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Student Learning Log
What should I be learning this unit?
Describe the reasons behind, and the results of, the
changing character of women during the 1920s and
how did they react to receiving the right to vote.
What was Jazz music and where did it originate?
What elements were behind the creation of a
national / mass culture during the 1920s?
What was the attitude of Republican presidents
toward business in the 1920s?
What was Prohibition and what lasting effects did it
What issue was the basis for of the Scopes Trial?
What initiated the Red Scare and how was the Red
Scare related to the Sacco & Vanzetti case, labor
unions and the Schenk v. U.S. case?
How did the automobile industry affect American
industry in general and the American landscape?
How did Henry Ford change manufacturing?
What changes took place in immigration during the
1920s and what resulted because of these changes?
What was the Teapot Dome scandal and how did it
reflect on the Republican presidencies?
What things contributed and or allowed Americans
to become major consumers in the 1920s?
Respond to what was taught