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Gifted and Talented AIM Learning Outcomes Framework
Grade: Sixth
Nine Weeks: 3rd
Subject: 1920s
Big Ideas: (Topics/Concepts): Changes and Influences on Society and Values in the 1920s
Enduring Understanding (What we want students to come to understand about the “big ideas.”)
To identify changes brought about in the 1920s due to aspects of popular culture.
To evaluate the influence of new popular culture on American society and values.
To discuss the role of religious diversity in schools.
To identify two opposing points of view.
To identify economic conditions and practices of the 1920s that made the economy unstable.
To use evidence about the 1920s economy to summarize and generalize about the era.
Essential Questions (Open ended to guide student inquiry and focus on “uncovering” “big ideas.”)
How did changes in popular culture affect society in the United States in the 1920s?
How did religious diversity influence the daily life of people in the 1920s?
How did the opposing points of view change society?
How did economic conditions impact the America in the 1920s?
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Six Facets of Understanding: Explanation, Interpretation, Application, Perspective, Empathy, Self-Knowledge
Bloom’s: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating
Learning Outcomes:
Understand and empathize popular culture on American Society and Values.
Understand and analyze implications of radio and silent movies on society.
Emphasize the influence of different points of view leading to economic issues of the era.
Make inferences about cultural values of the 1920s based on analyzation of the Scopes Trial.
Analyze the instability of the economy surrounding the Great Crash and how it lead to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
William & Mary Gifted Concept Goals
Goal 1: To develop understanding of the concept of cause and effect relationships
Goal 2: To develop reasoning skills with application to social studies.
Goal 3: To develop interpersonal and social group process skills.
Goal 4: To develop skills in historical analysis and primary source interpretation.
Goal 5: To develop understanding of key events of the 1920s in America and the social, economic, and political context of the period.
Priority TEK Support:
5. 13 A Explain how supply and demand affects consumers in the United States
5.14 C Analyze how developments in transportation and communication have influenced economic activities in the United States.
5. 14 E Analyze the effects of immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of the United States
5.21 D Summarize selected amendments to the U. S. Constitution such as those that extended voting right of U. S. citizens
5.5 A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as urbanization, industrialization, increased use of oil and gas, world wars,
and the Great Depression
5.5 B Identify the accomplishments of notable individuals such as … Franklin D. Roosevelt who have made contributions to society in the
areas of civil rights, women’s rights, military actions, and politics
6.17 A Explain aspects that link or separate cultures and societies
6.18 C Describe ways in which societal issues influence creative expressions
6.2 B
Describe the influence of individual and group achievement on selected historical or contemporary societies
6.21 A Differentiate between locate and use primary and secondary sources to acquire information … about selected cultures
6.21 B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause and effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main
idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions
6.21 C Organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, and charts,
6.21 D Identify different points of view about an issue or topic
6.21 F Use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs
6.4 C
Explain ways in which human migration influences the character of places and regions
6.7 C
Describe ways in which technology influences human capacity to modify the physical environment
Plan for Learning ~
“What” Content
“How” Process/Strategies
“Do” Performance/Evaluation
Radio/Movies/Sports p. 211223
Read and discuss article,
“Radio” and article,
“Recording Devices” from
the resource book
Communication (Walter A.
Hazen. Pub: Good Year
Complete Venn Diagram to compare radio then and now.
Consider these ideas: similarities between radio then and
now; programs offered by radio stations today vs. those in
the past; advantages of early radio over television, etc.
Working in groups,
students will analyze 4
primary sources p.215-222
Scopes trial p. 225-246
*Read background
information about the
Scopes Trial p.229
Listen to War of the Worlds recording. Find auditory cues
that would have lead people to panic and believe that this
was a real event occurring.
Complete chart: Flappers and All the Rest!
Using the trial transcript, students will take parts for a
Journal writing: While Americans assume that church and
state should be kept separate and that schools should not
teach students to follow particular religious beliefs, this is
not true in all countries. Write about the positive and
negative implications of the American assumption about
the need to keep religion out of school.
An Unstable Economy p. 247253
*Using Eye on History’s
The Great Depression by
Walter Hazen, Read and
discuss Black Thursday,
Blacker Tuesday, pg. 7.
Continue with Spending
and Speculation pgs. 8-9.
Blacker Tuesday, pg. 7.
Continue with Spending
and Speculation pgs. 8-9.
Read and discuss.
Stock Market Game – Track stock reports and research,
earning/losses, and use hypothetical money to buy and sell
The Great Crash p. 255-258
Have students debate: Do the disadvantages of buying on
the installment plan far outweigh the advantages?
Analyze the events leading to the Stock Market crash.
Think about how people in the 1920s felt from different
points of view … banker, farmer, family, business man, etc.
Create a presentation of choice teaching others about the
impact of this event.