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Anatomy and Physiology Terminology
AKA ... a new language
1st thing 1st
 Anatomical Position
▪ Right and left refer to “body right” and “body left”
 The “body” is the one we are talking about. Not yours, unless you are the one being
discussed. ^-^
Relative Terms
 Describe the location of a body part with respect to another body part. So, they depend on other
 1st Set
◦ Superior – body part
◦ Inferior – body part is
Some more partners
 2nd set
◦ Anterior (AKA ventral)(belly side)
◦ Posterior (AKA dorsal) –
 3rd set
◦ Medial – refers to an imaginary line that separates us into right and left sides; it means
◦ Lateral –
A few more...
 4th set
◦ Proximal – body part is
body part
◦ Distal – body part is
other part
 5th set
◦ Superficial (AKA peripheral)- situated
◦ Deep – is
in respect to this imaginary line
to the trunk than another
to the trunk than the
than another part
Done with partners... Now we get to look at sections!
 Three imaginary planes divide the body and are used to organize and give relative locations to
internal parts
– divides the body into right and left portions
▪ If on the midline called
◦ Transverse (
) – divides body into inferior and superior
◦ Coronal (
) divides body into anterior and posterior sections
A few more sections
 The previous sections can be used to divide organs as well.
If the organ is a cylinder, such as a long bone, there are a few more.
◦ Cross section –
◦ Oblique section –
◦ Longitudinal section –
Body regions... Yep, they get special names, too.
 1st up... the 9 regions of the abdominal area
◦ Epigastric region – upper middle portion
◦ Left and Right Hypochondriac regions – lie on either side of the epigastric region
◦ Umbilical region – middle portion where the belly button is
◦ Left and Right Lumbar regions - either side of the umbilical region
◦ Hypogastric region – lower middle portion
◦ Left and Right iliac (or inguinal) region – either side of the hypogastric region
Some more...
 The abdomen can be divided into only four quandrants, depends on what the doctor needs...
◦ Right and left upper quadrant
◦ Right and left lower quadrant
Now, the list begins...
 Abdominal – region between the thorax and the pelvis
 Acromial- the point of the shoulder
 Antebrachial – the forearm (lower arm)
 Antecubital – space in front of the elbow
 Axillary – the armpit
 Brachial – the arm
 Buccal – the cheek
It keeps going....
 Carpel – the wrist
 Celiac – the abdomen (go fig.. its got two names)
 Cephalic – the head
 Cervical – the neck
 Coxal – the hip
 Crural – the leg
 Cubital – the elbow
And going...
 Digital – the finger
 Dorsal – the back
 Femoral – the thigh
 Frontal – the forehead
 Gentital – the reproductive organs
 Gluteal – the buttocks
 Inguinal – the depressed area of the abdominal wall near the thigh (groin)
And going....
 Lumbar – the lower back between the ribs and the pelvis
 Mammary – the breast
 Mental – the chin
 Nasal – the nose
 Occipital – the lower posterior region of the head
 Oral – the mouth
Still going...
 Orbital – the eye cavity
 Otic – the ear
 Palmar – the palm of the hand
 Patellar – the front of the knee
 Pectoral – the chest
 Pedal- the foot
 Pelvic – the pelvis
 Perineal – the region between the anus and the external reproductive organs
Until you're sick of them
 Plantar – the sole of the foot
 Popliteal – the area behind the knee
 Sacral – the posterior region between the hipbones
 Sternal - the middle of the thorax, anteriorly
 Tarsal – the instep of the foot
 Umbilical – the navel
 Vertebral – the spinal column