
39. Explain the reasons that Truman and the United States used to justify the use of the atomic bomb?
40. Which locations were the targets for use of the first atomic bombs?
41. How did WWII help the United States recover from the Great Depression?
42. What were the Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937 designed to do?
43. What is the strategy utilized by the United States against Japan in the Pacific Ocean?
Early Cold War
44. What was the main goal of the Truman Doctrine?
45. What was the purpose of the Berlin Airlift?
46. Define the policy containment and its purpose.
47. What was the main goal of the Marshall Plan?
48. Which nations were members of NATO? Which were members of the Warsaw Pact?
49. The terms for the creation of which international body were discussed at the Yalta Conference?
50. Who were the Satellite Nations and how did they help form the Warsaw Pact?
51. Define Brinkmanship.
52. How did Eisenhower use brinkmanship during the Cold War?
Late Cold War
53. Where did the Bay of Pigs occur? Which two countries had increased hostilities because of it?
54. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
55. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis escalate the tensions between the Soviets and the United States?
56. What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorize?
57. What did the Ho Chi Minh Trail enable the Vietcong to do?
58. What was the reaction by most Americans to the Tet Offensive?
59. What was Vietnamization? What was the purpose?
60. Why was NASA formed?
61. What was the belief behind McCarthyism?
62. What effect did Sputnik have on America?
63. What were the goals of Johnson’s Great Society?
Domestic Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies
64. Why was the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) implemented?
65. Where did the Loyalty Review Board target communism?
66. What was the impact of Brown v. Board of Education
67. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?
68. What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?
69. What was SNCC?
70. Who was Malcolm X? What was his method to achieve equal rights?
71. How did Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X differ?
72. What was the main goal of the freedom rides during Freedom Summer?
73. Which amendment abolished the poll tax, helping to support the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
74. Who were the baby boomers?
75. What was the purpose behind the counter-culture movement?
76. What was the purpose of the GI Bill?
77. Which key anti-war event occurred at Kent State University?
78. Which four prominent political figures were assassinated during the 1960s?